Context-Free Grammars Pushdown Store Automata Properties of the CFLs Chapter 3 Context-Free Grammars Pushdown Store Automata Properties of the CFLs
Context-Free Grammars G = 〈V, T, P, S〉: V = variables (capital letters); T = terminals (small letters); P ⊆ V (V ∪ T)* are the rules (or productions); and S ∈ V is the start symbol. Note that V and T must be disjoint. Example: V = {S}; T = {a, b}; P = {(S, ε); (S, aSb)}. Or, S → ε | aSb. S ⇒ aSb ⇒ aaSbb ⇒ aaεbb = a²b² ∈ L(G) = {aⁿbⁿ : n ≥ 0} Writing A → α₁ | … | αᵢ means (A, αⱼ) is a rule in G for 1 ≤ j ≤ i. If A → β and α, γ ∈ (V ∪ T)* we say αAγ derives (⇒) αβγ. LG = {w ∈ T* : S ⇒⁺ w}. 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Equal number of a’s and b’s: L = {w ∈ {a, b}* : |w|a = |w|b} S → ε | aB | bA (equal number) A → a | aS | bAA (an extra a) B → b | bS | aBB (an extra b) LG ⊆ L: Show S ⇒* w only if |ω|a,A = |ω|b,B by proving each production preserves the surplus of a’s (A’s) vs. b’s (B’s); so ω has an equal number. L ⊆ LG: Show S ⇒* all strings with an equal number, A ⇒* all strings with an extra a, and B ⇒* all strings with an extra b, by induction Basis: S ⇒ ε; A ⇒ a; B ⇒ b. Alternatively, use the grammar S → aSbS | bSaS | ε. Prove by diagram graphing #a’s - #b’s for every prefix 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Simultaneous induction Inductive Cases (B is similar) / w = az z has an extra b S ⇒ aB ⇒* az S: ⇒ Use by IH \ w = bz z has an extra a S ⇒ bA ⇒* bz z has equal nos. A ⇒ aS ⇒* az A: z has 2 extra a’s ⇒ z = xy each with one extra a A ⇒ bAA ⇒* bxy Draw diagram illustrating a graph of the discrete function mapping string to the #a’s − #b’s it contains. 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Regular languages are context-free Expression Grammar Ø nothing a S → a r₁; r₂ By IH: S₁ → given; S₂ → given (must be disjoint) r₁ + r₂ S → S₁ | S₂ r₁r₂ S → S₁S₂ r₁* S → ε | SS₁ A Regular Grammar only has productions of the form B → a; B → aC. p. 219, Def. 6.3 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Parse Trees and Derivations b A a S → aB | bA | ε A → a | aS | bAA B → b | bS | aBB Unique derivations with respect to the parse tree: Left: S ⇒ bA ⇒ bbAA ⇒ bbaSA ⇒ bbabAA ⇒ bbabaA ⇒ bbabaaS ⇒ bbabaabA ⇒ bbabaaba Right: S ⇒ bA ⇒ bbAA ⇒ bbAaS ⇒ bbAabA ⇒ bbAaba ⇒ bbaSaba ⇒ bbabAaba ⇒ bbabaaba 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Alternative parse tree b A a B S → aB | bA | ε A → a | aS | bAA B → b | bS | aBB Grammar is said to be ambiguous. 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Theory of Computation: Chapter 3 Balanced Parentheses Let f(w) = |w|( − |w|) . A string w ∈ { ( , ) }* is balanced if: 1. f(w) = 0 2. f(w′) ≥ 0 for all prefixes w′ of w Claim: The grammar S → ε | SS | (S) generates all balanced strings. Proof: By induction. If |w| = 0 then S ⇒ ε. Else there are two cases. If w = xy for nontrivial balanced x and y, then S ⇒⁺ x and S ⇒⁺ y by IH, so use S ⇒ SS ⇒⁺ xy. Otherwise f(w′) never touches 0 in the middle. Therefore, f(w′) > 0 for all non-trivial proper prefixes. So, let w = (z) and see z is balanced, so S ⇒⁺ z by IH . Now use S ⇒ (S) ⇒⁺ (z) = w. 