Inclusion: Harmony & Conflict
Agenda Outcome: USC7.4 Demonstrate a personalized and coherent understanding of the importance of nurturing harmony in relationships (with self, others, and the environment), and apply effective strategies to re/establish harmony when conflict arises. Express insights into what makes a relationship harmonious. Create an informed personal definition of conflict. (Fishbowl?) Analyze potential sources of conflict. Examine how disagreements are not the same as conflicts. Conclude that a certain degree of disagreement in relationships is normal. Propose why some disagreements lead to conflict and some do not. Examine feelings associated with conflict. Analyze personal strategies for dealing with conflict (e.g., reduce/avoid barriers to communicating clearly and constructively). Analyze the connections between self-esteem and personal conflict management strategies. Assess the impact of conflict on the health (i.e., physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) of self and others. Reduce/avoid barriers to communicating clearly and constructively. Demonstrate and adapt strategies of conflict management in a range of contexts. Examine what is meant by negotiation, mediation, anger management, compromise, consensus building, and other means of resolving/managing conflict. Demonstrate the basics of two or three strategies for re-establishing harmony and for resolving/managing conflict.
Express ideas of what makes a relationship harmonious. Create a skit or a talk show Oprah Dr. Phil Jerry Springer Mystery Date
Create an personal definition of conflict. How are disagreements not the same as conflicts? Why do some disagreements lead to conflict and some do not?
Feelings Associated With Conflict Does personal conflict strategies create self-esteem? What’s the impact of conflict on the health (i.e., physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) of self and others? -Write a life experience down how you or someone you know (disguise names) was impacted by a conflict and what became the conflict strategy to solve it. Did the problem get solved?
Activity: Video Example: Script:
Ten Strategies for Conflict Resolution Teach the younger students these strategies. How will you teach them? attachments/workshop/conflict_resolution.pdf • When angry, separate yourself from the situation and take time to cool out. • Attack the problem, not the person. Start with a compliment. • Communicate your feelings assertively, NOT aggressively. Express them without blaming. • Focus on the issue, NOT your position about the issue. • Accept and respect that individual opinions may differ, don’t try to force compliance, work to develop common agreement. • Do not review the situation as a competition, where one has to win and one has to lose. Work toward a solution where both parties can have some of their needs met. • Focus on areas of common interest and agreement, instead of areas of disagreement and opposition. • NEVER jump to conclusions or make assumptions about what another is feeling or thinking. • Listen without interrupting; ask for feedback if needed to assure a clear understanding of the issue. • Remember, when only one person’s needs are satisfied in a conflict, it is NOT resolved and will continue. • Forget the past and stay in the present. • Build ‘power with’ NOT ‘power over’ others. • Thank the person for listening.
Through skits, examine what is meant by… Negotiation Mediation Anger management Compromise Consensus building As means of resolving/managing conflict. You will work with your tables and present them to the class.