Special Education 101 September 16, 2004
Mandated Program Protected by Law (504) - Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (IDEA) - Individuals with Disability Education Act (ADA) - Americans with Disabilities Act (NCLB) - No Child Left Behind
IDEA Governs who, what, how and when of delivery of services to students with disabilities Outlined in a document called an IEP - Living document, updated quarterly, changed, if needed - Outlines specially designed instruction & supports
What Makes Special Education So Special? Special Education is not a place. It is a set of “services” provided to/for a student with disabilities.
Special Education 101 in Horry County The Facts
Percentage of Students with Disabilities FACTS Percentage of Students with Disabilities 5,610 Total State Horry County Schools 16.48% 18.47%
IEP participants CORE MEMBERS Parent At least one general ed teacher Rep of HCS other than student’s teacher At least one special ed teacher Other individuals who have knowledge of the child ADDITIONAL MEMBERS An individual who can interpret the instructional implications of evaluation results Director of career and technology Transition services participant The child
Parent Participation First notice --7 calendar days before the meeting Second notice --3 calendar days before the meeting
IEP Decisions If parents do not agree with the IEP and do not sign the IEP, HCS assumes ultimate responsibility to ensure that the IEP includes the services the child needs in order to receive FAPE IEP decisions are NOT based upon a majority “vote” Decisions are reached through consensus building