Upward Soccer Coach Training
What we will cover at this training Primary responsibilities of an Upward Soccer Coach The basics of soccer practices Coach resources to assist you in conducting practices How to conduct mid-practice devotions The basics of soccer game days Rules unique to Upward Soccer Understanding the substitution system Player recognition through game day stars
360 Progression As an Upward Soccer Coach, you have the opportunity and responsibility to build your players into total athletes by utilizing the 360 Progression. You do this by developing them mentally, athletically, spiritually, and socially. This unique approach is based on Luke 2:52: “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.”
360 Progression Mentally – Making Wise Decisions Through soccer, you will teach life lessons that will promote making wise decisions on and off the field. A 360 Coach knows how to teach the game in a way that young athletes can understand. Athletically – Improving Physical Ability One of the main reasons parents register their young athlete to play is to improve their physical ability. A 360 Coach knows how to build athletic foundations through drills that enhance skill development.
360 Progression Spiritually – Embracing Life’s Purpose The mission of Upward Sports is to promote the discovery of Jesus through sports. This mission is carried out by the 360 Coach, as you introduce life’s true purpose through intentional character lessons throughout the season while leading to an introduction of the Gospel message. Socially – Fostering Healthy Relationships An important part of growing as an athlete is connecting with teammates. As they enjoy time with others, they are building healthy relationships. As a 360 Coach, you should be a catalyst in encouraging this connection because it builds a socially healthy team.
360 Coaching Keys 1. Teach the game through drills – The ability to execute proper drills enhances skill level and improves athletic foundations. Your practices should utilize drills that enhance skill development. 2. Teach the rules of soccer – For the players to grow in the sport they must understand and apply the rules of the game. Take time to explain rules and why they are important.
360 Coaching Keys (continued) Instill sportsmanship with a competitive spirit – This may sound like a contradiction in terms but it’s not. Your young athletes need to learn how these two important elements work together: Great sportsmanship involves valuing others. Your players should recognize how to value their opponents as well as their teammates. A competitive spirit is all about doing your best to win in all situations of the game. Therefore, you want to teach your young athletes to value others by treating them the right way as they give their best to win each play, each half, and each game.
360 Coaching Keys Communicate effectively – In order to teach the rules, explain drills and teach sportsmanship, you have to be an effective communicator. Likewise, good communication and organization are crucial in keeping parents informed throughout the season. This includes keeping them up to date on practice and game times and having a plan in place each and every practice.
Get to know your team’s parents Start the season off right by getting to know the parents of your players. Include them in your first post-practice huddle. Here are some thing to cover in the first meeting with parents: Introduce yourself and share your excitement about the season Give them a copy of the team roster Ask a parent to put together a schedule for families to rotate bringing snacks to games Encourage all parents to work on skills at home with their young athlete
Practice Breakdown 1. Pre-Practice Huddle (3-5 minutes) – Cover specific soccer rules and the basics of soccer. Teach and review proper techniques for each skill needed for practice drills. 2. Warm-up Activity (3-5 minutes) – Provide players the opportunity to practice individually and slowly warm up their muscles. 3. Practice skills through drills (20 minutes) – Use drills that reinforce skill development. Focus on only one to two skills per practice.
Practice Breakdown (Continued) 4. Mid-practice huddle (5-7 minutes) – Share the practice-specific devotion for each week. 5. Scrimmage or games that teach (20 minutes) – Guide players in using the skills they are learning through scrimmaging. 6. Post-practice huddle (5 minutes) – Distribute practice cards and make any necessary announcements. After practice is a great time to engage in conversation with parents.
Coach Playbook The coach playbook has been provided for you to use in the following areas: Suggested skills to teach with a detailed description of how to properly perform each skill. Introductory drills to help develop player’s soccer skills. Devotions to share at each practice. Sticker stars to be distributed to players at practices and games.
Online Coach Resource (MyUpward.org) The coach resources of MyUpward.org contain everything you need to be a successful Upward Soccer Coach, including: Skills and Drills Weekly practice devotions Rules unique to Upward Soccer Substitutions Upward Soccer Stars – Game day recognition
Online Coach Resource (MyUpward.org) Here’s how to access these online resources: You will receive an email from the league director containing a link to MyUpward.org. Click on the link and create a password (your username will already exist as your email address). You will then be able to access the resources on MyUpward.org. * If you have not already received this email, see your league director.
The Coach’s Sideline The Coach’s Sideline is a complete practice guide that is customized to the age division that you coach. In it you will find pre-practice huddle topics, warm-up activities, skills focus, skills/drills as well as the specific practice devotion. These practice plans are available at: MyUpward.org
The Coach App Coaching made simple! The Upward Soccer Coach App provides you a quick, paperless way to coordinate key coaching responsibilities for both practices and games. With the Coach App you’ll be able to: Manage player/guardian information View practice plans Substitute players on game day Assign and track star distribution for each game To utilize the app, enter the same username and password you use to access resources on MyUpward.org.
