Tungsten Armor Engineering: Debris Ions and He-Bubbles Carbon Implantation Roughening Mechanisms Shahram Sharafat, Nasr Ghoniem, Qiyang Hu, Jaafar El-Awady, Sauvik Benarjee, and Michael Andersen University of California Los Angeles, CA. 11th High Average Power Laser Program Workshop Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Livermore, CA June 20-21, 2005
Debris Ions and Helium Bubbles Carbon Implantation TOPIC Debris Ions and Helium Bubbles Carbon Implantation Roughening Mechanisms
Debris Ions and He-Bubbles HAPL W-Armor Exposure: Ions - He plus P, D, T, C, Au, and Pt He-Implantation Experiments: Ions - He plus D, P (planned) Do we need to consider these in He implantation experiments ? - How much damage do they cause ? - What is their effect on He-bubbles ? - Do we need to modify experiments ? Use the HEROS code to investigate
Density Profiles (SRIM) DEBRIS-IONS
Low- and High Yield Target Debris- and Burn Ions* Ions per Shot Significant** Energy Range (keV) Implantation Range (um) Vacancies / Ion 154 MJ 401 MJ DEBRIS: (pulse ~2x10-6s) He3 51017 21018 40-400 70-700 0.2 – 0.8 70 He4 41019 11020 80-550 130-560 0.4 – 1.8 87 H 91018 2 1018 11 – 220 36 – 240 0.2 – 1.0 7 D 61020 1 1021 30 – 300 50 – 460 25 T 50 – 400 70 – 680 0.2 – 2.0 52 C12 11019 2 1019 200 – 1500 300 - 1500 1550 Au 11017 1 1017 11,000 – 24,000 13,000 – 20,000 0.8 – 1.8 89,300 BURN: (pulse ~8x10-7s) 61016 31017 300-810 200–3600 0.5 – 1.6 117 700-3600 700 – 3600 1.0 – 10 149 6 1018 600 – 3000 200 – 3600 3 – 27 34 5 1019 700 – 13,000 90 – 9000 3 – 180 300 - 8000 280 – 3600 1 – 70 102 * Based on THREAT SPECTRA; **Based on largest percentage of ions
Self-Damage (Defect) Rate Profiles (SRIM)
Comparison of Damage Rates
HEROS: Damage and Implantation Profiles SRIM Profiles HEROS Input Profiles Implantation Density: Burn Temperature Rise Implantation Debris (apa/s) Ion Self-Damage: Damage Debris (dpa/s) Burn
HEROS: Bubble Concentration including Debris Damage Temperature Rise: 2200 oC Chamber Radius: 10.1 m 2 Consecutive Shots (5Hz) Bubble Concentration in W (#/cm3) Green Annealing Temp. Drop Red Implantation 2 Consecutive Shots
Bubble Concentration Including Debris Damage Burn T=10-10sec T=10-8sec T=0.4sec T=0.7sec Debris Effect of D, T, C, & Au Simultaneous Self-Damage) Annealing T=0.8sec T=1.5sec T=2.1sec T=0.8msec High Temperature Annealing End of Implantation Annealing Burn-2nd Pulse Debris- 2nd Pulse Annealing-2nd Pulse T=0.2s+0.7s T=0.2sec T=0.2s +2.1s T=0.4sec End of Pulse Two End of Pulse One End of Burn of Pulse Two End of Debris of Pulse Two
Importance of Simultaneous Debris-Ion Damage Large displacement damage is caused by Debris Ions (C, Au, P, D, T , Pt) Factor of 10 X He-Self Damage Results in SUPERSATURATION of vacancies Supersaturation of vacancies provides larger number of He-trap sites Poster by Q. Hu on He-Modeling Schematic of He-Bubble Resolution High Debris-Ion Damage Rates: Momentum transfer of Excess Interstitials Collisional Displacement of He from bubbles: Bubble RE-SOLUTION Increases effective DHe coef. Rapid temperature rise (2200 oC) facilitates annealing of He-Vac-Clusters and small Bubbles. Combination of high debris ion damage plus high temperature rise significantly enhances Helium-recycling Collision Cascade (SIA) Helium Bubble Self- Interstitial W-atom Produced by Debris (PKA) Smaller Helium Bubble decorated with He-Vacancy Clusters
