Yin Yang illustrated from the Tao Te Ching When people see things as beautiful, ugliness is created. When people see things as good, evil is created. Being and non-being produce each other. Difficult and easy complement each other. Long and short define each other. High and low oppose each other. Fore and aft follow each other.
HINDUISM BUDDHISM NO FOUNDER 1800-1000 BC INDIA Vegas (1000), Upanishads, and Bhagavad –Gita God is the “Absolute” – a universal spirit “Brahman” people worship manifestations of Brahman in various gods and goddesses (polytheistic) Union with Brahman through cycles of reincarnation Meditation, mantras, yoga, good deeds, good karma Gautama “Buddha”563-483 BC Nepal and Northern India “Great Story,” Jataka Tales, Three Baskets and the Tantras. Buddha was a “Universal Enlightened Consciousness,” He did not call himself a god but others did Nirvana- illuminate all desire to escape suffering, reincarnation 8-fold Path to non-existence Karma, yoga, meditation
GOAT OF MENDES “The Goat was known in early Babylonian times as the God ‘Ea’ (Enki/Satan). Ea was known as ‘He of vast intellect and Lord of the Sacred Eye’ protector of his people and the bringer and giver of knowledge and civilization to humanity. Represented as a snake, he ended up in the ‘Garden of Eden as the Snake in the tree of life, encouraging learning and knowledge rather than blissful ignorance.’ Whenever Ea roamed the Earth, he took the form of a goat. Ea was considered the Father of Light" and his celebrations dating back to 15,000 B.C.E., were carried out wearing goat skins.³
Goat of Mendes The origins of the "Goat of Mendes" can be traced back to Ancient Egypt. Goats and Rams were worshipped in many cities throughout Egypt thousands of years ago. The Goat is synonymous with Satanism. The horns represent the Horned Gods/Goddesses. Goats also symbolized fertility in many different cultures and times. The Goat as a symbol of fertility and focus of religious rites dates all the way back to Sumeria. The goat symbolizes fertility- fertility in multiplying the life force, vril, which activates and raises the serpent. The "Goat of a Thousand Young" is referring to the crown chakra, "Sahasrara" in Sanskrit which means "Thousand Petal Lotus."
Subtle system The human subtle system is a vastly intricate one, made up of thousands of channels which carry energy throughout the body. The concentrations of the energy in the subtle system are called chakras (“wheels” in Sanskrit), or energy centers. The entire system is governed by three primary vertical channels of energy and by seven main chakras. Our subtle system is fully activated only with the awakening of the Kundalini, which cleans and balances the entire system and enlightens the pure qualities of the chakras within us. Chakras
Hinduism HOW TO BE SAVED Release from the cycles of reincarnation is achieved through yoga and meditation. This release requires spiritual evolution through many lifetimes. Final salvation is absorption or union with Brahman, like a raindrop falling into the ocean. REINCARNATION: Each soul is reborn literally thousands of times before achieving liberation, or salvation. (Also called transmigration or metempsychosis.) YOGA AND MEDITATION: Physical and mental practices developed as ways of reducing one’s karma—the attachment to the physical world and our individual selves. Image: Clean Blue Drop of Water © mozzyb
Hinduism WHAT HAPPENS AFTER DEATH? Reincarnation into a better status (by means of good karma) if a person has behaved well. A person who has lived badly can be reborn and pay for past sins (bad karma) by suffering. KARMA: (“act”) The spiritual principle of cause and effect, in which some kind of reward or punishment follows one’s every act, whether good or bad. Thus, in Hinduism a person’s past actions govern his present life, and future lives (reincarnations) are determined by past and present actions.
Hinduism OTHER BELIEFS, PRACTICES Many Hindus worship stone and wooden idols in temples, homes. Disciples meditate on a word, phrase, or picture; may wear orange robes and have shaved heads.
Hinduism OTHER BELIEFS, PRACTICES Many use a mark, called a tilak, on the forehead to represent the spiritual “third eye.” Yoga involves meditation, chanting, breathing exercises. Some gurus demand complete obedience. Hinduism is the foundation of New Age and Transcendental Meditation. Image: Nepali Woman © Bartosz Hadyniak In Slide Show mode, click on the “Menu” button to return to the Menu to select another group, or click anywhere else to advance to the next slide which begins with the next group in the presentation. Menu
Buddhism HOW TO BE SAVED Goal of life is nirvana, to eliminate all desires or cravings, and in this way escape suffering. The Eightfold Path is a system to free Buddhists from desiring anything and eventually achieve nonexistence. NIRVANA: (meaning “extinction”) The final liberation in Buddhism. Literally means “blowing out,” like a candle flame. The end of all personal existence. EIGHTFOLD PATH: right knowledge, right intentions, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right meditation. Image: Woman Practicing Yoga © blueking
Buddhist Wheel of Life fresco Buddhism WHAT HAPPENS AFTER DEATH? People do not have their own individual souls or spirits. However, one’s desires and feelings may be reincarnated into another person after death. Buddhist Wheel of Life fresco REINCARNATION: Each soul is reborn literally thousands of times before achieving liberation, or salvation. (Also called transmigration or metempsychosis.) Image: Fresco located in Thiksey Buddhist Monastery, India. © Falk Kienas
Buddhism OTHER BELIEFS, PRACTICES Some Buddhist groups talk about an “eternal Buddha” (life-force). Through the “Doctrine of Assimilation” the belief systems of other religions are blended into their form of Buddhism. In Slide Show mode, click on the “Menu” button to return to the Menu to select another group, or click anywhere else to advance to the next slide which begins with the next group in the presentation. Menu
Four Noble Truths BUDDHISM Eightfold Path
Yoga Crowds Out Music, Art and PE in Encinitas Public Schools