Gold-Vision The Scoping and Implementation of our Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Platform
Introducing a CRM Platform… What is it? The World Wide Web: La’Pan: A central and accessible platform that will us to record, analyse and support both sides of the organisations (Commercial & Membership) to a much high level, and ensure we’re managing relevant risk more effectively and the potential growth of all stakeholders involved. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a central platform that manages stakeholder interactions with current and potential commercials. This platform records and analyses data from stakeholders to improve business relationships, specifically focusing on retention and driving sales (value) growth.
Introducing a CRM Platform… What was the aim? To take a strategic and collaborative view of our account management and identify levels of support, touch points and trends much more effectively. To ensure our account management & service delivery approach is consistent for both sides of the organisation. To empower our student groups to benchmark their commercial ventures, and provide the relevant level of support. To increase our service delivery by 66%, through cross skilling of the platform. To increase the value of our commercial offer and track obligations much more effectively. Link the Commercial and Membership touch points to enhance our service delivery. Manage risks and cannibalisation of commercial arrangements much more effectively
How has it been successful?
How is it impacting students? YES! So far we have increased engagement by the below margins… Sponsorship - £148k so far… (we achieved £127k through the whole of 2015/16 AY) Cascade – £34.5k via Cascade & Jumpstart (Round One) – Last year £30k Services / Income– Surpassed annual KPIs in Feb 2017 and forecast shows 35% increase! How is it impacting your colleagues? How is it impacting students? Improved service delivery! Providing historical data, to empower benchmarking! 3 staff members to support you, rather than one! Additional layer of training and support in managing external relationships Greater collaboration with other departments, and stakeholders Other Stakeholders want it (DG / Events / CES) Can identify trends quicker! Can block accounts (Not paid, On going issues) Safeguards the SU from reputational risk!
What challenges did you experience? How did you overcome the challenges? Shortlisting proved a challenge (budget, resource, downtime) Initial ‘Buy In’ – I’ve worked in a software company for 11 yrs! The mechanics of a CRM platform, will naturally scrutinise work, so had to share successes with team (that naturally I wouldn’t see) – ADKAR (Change Management Model) Building a bespoke package to cater for Commercial and Membership functions (i.e Cascade Applications) Mapping out improved resource and return on investment (ROI) When to go live, and how to go live Cleansing of data and contacts Quantifying impact of processes and manual bookings / contracts etc.Mapping out time and resource Collaborating with the team on building the platform and trained myself, before training them! Used scenario based approaches with team to build versatility Sense checking and back dating 12 months worth of data! Massive task, but could showcase tangible examples to stakeholders Share reporting techniques, and empower the team to use theses (setting role specific homepages)
Take Home Message
People buy, People first! Do NOT get bogged down in admin and processes (Review) "The faintest stroke of ink in a record-book is more illuminating than the most vividly-recalled memory“ Capture your hard work, and build on it!