WRC–12 Industry Debrief 23 April 2012 Agenda item 8.1 The Directors Report to WRC-15.


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Presentation transcript:

WRC–12 Industry Debrief 23 April 2012 Agenda item 8.1 The Directors Report to WRC-15

WRC–12 Industry Debrief Agenda item 8.1 The Directors Report Standing WRC Agenda item >8.1 to consider and approve the Report of the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau: >8.1.1– on the activities of the Radiocommunication Sector since WRC 07; >8.1.2– on any difficulties or inconsistencies encountered in the application of the Radio Regulations; and >8.1.3– on action in response to Resolution 80 (Rev.WRC 07)

WRC–12 Industry Debrief Agenda item 8.1 The Directors Report >Contents of Document 4 - The Report of the Director of the activities of the Radiocommunication Sector Part No.Subject 1 Activities of the Radiocommunication Sector in the period between WRC 07 and WRC-12 2 Experience in the application of the radio regulatory procedures and other related matters 3 Activities of the Radio Regulations Board 4 Management of the MMSI numbering resource (Issues referred to in Resolution 344 (Rev.WRC-03) and other related issues) 5 Changes in the allocation of call signs between WRC-07 and WRC-12 and related issues 6 Implementation of Resolution 547 (Rev.WRC-07) (Updating of the Remarks columns in the Tables of Article 9A of Appendix 30A and Article 11 of Appendix 30 of the Radio Regulations) 7 Experiences in the application of the procedures of the Radio Regulations and other matters related to the efficient use of the spectrum/orbit resource

WRC–12 Industry Debrief Agenda item 8.1 The Directors Report Pt 2 Experience in the application of the radio regulatory procedures and other related matters >Primarily proposed editorial revisions >Other elements included Resolution 49 (Rev.WRC- 07) >Comments on Appendices 30 and 30A >Steerable beams – pfd limits >Articles 9 and 11 >And more

WRC–12 Industry Debrief Agenda item 8.1 The Directors Report Pt 3 Activities of the Radio Regulations Board >Report of RRB meetings and decisions >Some decisions were the subject of separate issues raised before WRC-12 plenary >Reference to the RRB report on Resolution 80 (Rev.WRC- 07) is detailed separately in Document 11

WRC–12 Industry Debrief Agenda item 8.1 The Directors Report Agenda item Action in response to Resolution 80 (Rev.WRC-07) The RRB report on Resolution 80 (Rev.WRC-07) is detailed separately in Document 11 Australias position was NOC to Resolution 80 (Rev.WRC- 07) There were two contributions to WRC-12 on this Agenda item Net results NOC to Resolution 80 (Rev.WRC-07) consistent with Australias position

WRC–12 Industry Debrief Agenda item 8.1 The Directors Report Other issue relevant to WRC Issue A - Protection of radiocommunications services against interference caused by radiation from ISM equipment Australias position Australia supports management of emissions of industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) equipment by national regulations based on the emission limits of ISM equipment provided by International Special Committee on Radiation Interference (CISPR) Publication 11 and modification of Resolution 63 (Rev.WRC-07) as proposed in Section 6/8.1.1/1.5 of the CPM Report to WRC-12 for the further review of the radiation limit of ISM equipment taking into account the protection criteria of the radiocommunication services using digital technology.

WRC–12 Industry Debrief Agenda item 8.1 The Directors Report Other issue relevant to WRC-12 >8.1.1 Issue C –Radiocommunications use for Earth Observation applications Australias position Australia supports Report ITU-R RS.2178 Essential role and global importance of radio spectrum use for Earth observations and related applications, which shows the economic and societal importance of Earth observation systems. Australia also supports modification of Resolution 673 (WRC-07) as proposed in Section 6/8.1.1/3.5 of the CPM Report to WRC-12.

WRC–12 Industry Debrief Agenda item 8.1 The Directors Report Pt 4 Management of the MMSI numbering resource (issues referred to in Resolution 344 (Rev.WRC-03) and other related issues) >Statistical report only

WRC–12 Industry Debrief Agenda item 8.1 The Directors Report Pt 5 changes in the allocation of call signs between WRC-07 and WRC-12 and related issues - No changes recorded

WRC–12 Industry Debrief Agenda item 8.1 The Directors Report Pt 6 Implementation of Resolution 547 (Rev.WRC-07) (Updating of the Remarks columns in the Tables of Article 9A of Appendix 30A and Article 11 of Appendix 30 of the Radio Regulations) >Specifically cited as Agenda item Issue B >Largely administrative >Australia had one issue that was accepted by the BR

WRC–12 Industry Debrief Agenda item 8.1 The Directors Report Pt 7 Experiences in the application of the procedures of the Radio Regulations and other matters related to the efficient use of the spectrum/orbit resource >A list of issues the BR would have liked WRC-12 to address >No contributions were directly received on these issues >Elements of some issues were considered under different Agenda items