Labor Relations Chapter 15 MGT 3513
Triangle Waist Factory Fire What were the hazardous conditions in the factory? How would you characterize the demographics of their workforce? How many people died in this incident? What types of conditions prevented workers from escaping? How did this incident change conditions for workers in the U.S.?
Historical background 1800s – Unions emerge Reforms such as shifting workday from 10 to 8 hours 1935 – Wagner Act - _______________ What is the NLRB? Unions become very powerful 1947 – Taft-Hartley Act -_____________
Why Employees Join Unions What is a union? Why do employees join unions? What are labor relations specialists?
The Legal Environment What is a union shop? What is a right-to-work law? What is an agency shop clause?
Labor Relations What is collective bargaining? What are work rules? What is a labor contract?
Examples of Work Rules Industry Work Rule Television Script should be given to actor 24 hours prior to scheduled reading Professional baseball The player and club agree that the player’s participation in certain other sports may impair or destroy his ability and skill as a baseball player. He will not engage in skiing, sky diving, football, etc.
Questions on Labor Relations Strategy What is a labor relations strategy? What is a union acceptance strategy?
Questions on Labor Relations Strategy What is a union avoidance strategy? What is a union substitution strategy? What is a union suppression strategy?
Union Organizing Management guidelines Do not interfere with right to organize Threaten Interrogate Promise Surveillance Can’t discriminate against union employees Can’t refuse to bargain in good faith
What can management do… Can management tell employees that joining a union is a bad idea? Can management prevent a unionized workforce from advertising the formation of a union on bulletin board? Can management inform employees about the cost of union dues and fees?
What can management do… Can management force union employees to remove union buttons when at work? Can management make employees aware of a union’s track record? Can management distribute a list of union employees to other anti-union companies?
Union -- Unfair Labor Practices Can’t interfere with right to not join union Can’t discriminate against employees who are critical of the union Can’t refuse to bargain in good faith
Union Organizing – How is a union formed? Employees must file with NLRB showing that at least ____% of employees want a union. After petition meets that benchmark, a __________________ can take place. ____% of employees must vote for the union for union representation.
What if employees decide they no longer want a union? A ______________ election may take place if At least ____% of employees sign the petition. Then, ____% of employees must vote to remove the union as the bargaining representative of workers.
Collective Bargaining Bargaining in good faith Mandatory bargaining topics Permissible bargaining topics Illegal bargaining topics
Solutions for Impasses in Bargaining Strikes Economic strike Unfair labor practice strike Wildcat strike Lockouts
Solutions for Impasses in Bargaining Third party intervention Mediation Arbitration
Contract Administration/ Employee Relations What is a grievance procedure? What is a union steward?
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