Collaborative Partnerships to Conduct Community Health Assessments Matthew A. Stefanak, MPH1 R. Scott Olds, HSD, MS, MLIS2 Wen Fang Chan, MPH3 Tracy Styka, MS1 Robert W. Indian, MS3 Jon Jenney, MA4 American Public Health Association 131st Annual Meeting San Francisco, California 1 Mahoning County District Board of Health, Ohio Health Department; 2 Kent State University; 3 Ohio Department of Health; 4 Northeast Ohio Universities College of Medicine (Area Health Education Center)
Objectives Identify necessary steps to establishing a collaborative partnership among, local, state and and university public health professionals to complete a community health assessment; and Describe the nature of such a collaborative partnership. 9/18/2018
Rationale for Partnering Time Resources Expertise Improved outcomes 9/18/2018
Partners County Health Department State Health Department University Area Health Education Center 9/18/2018
Steps Followed County health department wanted to conduct a local BRFSS to supplement state BRFSS They issued an RFP Contracted w/Kent State University’s Survey Research Laboratory (SRL) Supplemental BRFSS items included: Food handling practices, disability, worksite health promotion, environmental issues, home safety, animal control, second hand smoke exposure and firearm safety 9/18/2018
Steps Followed SRL conducted a random digit dial telephone survey of adult, non-institutionalized county residents 4. State health department provided assistance in the weighting of the local data 5. All parties assisted with analysis between local and state BRFSS data 9/18/2018
Steps Followed A written report was jointly prepared The report was presented at a news conference The report has been posted on the local health department’s web site The data are being used for public health planning and evaluation purposes 9/18/2018
Benefits Sharing work load Tapping expertise from varied sources Serving as a model for other Ohio communities Improving public health practice that leads to improved community health status 9/18/2018