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Claim: S → ε | SS | (S) generates only balanced strings. Proof: By induction on the length of a derivation. S ⇒ ε: f(ε) = 0 trivially S ⇒ SS ⇒⁺ xy: Therefore S ⇒⁺ x; S ⇒⁺ y and hence f(xy) = f(x) + f(y) = 0 + 0 = 0 (by IH). For w′ a prefix of xy, it is either a prefix of x, or xy′ for a prefix of y. So f(w′) ≥ 0 by IH in either case. S ⇒ (S) ⇒⁺ (z): f((z)) = 1 + f(z) − 1 = 0 by IH. A proper prefix of (z) is (z′ for a prefix z′ of z. So f((z′) = 1 + f(z′) > 0 by induction hypothesis. 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Theory of Computation: Chapter 3 Discussion Define what matching parentheses are: In the context of the non-inductive definition In terms of the grammar Prove that in a balanced string, open and closed parentheses are uniquely matched in pairs that are nested properly. The open can closed parentheses in x(y)z match ⇔ y is balanced. 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Remove Unproductive Symbols A variable A is productive in G if A ⇒⁺ w for some w in Σ*. To find all productive variables, work backwards from the terminal strings. Start: T₁ = Ø Loop: If A → α ∈ (T₁ ∪ Σ)*, then add A to T₁. This finds all variables that can produce a terminal string. Remove all rules containing an unproductive variable. Example: (eliminates D) S → Aa | B | D B → bC D → Da C → abd | AB A → aA | bA | B Needs a better example. 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Remove Unreachable Symbols A variable A is reachable if S ⇒* αAβ for some α, β. To find all reachable variables, work forwards from S. Start: T₂ = {S} Repeat: If A → α for A ∈ T₂, then add all variables in α to T₂. This yields all variables that can be reached from the start variable. Remove all rules containing an unreachable variable. Example: (eliminates C) S → Aa | B B → b A → aA | bA | B C → abd Needs a better example. 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Removing Useless Symbols Definition: A variable A is useful if S ⇒* αAβ ⇒⁺ w ∈ Σ*. I.e. it participates in a derivation. (Even if all strings could be derived without using A, i.e. A is redundant.) N.b. A must be productive and reachable. Theorem: Every non-empty CFL can be generated by a CFG without useless symbols. Proof: (1) First remove unproductive variables to get G₁. (2) Then remove unreachable variables to get G₂. Take any A ∈ T₂. By (2), there are α and β such that S ⇒₂* αAβ. But since αAβ ∈ (T₂ ∪ Σ)* and T₂ ⊆ T₁ (1) gives αAβ ⇒₁* w. But since all variables in this derivation are reachable from S, they are in T₂ also, and hence αAβ ⇒₂* w. Therefore A is useful in G₂. Following Martin 4th edition exercise 4.53 p. 162. Reversing the order doesn’t work. E.g. S → AB; A → a? 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Removing Empty productions (except S → ε) Find the set N = {A : A ⇒⁺ ε} of nullable variables: let N = ∅; add A to N if A → α ∈ N*. For each rule A → X₁ … Xᵢ, add all rules of the form A → α₁…αᵢ where αⱼ = Xⱼ if Xⱼ ∉ N, and αⱼ = (Xⱼ or ε) if Xⱼ ∈ N. Remove all A → ε. S → ABCA A → CD B → Cb C → a | ε D → bD | ε Nullable variables: {C, D, A} Add: D → b; B → b; A → C | D S → BCA | ABA | ABC | BA | BC | AB | B Remove: C → ε D → ε p. 101 Kelley; Martin p. 233 (simplified version) 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Removing Unit productions Then take the transitive closure of all unit productions to determine the unit paths A ⇒⁺ B. If A →⁺ B → α ∉ V, then add A → α. Remove all unit productions: A → B . S → S + T | T [expressions] T → T × F | F [terms] F → (S) | e [factors] Unit productions: S → T → F Add: S → T × F | (S) | e T → (S) | e Remove: S → T; T → F p. 103 Kelley; Martin p. 237 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