The Coach App Some of the many benefits of the app include: No data entry for players! The coach app automatically imports your players and contact information into the app. The app automatically imports your practice plans (Coach’s Sidelines) for the age group you are assigned to coach. Also, no internet is needed after the initial download of the practice plans. You will be able to send group emails to parents straight from the app. The coach app is only $.99 and is available on iPhone (iPad compatible) and Android phones.
Mid-Practice Huddle At the midpoint of every practice, you will lead a 5-8 minute devotion during the mid-practice huddle time. The devotions teach on the character of Christ through the virtues he modeled. This season will focus on three virtues. Each virtue will be the focus of three practices and are highlighted by one verse. Let’s take a look at the virtues and verses:
Mid-Practice Huddle All Scripture verses for the season will be made available to players through practice cards. Devotion guides are found in your coach playbook as well as on MyUpward.org. It is important to prepare for each week’s devotion prior to practice. On page 32 of your coach training guide is the first practice devotion. If you do not receive your coach playbook by your first practice, follow this guide during your first mid-practice huddle.
Practice Cards Each player will receive a practice card at the end of Practices 2, 5, 8 and the last practice. Each card contains the Scripture verse being learned for the current practice plus the next two practices. Through these practice cards, players will be able to learn the Scripture verses away from practices and will be familiar with them when they return to the next practice.
“The Stand In” DVD Inside your coach box you will find a DVD for each player entitled “The Stand In”. This DVD presents the gospel in an engaging way by explaining what Jesus did for each of us. The DVD should be distributed to your players at the end of your next to last practice. This practice is scheduled to be the week of ___Sept. 18th ___________.
Green Practice Stars Green sticker stars known as practice stars are found in the back portion of your coach playbook. These stars are distributed to each player at practice for participating in learning the Scripture verse. Players are not required to memorize the verse individually to receive a star. Players will display these stars on their award poster along with the game day stars they receive. *Note: The green practice stars should not be confused with the multi-colored game day stars, which are awarded at the end of each game.
Rules Unique to Upward Soccer Field of Play (4v4)
Rules Unique to Upward Soccer Field of Play (7v7)
Game Format A coin flip will decide which half each team will start on. Teams will switch goals at halftime. Games consist of two 18 minute halves with three 6 minute periods per half, one minute for substitutions and an eight minute halftime. All coaches will adhere to the substitution rules as detailed in your coach training guide. The game clock is maintained by the scorekeeper and will only stop for the predetermined substitutions. Referees will call and explain all violations. There is no extended time in Upward Soccer. Coaches are allowed to walk the sidelines to support players. No division standings are maintained in any division.
The Ball and Game Duration K5/2nd Grade: Size 3 3rd-6th Grade: Size 4 Game Duration Periods of Play – The game will consist of two 18-minute halves with each half being divided into three 6-minute periods. Halftime– Halftime will be an eight-minute interval between the two 18-minute halves. Game Clock– The game clock will be maintained by the scorekeeper. **Each home team will provide a scorekeeper for their game**
Out of Bounds Out-of-bounds: The entire ball must go out-of-bounds to be out of play. If part of the ball is still touching the line, play continues uninterrupted.
Rules Unique to Upward Soccer 4v4 6v6 /7v7 Number of Referees K5 Only: 1 coach each team Two (2) referees 1st-2nd: minimum of 1 Match Length K5-2nd Grade: Consist of two (2) eighteen (18) min. halves with each half divided into three (3) six-minute segments. There is an 8-minute halftime and no extended periods Consist of two (2) eighteen (18) min. halves with each half divided into three (3) six-minute segments. There is an 8-minute halftime and no extended periods.
Rules Unique to Upward Soccer 4v4 6v6 /7v7 Start/Restart of Play A restart kickoff is taken from the center circle at the start of each half and after a goal is scored. The initial touch (pass) must go forward, toward the defending goal. The ball must touch another teammate or opponent before the initial player kicker touches the ball again. If the pass/touch kick does not go forward or if the ball is touched a second time by the initial kicker before another player touches the ball, the kickoff should be retaken. A goal may not be scored from the kickoff, because all goals must be scored from the offensive side of the field. The opposing team must stay outside of the center circle. Both teams must be on their own half of the field and outside of the center circle until the first touch on the ball is made, after which they may attempt to win the ball.
