Mrs. Danielle Reist Mrs. Jessica Schieber Mrs. Sandy Vigilante Also Mrs. Janell Banack
What does our 4 th Grade Schedule look like? 8:00Opening 8:15-9:35Math 9:40-11:40Language Arts 11:50-12:20Lunch 12:20-12:40Recess 12:45-1:35Content 1:40-2:25Specials 2:30Dismissal
What is the Math Curriculu m? 8:15-9:35 4 Flexible Math Classes 4 th grade Code: E771A2B1F8 * Lessons, student text and tutorials online Mt. Math- daily Fact Fluency!!!- it is extremely important to practice and memorize their basic math facts. All 4 th grade instruction revolves around multiplication and division.
What is the LA/Reading curriculum? 9:40- 11:40 Four Flexible Reading Groups New Reading Curriculum based on various themes related to PA Common Core Skills Read 20 minutes daily- Book Log beginning in October (homework) Elements of Reading Vocabulary Word Study– word patterns/spelling Step Up to Writing Program - informal outline - scored using the WSD rubric Daily Grams
What is the Social Studies Curriculum? Geography Regions of the United States Connections to our World Economy Civics History World Culture Study guides will be provided and may be used with quizzes. Lesson and chapter assessments
What is the Science Curriculum? Study guides will be provided Lesson and chapter assessments Units of Study: Life Science Physical Science The Human Body Earth Science
WSD Homework Policy – See handbook 20 minutes/night for written homework. ( any area) 20 minutes/night for independent reading practice. Please review homework planner nightly with students. What about Homework?
What are the students responsibilities? Keep a daily homework log in student planner. Complete assigned homework. Keep binder organized. Ask teacher for missed work due to instrumental lessons, Dr. appt., speech, interventions, etc.
What could we work on at home? Practice Math Facts (+, -, X, ÷)READ ( Comprehension & Fluency) Review Elements of Reading Vocabulary Reread/discuss social studies/science lesson Review Daily Grams grammar and usage skills Review content study guides and notes Practice reading fluencyStudy content vocabulary Preview math lessons onlineReview for quizzes and test Reread the weeks reading storyLog on to Math Connects Website
When are our 4 th grade field trips ? 0 WSD has scheduled two field trips for 4 th grade. Both will happen in the spring. 0 Susan Brynes Health Campus- York, PA 0 Whitaker Science Center-Harrisburg, PA 0 We will need chaperones for the Whitaker Center field trip. Parents will need to both have clearances to go on the trip.
How do you contact us? us or call the school between 7:30-7:50 and 2:40-3:20. Thank you for coming this evening.