More examples (remove empty & unit rules) Find epsilon paths: C ⇒⁺ ε S → aB | bA | CD S → D A → a | aS | bAA B → b | bS | aBB C → D | bC | aC | ε C → b | a D → DD Unit paths: C ⇒⁺ D; S ⇒⁺ D S → aB | bA | D | CD S → DD A → a | aS | bAA B → b | bS | aBB C → D | b | bC | a | aC C → DD D → DD 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Grammar simplification outline Eliminate empty productions: A → ε (augments P) Eliminate unit productions: B → C (augments P) (optional) eliminate useless symbols: (reduces P) Example: D is unproductive (D ⇏⁺ w ∈ T*); C is unreachable (S ⇏*…C…) S → aB | bA | DD | CD A → a | aS | bAA B → b | bS | aBB C → DD | b | bC | a | aC D → DD 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Theory of Computation: Chapter 3 Chomsky Normal Form Theorem: Every CFL without ε can be generated by a CNF grammar with rules of the form A → BC or A → a. Proof: Take cases on rules A → X₁…Xᵢ in grammar, Xⱼ ∈ V ∪ T. Remove ε and unit productions to eliminate the cases i = 0, 1. So for i ≥ 2: For each b, replace terminals Xⱼ = b by a new variable B and add B → b. Now, for all rules of the form A → B₁ … Bᵢ where i > 2, add new variables D₁ … Dᵢ₋₂ and productions: A → B₁D₁; D₁ → B₂D₂; … Dⱼ₋₁ → BⱼDⱼ; … Dᵢ₋₂ → Bᵢ₋₁Bᵢ 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Theory of Computation: Chapter 3 CNF example S → aB | bA A → a | aS | bAA B → b | bS | aBB Replace terminals by variables: S → C₁B | C₂A C₁ → a; C₂ → b A → a | C₁S | C₂AA B → b | C₂S | C₁BB Replace variables in longer strings: S → C₁B | C₂A C₁ → a; C₂ → b A → a | C₁S | C₂D D → AA B → b | C₂S | C₁E E → BB 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Greibach Normal Form: (V → TV*) Goal: Get all rules into the form A → aB₁ … Bn (n ≥ 0). Start in CNF. Method: Number variables A₁, …, Aᵣ (terminals = ∞). For i = 1, …, r: substitute so Ai → A≥iγ. Use turnaround lemma to get Ai → A>iγ: Change: A → Aα₁ | … | Aαᵤ | β₁ | … | βᵥ (i.e. A ⇒* βα*) to: A → β₁ | … | βᵥ | β₁B | … | βᵥB (n.b. β > A) and: B → α₁ | … | αᵤ | α₁B | … | αᵤB (set B ≤ 0) We must have Aᵣ → aγ. For i = r, …, 1, replace Aⱼ in Aᵢ → Aⱼγ (once). Observe that no B → γ begins with another B (by induction). So replace the first symbol of γ (once). Def. of GNF in Kelley is wrong? But see 3.9.5 Note: all leftmost derivations are like S ⇒* T*V*? 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Theory of Computation: Chapter 3 Example S = A₁ → A₄A₃ | A₅A₂ | A₁A₁ (A₁A₁ added for interest) A = A₂ → a | A₄A₁ | A₅A₆ B = A₃ → b | A₅A₁ | A₄A₇ C₁ = A₄ → a C₂ = A₅ → b D = A₆ → A₂A₂ E = A₇ → A₃A₃ Apply turnaround lemma to A₁: A₁ → A₄A₃ | A₅A₂ | A₄A₃B | A₅A₂B (N.b. terminals are numbered ∞) B → A₁ | A₁B Refer to CNF conversion example 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Theory of Computation: Chapter 3 Continued Substitute up: for i = 1, …, r replace Aⱼ in Aᵢ → Aⱼα, so that j ≥ i: once: A₆ → aA₂ | A₄A₁A₂ | A₅A₆A₂ A₇ → bA₃ | A₅A₁A₃ | A₄A₇A₃ again: A₆ → aA₂ | aA₁A₂ | bA₆A₂ A₇ → bA₃ | bA₁A₃ | aA₇A₃ Substitute down: for i = r, …, 1 replace Aⱼ in Aᵢ → Aⱼα, making j > i, A₃ → b | bA₁ | aA₇ A₂ → a | aA₁ | bA₆ A₁ → aA₃ | bA₂ | aA₃B | bA₂B B → aA₃ | bA₂ | aA₃B | bA₂B | aA₃BB | bA₂BB 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Theory of Computation: Chapter 3 Pushdown Automata σ, A|γ p q A pushdown store automaton is a finite automaton with a stack. The stack always starts out with a bottom of stack symbol (Z). Transitions: (q, γ) ∈ Δ(p, σ, A) iff: Pop A Push γ (right-to-left) Before: After: A γ β β (bottom of stack) Important: A must be on top of the stack, but we cannot sense or test for an empty stack! Z s 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Theory of Computation: Chapter 3 Example: L = {aⁿbⁿ : n ≥ 1} a, C|CC a, Z|CZ What is the grammar? Σ = {a, b} Γ = {C, Z} Execution by table: b, C|ε b, C|ε ε, Z|Z s q f Z C stack Z state s q f input a b ε Exercise 3.7.1 in Kelley C stack Z state s q – input a b 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Formal PDA (inherently nondeterministic) M = 〈Q, Σ, Γ, Δ, s, Z, F〉 Γ is the set of stack symbols (capital letters) Δ ⊆ (Q × (Σ ∪ {ε}) × Γ) × (Q × Γ*) Note: ε-transitions are allowed Meaning: (p, σ, A), (q, γ) ∈ Δ iff in state p, upon reading σ (or nothing) on the input, and A on the stack, M could move to state q, consuming σ (or nothing), popping A, and pushing γ. Note: While the input shrinks (or stays the same), the stack may grow. Define: (p, σx, Aβ) ⊦ (q, x, γβ) LM = {w ∈ Σ* : (s, w, Z) ⊦* (f, ε, γ) f ∈ F} Acceptance does not require empty stack, but all input must be read. 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Example: L = {wcwᴿ : w ∈ {a, b}*} What is the grammar? Σ = {a, b, c}; Γ = {A, B, Z} Underscore is an abbreviation. a, _|A_ b, B|ε c, _|_ ε, Z|Z s q f Z Similar: {wwᴿ : w ∈ {a, b}*} S → aSa | bSb, → ε Exercise 3.7.4 in Kelley b, _|B_ a, A|ε 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Example: L = {w ∈ {a, b}* : |w|a = |w|b} What was the grammar? a, _|A_ a, B|ε B A stack C state q f input a b ε ε, C|ε q f C b, _|B_ b, A|ε 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Empty stack acceptance Final state acceptance: LM = {w ∈ Σ* : (s, w, Z) ⊦* (f, ε, γ) for some f ∈ F} Empty stack acceptance: = {w ∈ Σ* : (s, w, Z) ⊦* (q, ε, ε) for any q ∈ Q} Final state PDAs have equivalent empty stack PDAs, and vice versa: By adding a new bottom-of-stack symbol: and either A final state to accept any ‘empty’ stack: or A ‘final’ state to empty the stack: ε, Z′|ZZ′ Z′ s′ s ε, Z′|Z′ q f ε, _|_ ε, _|ε f q 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Theory of Computation: Chapter 3 CFG → PDA Theorem: Every CFL is accepted by some PDA. Proof: In a GNF leftmost derivation, S ⇒* αβ where α ∈ T*, β ∈ V*. Idea: Let Γ = V; Σ = T; Q = {s}; Z = S. Construct a single state empty stack acceptor where β goes onto the stack and α is consumed. Construction: Rules A → aB₁…Bᵢ in P becomes transitions in M. Example: S → aBS | bAS | ε; A → bAA | a; B → aBB | b q S a, A | B₁…Bᵢ 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Proof of GNF to PDA construction Idea: Do induction on the length n of a leftmost derivation, preserving: S ⇒* αβ ⇔ (q, α, S) ⊦* (q, ε, β) for α ∈ Σ*, β ∈ Γ* The input consumed are the generated terminals, and the remaining variables are the contents of the stack. Base Case: If n = 0, then α = ε and β = S. Induction Hypothesis: Suppose S ⇒ⁿ αβ iff (q, α, S) ⊦ⁿ (q, ε, β). Induction Step: Let A → aB₁…Bᵢ be the last rule applied in a derivation. Then S ⇒ⁿ αAβ ⇒ αaB₁…Bᵢβ iff (q, αa, S) ⊦ⁿ (q, a, Aβ) ⊦ (q, ε, B₁…Bᵢβ). 