Hoy es MARTES, el 8 de febrero CALENTAMIENTO: Agarra un papel, crayones y tijeras de la mesa. We will be making a diorama. Wait for instructions on how to fold paper. Draw 3 people with different types of clothing and color with different colors. They can be you and your friends or imaginary people. Describe what the three people are wearing and include colors, what it is made of, etc. Use indefinite articles (un/una/unos/unas) Also include a sentence for each person saying what they want, can or need to do OR what they are going to do. Remember: In Spanish, you don’t use está llevando. Use, “lleva.” Hoy: Diorama de Ropa Nómbrala o Llévala CLOTHING QUIZ THURSDAY! TAREA: Finish Diorama & WORK ON PROJECT! Due Monday February 14th