Rules Unique to Upward Soccer 4v4 6v6 /7v7 Ball In/Out of Play The entire ball must go out of bounds to be out of play. If part of the ball is still touching the line, play continues uninterrupted. Scoring Score is NOT kept for K5 Score is kept for 1st/2nd Score is kept Scoring Requirement A goal may only be scored from a player’s offensive end of the field. This prohibits a player from scoring a goal from the center circle on a kickoff or from a goal kick and encourages them to pass the ball and work as a team rather than attempting to kick the ball the length of the field Tournament Play No tournaments since score is not kept
Number of Players (1st/2nd Grade) Team Size: The maximum number of players per team is 8. Team Format: 4v4 No Goalkeeper: Because of the goal arc and the size of the goal there is no need for a goalkeeper. This is meant to give all players an active role as field players. However, as to not take away from players who are naturally gifted defenders, you are allowed to play with a defender near the goal. Additional Players: One additional player may be added to the field of play by a team that is four goals behind. The additional player may remain on the field until the score differential is two goals.
Number of Players (3rd/4th Grade) Team Size: The maximum number of players per team is 12 (6v6) / 14 (7v7) Team Format: 6v6/7v7 –Including Goalkeeper Position Formation: 2 defenders, 1 mid-fielder, 2 forwards and a goalkeeper is the base formation. 2 defenders, 2 mid-fielder, 2 forwards and a goalkeeper is the base formation. Other formations are acceptable based on the game situation. Additional Players: There will be no additional players added to the field for any reason.
Rules Unique to Upward Soccer 4v4 6v6 /7v7 Shooting Arc There is no ball contact allowed within the shooting arc. If the ball comes to a stop within the arc, a goal kick is awarded to the defensive team regardless of who touched the ball last. If the ball has broken the plane of the shooting arc and a defensive player touches the ball, a goal is awarded. If the attacking player touches the ball inside the arc, a goal kick is awarded. The plane of the shooting arc extends upward. No shooting arc exists.
Rules Unique to Upward Soccer 4v4 6v6 /7v7 Possession of the Ball The team in possession of the ball at the end of the first, second, fourth and fifth period retains possession of the ball. The team with possession of the ball will start the next period with a throw-in at the closest point on the sideline when play was stopped. The team that did not start the game with the kickoff will begin the second half of the game with a kickoff. Slide Tackling Slide tackling will NOT be allowed in Upward Soccer due to safety risks involved. Headers Headers will NOT be allowed. Although this technique is used in advanced levels of soccer, it can pose as a safety risk and is therefore not allowed. Offside Offside is NOT called for K5-2nd, but will be called for 3rd-6th
Rules for Upward Soccer (3rd-6th Grade) Offside A player is in an offside position if: He is nearer to his opponents’ goal line than both the ball and the second-last opponent A player is not in an offside position if: He is in his own half of the field of play or He is level with the second-last opponent or He is level with the last two opponents A player cannot be considered offside if he receives the ball directly from: A goal kick A throw-in A corner kick
Rules for Upward Soccer (3rd-6th Grade) Offside It is not an offence in itself to be in an offside position. A player in an offside position is only penalized if, at the moment the ball is played by one of his teammates, he is, in the opinion of the referee, involved in active play by: Interfering with play Interfering with an opponent Gaining an advantage by being in that position
Rules Unique to Upward Soccer 4v4 6v6 /7v7 Fouls/Misconduct Fouls shall result in either a direct or indirect free kick. The referee must explain ALL infringements to the offending player. No cards shown for misconduct. Players who commit two (2) fouls resulting in direct kicks (excluding handballs) in the same segment must sit out the remainder of that segment. Those players can return during their next scheduled substitution. Indirect/Direct Free Kick Opponents of team taking the free kick must be at least five (5) yards from the ball until put into play. Opponents of team taking the free kick must be at least eight (8) yards from the ball until put into play.
Rules Unique to Upward Soccer 4v4 6v6 /7v7 Penalty Kicks None The penalty mark is made seven (7) yards from the midpoint between goal posts and all players should be positioned behind the player taking the penalty kick. If the kick does not result in a goal and the ball is still in play, then play continues live. Throw-Ins Opponents five (5) yards from ball until put into play Goal Kicks The ball should be placed on the end line, five (5) yards from the shooting arc on the side in which the ball was played out. Defenders should retreat behind midfield until the ball is put into play. Conform to FIFA. It is recommended that opponents remain in their own half until ball is in play. The team taking the goal kick does not have to wait for the opposition to retreat and can restart beforehand if they choose. The ball is in play when it is kicked out of the penalty area.