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Theory of Computation: Chapter 3 General method Take any CF grammar (without restrictions). Let Γ = T ∪ V (keep Σ = T). Construction: (still a single state empty stack acceptor) Add a pop S move in case language contains ε. ε, A | γ for each rule A → γ q S mutually exclusive since V ∩ T = ∅ σ, σ | ε for each symbol σ ∈ T 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Theory of Computation: Chapter 3 PDA → CFG Theorem: The language accepted by a PDA can be generated by a CFG. Proof: Let M be a empty stack acceptor. Construct G from the variables [q, A, p] ∈ Q × Γ × Q, which generate strings that take M from state q to state p with the position occupied by A on top of stack removed. For start state s and bottom of stack symbol Z, use the (GNF) productions: S → [s, Z, q] for each q ∈ Q. In addition, whenever Add [q, A, qᵢ] → a[r, B₁, q₁][q₁, B₂, q₂] … [qᵢ₋₁, Bᵢ, qᵢ] for each q₁, …, qᵢ ∈ Q. If i = 0 it is a pure pop move a, A|ε. And the rule becomes [q, A, r] → a. a, A|B₁…Bᵢ q r 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Theory of Computation: Chapter 3 Conversion template w, A|ε q p Idea: [q, A, p] ⇒* w iff That is, the net effect is to consume w and erase A from stack: it diminishes by 1 and does not go below that point anytime previously. [q, A, qᵢ] → a[r, B₁, q₁][q₁, B₂, q₂] … [qᵢ₋₁, Bᵢ, qᵢ] If i = 0, this becomes [q, A, r] → a. a, A|B₁…Bᵢ unknown states B₁ . A Bᵢ …… q r p w q r qᵢ 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Theory of Computation: Chapter 3 a, A|AA a, B|ε a, S|AS Example: ε, S|ε S q f b, A|ε b, B|BB b, S|BS S → [q, S, f] [q, S, f] → a [q, A, q] [q, S, f] → a [q, A, f] [f, S, f] → b [q, B, q] [q, S, f] → b [q, B, f] [f, S, f] → ε [f, S, f] → (nothing) [q, A, q] → a[q, A, q][q, A, q] → a[q, A, f][f, A, q] → b [q, B, q] → b[q, B, q][q, B, q] → b[q, B, f][f, B, q] → a [f, _, q] → (nothing) S → aAS | bBS | ε A → aAA | b B → bBB | a 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Theory of Computation: Chapter 3 Closure Properties a, A|α p, q p′, q′ iff Fact: The context-free languages are closed under +, ·, and *. Proof: See proof that all regular languages are context-free. Fact: If L is CF, and R is regular, then L ∩ R is context-free. Proof: Let L be recognized by a PDA ML, and R by a FA MR. Run them in parallel: (for A ∈ Γ, a ∈ Σ ∪ {ε}, α ∈ Γ*) I.e. q = q′ when a = ε. Accept iff empty stack and q′ final. Does this work for two PDAs? a, A|α p p′ and a ε q q′ Also see proof in Kelley p. 113 Thm. 8.4 Martin 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Non-Closure Properties Fact: The context-free languages are not closed under intersection: {aⁿbⁿ : n ≥ 0}c* ∩ a*{bⁿcⁿ : n ≥ 0} = {aⁿbⁿcⁿ : n ≥ 0} (Which we will see later is not a context-free language.) Corollary: The context-free languages are not closed under complementation. Reason: If they were, DeMorgan’s rules would imply closure under intersection, which we already know is false. 