Karen J. Wagner Band Boosters Call the meeting to order
Karen J. Wagner Band Boosters Our Mission Statement: To assist the Wagner High School band directors and the school system in providing our band students with the best music education possible through volunteering personal time to provide support morally, physically, and financially to accomplish their goals.
Karen J. Wagner Band Boosters Our Vision: To be the booster club of choice serving as the model for Judson Independent School District while fostering esprit de corps.
Karen J. Wagner Band Boosters Our Values: Dedication Achievement Camaraderie Charity Family Fun Pride
Karen J. Wagner Band Boosters Our officers: President: Robert Robinson Vice President: Monet Anderson Secretary: Treasurer: Gina Williams Parliamentarian: Patrick McKeag Historian: Monica Urrutia
Karen J. Wagner Band Boosters Present the treasurers report $85,000 Estimated cost for year $27,000 District budget $56,000 Student Fees $2,000 Estimated overage if all pay fees.
First Order of Business Welcoming new Freshman Parents Verify all have signed in Discuss the Handout for freshman students
First Order of Business Any other questions about the upcoming band camp?
Second Order of Business Standing Committees: Public Relations Concession Pit crew Fundraising Sewing Finance Meal Coordinator
Second Order of Business (Continued)Standing Committees: Chaperone Uniforms Building/Equipment repair
Karen J. Wagner Band Boosters Public Relations: Advertises Booster events to the community via newspaper, posters, flyers, radio and/or TV Maintains the booster website Attends Executive Committee meetings
Karen J. Wagner Band Boosters Concession: Coordinates manpower for football games Plans and executes all other event concessions Attends Executive Committee meetings
Karen J. Wagner Band Boosters Pit Crew: Coordinates manpower to load and unload band equipment Assists the pit setting up equipment and props prior to performance Attends Executive Committee meetings
Karen J. Wagner Band Boosters Fundraising: Plans and executes all fundraising events Solicits for fundraising ideas Conducts a cost-benefit analysis of fundraising event Attends Executive Committee meetings
Karen J. Wagner Band Boosters Sewing: Aids the directors in producing guard flags and uniform repairs Attends Executive Committee meetings, as needed
Karen J. Wagner Band Boosters Finance: Conducts internal financial audits Coordinates annual external financial audit Ensure all financial transactions are 501(c)3 compliant Attends Executive Committee meetings
Karen J. Wagner Band Boosters Meal Coordinator: Track students payments for meals Plans and provides low cost meals when the band travels Attends Executive Committee meetings, as needed
Karen J. Wagner Band Boosters Uniforms: Issues/Collects uniforms prior to and post events. Issues required items Assists with uniform fittings Maintains inventory of uniforms and required items that are not issued Attends Executive Committee meetings, as needed
Karen J. Wagner Band Boosters Building/repair: Coordinates building or repair of non-instrumental equipment such as carts, props, etc. Attends Executive Committee meetings, as needed
Karen J. Wagner Band Boosters
Karen J. Wagner Band Boosters Chaperone: Conducts student role call before transiting Escort students while at events Ensures student are hydrating Maintains student medical information Notifies the band directors of abnormal occurrences Attends Executive Committee meetings, as needed
Third Order of Business Meal Committee Leader Top Priority for getting set up for this season Will need 4-5 helpers
New Business Phone Tree Proposed by Carol Wascom Section leaders would request parents numbers for their sections and if English or Spanish would be the preferred language. Phone tree would possible help spread the word better
Karen J. Wagner Band Boosters Remind 101: 512-994-2674 @wagnerba
New Business Any new input?
Karen J. Wagner Band Boosters Any further business?