Two-Level QR Code for Private Message Sharing and Document Authentication Source: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 571-583, 2016. Authors: Tkachenko Iuliia, Puech William, Destruel Christophe, Strauss Olivierm, Gaudin Jean-Marc, Guichard Christian Speaker: Peng-Cheng Huang Date: 9/18/2018
Outline Proposed Scheme Experimental Results Conclusions Two Level QR (2LQR) Code Generation Storage Capacity of 2LQR Code Recognition Method Experimental Results Conclusions
Proposed Scheme (1/9) Two Level QR (2LQR) Code Generation (1/6) A comparison of a) Standard QR code, with b) Proposed 2LQR code for private message sharing scenario and c) Proposed 2LQR code for authentication scenario.
Proposed Scheme (2/9) Two Level QR (2LQR) Code Generation (2/6) Overview of 2LQR code generation steps.
Proposed Scheme (3/9) Two Level QR (2LQR) Code Generation (3/6) Private message Mpriv encoding - q-ary ECC Cyclic Code :C[n,k,d] ternary Golay Code :G[11,6,5]
Proposed Scheme (4/9) Two Level QR (2LQR) Code Generation (4/6) Private message Mpriv encoding - Textured Pattern Selection Choose q patterns from a database of Q >> q textured patterns, which are binary and have the same density (ratio of black pixels)
Proposed Scheme (5/9) Two Level QR (2LQR) Code Generation (5/6) Private message Mpriv encoding - Textured Pattern Selection Let Si , i = 1, ... , q be the P&S degraded versions of textured patterns Pi , i = 1, ... , q The Pearson correlation: where:
Proposed Scheme (6/9) Two Level QR (2LQR) Code Generation (6/6) Private message Mpriv encoding - Textured Pattern Selection
Proposed Scheme (7/9) Storage Capacity of 2LQR Code (1/1) Storage capacity of the 2LQR code for QR code of size N × N modules, where n is the codeword length, k is the number of information digits, n −k is the number of parity-check digits.
Proposed Scheme (8/9) Recognition Method (1/2) The overview of 2LQR code reading process.
Proposed Scheme (9/9) Recognition Method (2/2)
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS (1/8) - 2LQR Code Generation the ternary Golay code [11, 6, 5] ratio of black pixels = 60%
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS (2/8) - 2LQR Code Generation
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS (3/8) - Message Extraction
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS (4/8) - Storage Capacity Analysis
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS (5/8) - Reading Capacities of First and Second Levels
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS (6/8) - Reading Capacities of First and Second Levels [6] T. V. Bui, N. K. Vu, T. T. P. Nguyen, I. Echizen, and T. D. Nguyen,“Robust message hiding for QR code,” in Proc. IEEE 10th Int. Conf. Intell. Inf. Hiding Multimedia Signal Process. (IIH-MSP), Aug. 2014,pp. 520–523. [7] A. T. P. Ho, B. A. M. Hoang, W. Sawaya, and P. Bas, “Document authentication using graphical codes: Reliable performance analysis and channel optimization,” EURASIP J. Inf. Secur., vol. 2014, no. 1, p. 9,2014. [12] M. Querini, A. Grillo, A. Lentini, and G. F. Italiano, “2D color barcodes for mobile phones,” Int. J. Comput. Sci. Appl., vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 136–155, 2011. [21] R. Villán, S. Voloshynovskiy, O. Koval, and T. Pun, “Multilevel 2-D barcodes: Toward high-capacity storage modules for multimedia security and management,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Security, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 405–420, Dec. 2006.
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS (7/8) - The Proposed 2LQR Code and Its Authentication
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS (8/8) - The Proposed 2LQR Code and Its Authentication
Conclusions These 2LQR code can be used for private message sharing scenario and document authentication at the same time. The proposed 2LQR code increases the storage capacity of the classical QR code (up to 28% )