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Pumping Lemma for context-free languages Lemma: Let L be an infinite CFL, ε ∉ L. Then there is a k ≥ 0 such that if z ∈ L and |z| > k, then z can be written as z = uvwxy with |vwx| ≤ k, |vx| ≥ 1, and uvⁱwxⁱy ∈ L for all i ≥ 0. Proof: Let G be a CFG for L in CNF, with n variables. Let k = 2ⁿ and suppose z ∈ L, |z| > k. Since there are at most 2ⁿ nodes at level n (root = level 0) of the parse tree, there must be a variable at level n + 1 because |z| > 2ⁿ (recall leaves are Cⱼ → σ). So among the last n + 1 variables along this path from the root, there must be a repetition. Pick the last one, and call it A. So S ⇒* uAy ⇒* uvAxy ⇒* uvwxy = z. A ⇒⁺ vAx means |vx| ≠ 0, for otherwise A ⇒⁺ A would contradict CNF. And height ≤ n + 1 implies |vwx| ≤ 2ⁿ. Furthermore, A ⇒* vⁱAxⁱ for every i means S ⇒* uAy ⇒* uvⁱAxⁱy ⇒* uvⁱwxⁱy. Height of one node tree is one. 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Theory of Computation: Chapter 3 Examples Example: L = {aⁿbⁿcⁿ : n ≥ 0} is not context-free. Proof: Pick aⁿbⁿcⁿ = uvwxy ∈ L, |vwx| ≤ n, |vx| ≥ 1. One of a, b, c does not appear in v or x, hence pumping them will exclude a symbol. So uv²wx²y ∉ L. Example: L = {ww : w ∈ {a, b}*} is not CF. Proof: Suppose L is context-free. Then L' = L ∩ a*b*a*b* would be also. Pick aⁿbⁿaⁿbⁿ = uvwxy ∈ L', where|vwx| ≤ n and |vx| ≥ 1. Consider all possible cases of where vwx could lie in aⁿbⁿaⁿbⁿ and see that pumping it will always result in a string uv²wx²y ∉ L'. [Martin, 4th ed. p. 209] has a good explanation of {ww : w ∈ {a, b}*} (Example 6.4). 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Emptiness / Finitude for CF grammars Emptiness: Determine the set of productive variables, i.e. those that can generate terminal strings. Grammar generates a non-empty language if and only if S is productive, i.e. S ⇒* w. Algorithm: See if S ∈ V∞, the fixed-point of V ← {A : A → α ∈ (V ∪ T)*}. Finiteness: (conceptually superior to classical proof using PL) Algorithm: Remove useless symbols and convert to a CNF. |LG| < ∞ iff the digraph V, E is acyclic, where: V = {variables} E = {(A, B) : A → BC or A → CB} 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
CYK (Cocke–Younger–Kasami ) algorithm Membership testing x ∈ L can be done in cubic time, O(|x|³) via dynamic programming (agglomeration, or a “bottom-up” algorithm). Idea: Let xᵢⱼ be the length j substring of x starting at position i. For each i and j, determine the sets of variables V(i, j) = {A ∈ V, A ⇒* xᵢⱼ}. Then for any string x of length n, x ∈ L iff S ∈ V(1, n). Algorithm: Start with a grammar G in CNF, x ∈ T⁺. By induction on j: j = 1 V(i, 1) = {A ∈ V: A → xᵢ₁, the ith symbol of x} j > 1 V(i, j) = {A ∈ V: A → BC; B ∈ V(i, k); C ∈ V(i + k, j − k); 1 ≤ k < j} In parallel O(log n) time for unambiguous context-free languages. See H&U p. 140 for sequential algorithm. 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3
Theory of Computation: Chapter 3 Diagram and example V j = 1 j = 2 j = 3 j = 4 b i = 1 i = 2 a i = 3 i = 4 S → AB | BC A → BA | a B → CC | b C → AB | a Is bbab generated? Box (i, j) represents V(i, j). V(i, 1) = {A : A → xᵢ₁} V(i, j) = {A : A → BC; where B ∈ V(i, k); C ∈ V(i + k, j − k); 1 ≤ k < j} V j = 1 j = 2 j = 3 j = 4 b i = 1 B ∅ A S, C i = 2 A, S a i = 3 A, C i = 4 9/18/2018 Theory of Computation: Chapter 3