Recent Plastic Fusion Orders Con Edison Case Study: Recent Plastic Fusion Orders Lauren Toczylowski Section Manager, Gas Quality Assurance
Agenda Con Edison Distribution Overview Plastic Fusion Remediation Plan New NY State requirements Tracking & Traceability approach Ongoing Fusion Inspections Required Enhancements Other Plastic Joint Enhancements Ongoing Tracking & Traceability Projects
Con Edison Distribution Overview Distributes natural gas to 1.1 million customers in Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens, and Westchester County ~ 4,300 miles of gas mains and ~384,000 services transport about 225 billion cubic feet a year Most of our customers use gas for cooking and ~221,000 also use gas for residential heating
Con Edison Distribution Overview
Organizational Structure Gas Operations Compliance & Quality Assessment Training & Employee Development Quality Assurance Quality Control
Fusion Compliance Requirements History September 29, 2014: Con Edison, and other NY LDCs required to submit a remediation plan October 31, 2014: Con Edison, and other NY LDCs, submitted plans to be completed within one year November 17, 2014: Con Edison’s original plan deployed, to be complete by November 1, 2015 December 2014 – May 2015: Discussion with DPS Staff re: plan May 15, 2015: PSC Orders Con Edison to submit revised plan. Also orders NY LCDs to: Peer check 100% of all new fuses being installed Visually inspect all fuses exposed during the course of normal business August 2015: Excavations under new plan begin
Plastic Fusion Remediation Plan
Overview of Plastic Fusion Sampling Plan Population: ~805,000 fuses installed in 2002-2014 Conduct statistical approach to identify samples to be inspected Fuses/fusers were not previously documented, but segments were mapped A sub-set of pipe segments were randomly selected Fuses were then mapped and labeled for each segment selected Statistician’s analysis includes strata for each type of segment (main or service), geographic areas (Bronx, Queens, Manhattan, Westchester), and each type of fuse (butt fuse, electrofusion and sidewall tee) 200 fuses will be inspected to determine whether additional sampling is needed to develop a remediation plan
Inspection Form: Visual Inspection & Destructive Test
Field Documentation Piping Retrieval Information Form Tag sample to indicate: Location (house address & borough) Size of pipe Date removed Supervisor name Piping Retrieval Information Form Filled out for each sample length
Inspection/Testing Photos & Videos
Manual Data Conversion for PSC Reporting
Multiple Documents & Files for One Fuse Hand written forms Pipe tags Visual Inspection Results Data Destructive Test Results Data Multiple Photos Video file Spreadsheet entries Letters to PSC
Solution: Integrated Mobile Data Capture Application deployed on ruggedized smart phones and tablet computers Real-time data transfer from field to office to field Centralized repository with robust reporting capability Cloud computing/ hosted options
In The Field
Automated PSC Reporting
New Fuse Peer Inspection & Exposed Fuses Visual Inspections NY State May 15th Order
Con Ed Preparation for Additional Inspections Needed to train and qualify additional employees/contractors to perform visual inspections Developed and deployed additional training Used a Written Evaluation (equivalent to NGA CT#52) developed by Con Edison Qualified additional employees and contractors to perform visual inspections of plastic joints Note: at the time, a separate NGA CT 52 online knowledge test was not available (in NGA’s OQ site: ITS) This process is documented in ConEd’s OQ Plan- under Appendix D Hand Out of Training Packet
Field Documentation Identifying PE Plastic Joiner and Inspector Plastic joints are identified on as-constructed drawings Fuser and Peer Inspector are signing the pipe Each plastic joint is documented Data captured: Job information (M&S plate #, Ticket/Leak #, Location , Layout #) Plastic Joiner employee/ID # Peer Inspector employee/ID # Date Plastic Joint made Joint Type ( Butt Fusion, Electrofusion, Mechanical Joint)
Peer Check of All New Fuses Con Ed began on June 1 with Peer Check of 100% of all new fuses going in the ground May 15th Order (all LDCs in the state): required starting Oct. 1st Additional- Level 1 and Level 2 requirements were added for Con Edison (level 1: 15%, level 2 5%)
Fuse-to-Fuser Application Full Deployment by Jan. 1st, Inquest
Fuse-to-Fuser Application
Other Plastic Joining Enhancements
Ongoing Enhancements in Plastic Joining Annual OQ: block requalification with 3rd party evaluators Online OQ system: eLearning, online testing and QR codes Level 1/Level 2 inspections of new fuses Remediation Options for visually unacceptable fuses Elimination of the Sidewinder Enhanced QA/QC Programs NTSB Recommendations for Specification Improvements R&D Projects: Heat Fusion Processes GPS Devices
Butt Fusion Remediation Sleeve 4” and 6” right now, but working with R&D on other sizes
PE Repair Patch
Additional QC: Fusion Inspections Created a separate GQC group Hired a 3rd party inspection contractor Fusion inspectors in the field, making process observations Field visits where ongoing fusions are taking place All GQC inspectors are fusion qualified Level 1/ Level 2 Fusion Inspections
Analyzing Inspection Results Large amount of data around fusion inspections and quality Analyzing and reporting on results Common issues identified and addressed: Damaged Butt Fusion Plates (replacement program) Alignment of Electrofusion (new tools identified) Scraping of Pipe Surface (1” past fusion area)
Tracking & Traceability R&D IT Roadmap Project: analyzing GIS and WMS solutions Trimble R&D Project: Handheld Trimble and smart device connections Testing in areas with Urban Canyons and Tree Canopy issues Comparing usability with other smart device applications
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