I G O L Integrated Global Observations of the Land A proposed theme to the IGOS-Partnership FAO-SDRN May 2004
IGOS Themes Process for developing themes : Process for developing themes : Form a group of interested partners and internationally recognized experts Form a group of interested partners and internationally recognized experts Consult user communities to define needs and products Consult user communities to define needs and products Assess current status of observations Assess current status of observations Identify gaps in coverage and actions required Identify gaps in coverage and actions required Theme content : Theme content : Objectives Objectives Roles and responsibilities Roles and responsibilities Milestones Milestones Evaluation criteria Evaluation criteria Level of effort required Level of effort required
IGOS Themes - Oceans - Coral reefs sub-theme - Atmospheric chemistry - Coastal - Carbon - Water - Geohazards -Land -Cryosphere Under implementation : Ready for implementation : Advanced development : Under development :
The Need for a Land Theme IGOS-P has not yet considered the observational needs relating to many aspects of the land IGOS-P has not yet considered the observational needs relating to many aspects of the land Sustainable economic development Sustainable economic development Natural resources management Natural resources management Conservation and biodiversity Conservation and biodiversity Climate change and its impacts Climate change and its impacts Ecosystems Ecosystems Functioning Functioning Services Services Biogeochemical cycling Biogeochemical cycling Multilateral environmental agreements Multilateral environmental agreements development, implementation mandatory reporting and monitoring. development, implementation mandatory reporting and monitoring. The World Summit on Sustainable Development pointed to the need to "Promote the development and wider use of earth observation technologies, including satellite remote sensing, global mapping and geographic information systems, to collect quality data on environmental impacts, land use and land - use changes. The World Summit on Sustainable Development pointed to the need to "Promote the development and wider use of earth observation technologies, including satellite remote sensing, global mapping and geographic information systems, to collect quality data on environmental impacts, land use and land - use changes.
Stake-holders International organizations (FAO, UNEP and WMO) International organizations (FAO, UNEP and WMO) International intergovernmental actions (e.g. G8 sustainable forest management programs) International intergovernmental actions (e.g. G8 sustainable forest management programs) Scientific community Scientific community Environmental Conventions secretariats, international development and aid agencies and NGOs Environmental Conventions secretariats, international development and aid agencies and NGOs General public General public
Deciding what to include and not include Global scale or the local benefit from global scale Case has been made in IGOS-P documents Spatially disaggrega- ted Realistic chance of being implemented IGOS-P can help
The Main Components of a Land Theme 1.Land Cover and Land Use 2.Human settlement and population 3.Managed ecosystems Agriculture, pastoralism, forestry Agriculture, pastoralism, forestry 4.Natural ecosystems Conservation, biodiversity, sustainable use. Conservation, biodiversity, sustainable use. 5.Soils 6.Biogeochemical cycles 7.Elevation
Central role of Land Cover and Remote Sensing in the Land theme Reliable knowledge of land cover and land cover change is central to most aspects of a Land Theme. Reliable knowledge of land cover and land cover change is central to most aspects of a Land Theme. Remote sensing with selected in situ data collection has the potential to provide such information both locally regionally and globally. Remote sensing with selected in situ data collection has the potential to provide such information both locally regionally and globally.
Roles and responsibilities International coordination mechanisms for observations International coordination mechanisms for observations FAO (especially GTOS),UNEP, UNESCO, WMO FAO (especially GTOS),UNEP, UNESCO, WMO Scientific research Scientific research IGBP, WCRP, IHDP IGBP, WCRP, IHDP Remotely sensed data and derived products Remotely sensed data and derived products Space agencies; some activities now operational e.g. through NPOESS, most still research instruments only. Space agencies; some activities now operational e.g. through NPOESS, most still research instruments only. Note that land observations are not well coordinated in many areas – need for improved mechanisms Note that land observations are not well coordinated in many areas – need for improved mechanisms
Evaluation Criteria (preliminary) To be fully developed once the final scope of the IGOL activity is defined. 1.Identification of the specific contributions to the programs of IGOS-P partners if the recommendations are adopted. 2.Specific recommendations for improvements in space- borne observations (including improved continuity). Better understanding by CEOS members of land requirements that can be satisfied with improved space- based observations. 3.Improved international coordination for the assembly and exchange of terrestrial in situ observations.