Rules for Upward Soccer (3rd-6th Grade) Penalty Kicks Goalkeeper must be on goal line when kick is made Goalkeeper can only move side to side – not forward or backward before ball is kicked All players other than the penalty taker and the goalkeeper must stand outside of the penalty area and at least 5 yards from the ball until it is kicked. If the ball does not go into the goal and remains on the field, it is a live ball. However, another player must touch the ball before the penalty taker may play the ball (this includes the goalkeeper)
Rules for Upward Soccer (3rd/4th Grade) Violations during a penalty kick If the kicker’s team enters the penalty area early or commits any violation before or during the act of the kick: And the kick results in a goal: The kick is retaken. And the kick does not result in a goal: Play is stopped and an indirect free kick is awarded to the goalkeeper’s team at the spot of the foul. If the goalkeeper’s team enters the penalty area early or commits any violation before or during the act of the kick: And the kick results in a goal: A goal is awarded. And the kick does not result in a goal: The kick is retaken.
Rules Unique to Upward Soccer 4v4 6v6/7v7 Corner Kicks Opponents of team taking the corner kick must be at least five (5) yards from the ball until put into play. Opponents of team taking the corner kick must be at least eight (8) yards from the ball until put into play. Ball Kicked in Wrong Goal N/A due to no score kept A goal is not scored if a player kicks or throws the ball into his or her own goal. A corner kick is awarded for the opposing team. This is removes the possibility of a player scoring for the other team and prevents further embarrassing a player for making this mistake. Goal Switch at Halftime K5: Yes Yes 1st-2nd Grade: Yes
Substitutions This substitution system is designed to provide every player an equal opportunity for improvement. The substitution system ensures that: Every player will play at least half of the game. No player will sit out more than six minutes at a time. The starting lineup shifts down one player every game allowing every child to be in the starting lineup. Coaches are not open to making unfair substitutions. Coaches are free from monitoring playing time for each player. Playing time for all players is virtually even over the course of the season.
Filling Out the Substitution Form Week 1 Step 4 – Continue this process for the remainder of the segments Step 1 – Rank players by ability starting with slot “A”. This player ranking order should not change at any point during your season. Player’s Name First Half Second Half Name 18 Min 12 Min 6 Min 18 Min 12 Min 6 Min A Gabrielle X X X X B Rachel X X X X Step 2 – For Week 1, begin with Player “A” and work down the column (A-D). These are your starting four. C Emily X X X X D Madison X X X E Samantha X X X F Ashley X X X G Grace X X X Step 3 – Begin the rotation where you left off in the previous segment. If you are at the bottom of your list, be sure to go back to the top until you have four players in the segment. H
Filling Out the Substitution Form Week 2 Player’s Name First Half Second Half For Week 2, begin with Player “B” and fill in four players for the starting lineup. Using the method we just learned, fill in the rest of the substitution for Week 2. Name 18 Min 12 Min 6 Min 18 Min 12 Min 6 Min A Gabrielle X X X B Rachel X X X X C Emily X X X X D Madison X X X X E Samantha X X X F Ashley X X X G Grace X X X H
Substitution Scenario It’s Week 3 and, as game time approaches, Samantha has not arrived (she is supposed to be in the starting lineup for Week 3). She did not call prior to the game and inform you that she will not be present. What do you do?
Week 3 Player’s Name First Half Second Half Name 18 Min 12 Min 6 Min For the second segment, start with the next person in the rotation (Gabrielle) and work down the form to include Rachel, Emily and Madison. 18 Min 12 Min 6 Min If by the third segment Samantha has yet to arrive, draw another line through her name and begin with the next person in the rotation (Ashley) to begin this segment. Continue this lineup with Grace, Gabrielle and Rachel. A Gabrielle X Begin with your original starting two (Emily and Madison). For the first segment ONLY, draw a line through the box for Samantha and then fill the box for Ashley. X X If Samantha arrives during halftime, continue with the proper rotation including Samantha in the following segment. Then continue with the rest of the rotations through the end of the game. B Rachel X X X C Emily X X X X D Madison X X X X E Samantha X X Ashley X X X F X Grace X X X X G H
Game-Day Stars Game day stars are multi-colored stickers that you give to players at the end of each game. This presentation should be an exciting time with parents encouraged to cheer for players as each star is presented. Make a point to explain why each child received a particular star. The Star Distribution Form will help you track which stars players receive throughout the season. Both the form and the stars are located in the back of the coach playbook. These stars will also be placed on each player’s award poster.
Awards Celebration The awards celebration is the highlight of the entire season. This is a tremendous opportunity for you to communicate your love and support to the most important people in the league—the children. At the celebration each child will receive an end-of-season award. You will receive your team’s awards prior to the celebration so that you may distribute them at the appropriate time. You should plan to attend this wonderful time of fun and fellowship and encourage players and their family members to do the same.
Upward Soccer Coach Training