Back to Work Enterprise Allowance Process Confirm Eligibility Assemble Application Pack to include: (a). Copy of TR1(or TR2) Form stamped by Revenue Commissioners. (b). Letter from Revenue Commissioners to confirm that you are registered as self employed. (c) . Completed BTW2 Application From (if in receipt of Job Seekers Allowance). Or Completed STEA 1 Form ( if in receipt of Job Seekers Benefit) . (d). Completed BTWEA Business Plan Template. Please note you will need 3 copies of these documents. One for PAUL Partnership, one for Dept. of Social Protection and one for your own records. Application Pack to be checked and approved by PAUL Partnership. Application will then be submitted to Department of Social Protection, Dominic Street. Limerick. PAUL Partnership staff are available to support you in completing this process. Contact : Carmel or Ann Marie at 061 419388. Email or
Supports for Start-up Enterprise Technical Assistance Fund - €650 (Subject to application to and approval of your Job Facilitator at Dept. of Social Protection) Training Grant. Market Research. Business Planning. Contribution towards Pubic Liability Insurance. Equipment. Match funding requirement of 25% per nvoice. Contact for Job Facilitators: Dept of Social Protection Joan Mullins – 061 212221 Marian Mc Glennon -061 212229 Website:
2. Questions & Answers What is the Back to Work Enterprise Allowance Scheme? The Back to Work Enterprise Allowance Scheme is aimed at assisting people to become self employed by allowing them to retain their social welfare payment for the first and/or second year of business. There are two Back to Work Enterprise Allowance Schemes: Short Term Enterprise Allowance (STEA). 2. Two year Back to Work Enterprise Allowance .
Who can qualify for the Short Term Back to Work Enterprise Allowance? Individuals who have been made redundant and who are entitled to Job Seekers benefit. What are the benefits of the STEA? Payment will be made at the appropriate Job Seekers benefit rate and will last for the remaining duration of the JB claim, either 9 months or 12 months depending on the participants entitlement. Who can qualify for the 2 Year Back to Work Enterprise Allowance Scheme? (a) Individuals who have been in receipt of Jobs Seekers Benefit of Assistance for a period of 1 year. If on Job Seekers Benefit you must establish an entitlement to Job Seekers Allowance Individuals who have been in receipt of the following payments for 1 year: One Parent Family Allowance / Disability Allowance/ Invalidity Pension/ Carers Allowance /Widows or Widowers non contributory pension. Individuals who have been in receipt of Illness Benefit for a period of three years. What are the benefit of the 2 Year BTWEA Scheme? Individuals starting a business can retain their social welfare payment: 1st year of business – 100% payment 2nd year of business – 75% payment
What are the Additional Benefits which apply to both Schemes? Retention of Medical Card. Fuel allowance (gross income less than €317) Back to School Clothing and Footwear (gross income less than €317) Retention of part of rent/mortgage interest supplement (contact your community welfare officer). Other Supports Provided by PAUL Partnership Mentoring Service : The aim of the service to is provide small/micro business owner/managers with one on one support and guidance in specific problem/opportunity areas of their enterprise.
Other Supports Provided by PAUL Partnership Enterprise Training & Development in conjunction with Limerick City Enterprise Board and Dept of Social Protection. Examples: Basic Bookkeeping Course. Costing & Pricing Course. Marketing Essentials Course. Marketing Management Course. Market Research Workshop (1 day). Effective Sales Techniques (1 day). Business Planning Workshop (First Wednesday of month.) Networking Resource for Your Business – Networking Sessions and specialist presentation provided on First Friday of every month in collaboration with Limerick City Enterprise Board. For further information contact Jane at 061419388 or email
Other Requirements for BTWEA In addition to meeting the eligibility criteria, you must be setting up a new business. You must also meet with the Department criteria in relation to Self Employment Status: Own his or her own business. You are in business on your own account. You are exposed to financial risk, by having to bear the cost of making good faulty or substandard work carried out under contract. You assume responsibility for investment and management of the enterprise. You have control over what is done, how it is done, when and where it is done and whether you do it personally. You can perform the same services to more than one business at the same time. You provide materials for the job. You are free to hire people on your own terms to do the work which has been agreed to be undertaken You provide equipment and machinery necessary for the job. You cost and agree a price for the job. You provide your own insurance cover eg public liability You control the hours of work in fulfilling job obligations. (Code of Practice for determining Employment or Self Employment Status of Individuals (2007, page 4 ).