Rationale Increasing consensus to include in IGOS an integrated approach to land needs' observations Increasing consensus to include in IGOS an integrated approach to land needs' observations Reliable observations of the terrestrial environment Reliable observations of the terrestrial environment Climate change and its impacts, Climate change and its impacts, Sustainable economic development, natural resources management, conservation, biodiversity Sustainable economic development, natural resources management, conservation, biodiversity Ecosystems and biogeochemical cycling Ecosystems and biogeochemical cycling Development, implementation and monitoring of a number of multilateral environmental agreements Development, implementation and monitoring of a number of multilateral environmental agreements Vast quantities of observations but lack of international coordination and standardization of observations: Vast quantities of observations but lack of international coordination and standardization of observations: Country-by-country and region-by-region comparisons difficult Country-by-country and region-by-region comparisons difficult Hindering reliable overall understanding of land processes at a global scale Hindering reliable overall understanding of land processes at a global scale
Work Plan 5Assume acceptance at May IGOS-P Meeting 6-7Revise proposal as needed following guidance at IGOS-P meeting. Seek input more widely from partners. Generate revised draft and circulate to Team members 8-9Initial meeting of Team. Scope each of the main bullets targeting the highest priority observations. Decide if sub-teams and extra expertise needed. Sub-Teams likely would be virtual with no face-to-face meetings. 9-11Comprehensive assessment of official existing requirements by area. Draft statement of requirements 12nd Theme Team Meeting to assess balance between requirements and capabilities. Outline needed enhancements. 2-4Prepare first draft of enhancements required (3 months) 5Writing group meets to decide on final report outline 5-6Prepare first draft of report (3months). 8Internal review by Theme Team 9Final meeting of Theme Team to finalize report 10Seek external review 11Prepare final document (1 month). 12Submit Theme Team Report
Milestones September 2004 Agreement by Theme Team on precise scope of IGOL including any phasing September 2004 Agreement by Theme Team on precise scope of IGOL including any phasing January 2004 First preliminary statement of needed enhancements January 2004 First preliminary statement of needed enhancements July st Draft of report July st Draft of report December 2005 Submission of final report. December 2005 Submission of final report.
Resources The theme will only happen if some Partners (or members of Partners in the case of CEOS) are willing to put forward some realistic resources The theme will only happen if some Partners (or members of Partners in the case of CEOS) are willing to put forward some realistic resources Allocation of time of employees Allocation of time of employees Some support of any non-agency personnel Some support of any non-agency personnel Coordination support (say 0.5 FTE for 18 months) Coordination support (say 0.5 FTE for 18 months) Meeting costs Meeting costs Printing costs of report Printing costs of report
Proposed preliminary membership J. R. Townshend (GOFC/GOLD, GTOS) J. R. Townshend (GOFC/GOLD, GTOS) Dennis Ojima (IGBP) Dennis Ojima (IGBP) Alan Belward (GCOS) Alan Belward (GCOS) Christiana Schmullius (GOFC/GOLD) Christiana Schmullius (GOFC/GOLD) Jeff Tschirley (FAO) Jeff Tschirley (FAO) Olivier Arino (ESA) Olivier Arino (ESA) Chris Justice (GOFC/GOLD) Chris Justice (GOFC/GOLD) Tony Janetos (Heinz Center) Tony Janetos (Heinz Center) John Latham (GTOS) John Latham (GTOS) Timo Maukonen (UNEP) Timo Maukonen (UNEP) Roberta Balstad Miller (CIESEN) Roberta Balstad Miller (CIESEN) Jay Feuquay (USGS) Jay Feuquay (USGS) Jiyuan LIU (CAS) Jiyuan LIU (CAS)
Acknowledgments Thanks to the following for advice and contributions to the proposals preparation: Thanks to the following for advice and contributions to the proposals preparation: Alan Belward, Steve Briggs, David Williams, Jeff Tschirley, John Latham, Paul Reichert, Roberta Balstad Miller, Olivier Arino Alan Belward, Steve Briggs, David Williams, Jeff Tschirley, John Latham, Paul Reichert, Roberta Balstad Miller, Olivier Arino