Debris Ions and Helium Bubbles TOPIC Debris Ions and Helium Bubbles Carbon Implantation: Mechanical Properties Helium Retention Tritium Retention Roughening Mechanisms
Debris Carbon Implantation Profile (SRIM 2003) Assuming No Carbon Diffusion (154 MJ Target):
Debris Carbon Implantation Profile (SRIM 2003) Assuming COMPLETE Carbon Diffusion (5 Hz; 154 MJ Target): This slide was not shown
Debris Carbon Implantation Profile (SRIM 2003) Assuming COMPLETE Carbon Diffusion (10 Hz; 154 MJ Target): This slide was not shown
This slide was not shown Temperatures Slide from Jake’s Presentation: HAPL NRL 2005 Additions/Modifications appear in RED Carbon arrives (max implantation depth ~1 um) 154 MJ 7 m 250 microns tungsten 3 mm steel This slide was not shown
Impact of WC-Layer: Thermo-Mechanical Props. Above 940 oC various W-C compounds can form depending on temperature and molar ratios. Thermo-Mechanical Impact: WC & W2C Tmelting ~2800 oC Tm of WC ~600 oC less than W WC is a ceramic more brittle WC effects crack behavior Low Temp. Metal Fracture Toughness (MPa√m) Aluminum alloy 36 Steel alloy 50 Titanium alloy 44-66 Tungsten 10-15 Ceramics (Bulk) Aluminum oxide 3-5.3 Soda-lime-glass 0.7-0.8 WC 4-7 Demetriou, Ghoniem, Lavine, Acta Materialia. (2002)
Impact of WC-Layer: Helium Release Could not find helium release data for WC. At elevated temperatures He retention in SiC and B4C is low (implanted He: E=5 keV; He=1e18 /m2-s; Temp: RT; Hino-JNM-1999). U-Pu-Oxide fuels show significant fission product (gas) migration. Migration of Helium bubbles through WC needs to be verified experimentally. T. Hino, JNM (1999) Inoue, JNM (2004)
Impact of Carbon Implantation: Tritium Retention High T implantation: ~2x1017 T/m2 per shot for a R=10.1 m chamber. Effects of Carbon on T retention at High Temperatures? Irradiated tungsten at 653K with carbon concentration as a parameter (1 keV ~7× 1024 H/m2 [Ueda,2004].
Debris Ions and Helium Bubbles Carbon Implantation TOPIC Debris Ions and Helium Bubbles Carbon Implantation Roughening: Failure Mechanisms Effect of Hydrogen
Surface Cracks in Polycrystalline Tungsten TOPICS Roughening induced Failure Mechanisms Surface Cracks in Polycrystalline Tungsten Steel Substrate W-Armor 1. Surface cracks can penetrate to the interface and turn 2. Low Cycle fatigue initiates cracks at the interface (weaker intermetallic W16Fe) Margevicius, 1999 Poster by J.El-Ewady on Bond-Strength Measurements
Roughening Mechanisms: Effect of Hydrogen About 4x1017 (T+D)/m2 per shot for a 10.1 m chamber Experimental Setup of CVD Tungsten on Copper Cyclic heat load tests with a hydrogen beam and a comparable electron beam on CVD-tungsten. Hydrogen surface damage more severe than that by the electron beam. Cracked surface at all temperatures from 300 C to 1600 C. H-Irradiation Conditions Tamura, JNM, 2005 HAPL: 3000 shots (10 min)
Effect of Hydrogen at 1600oC TOPICS Effect of Hydrogen at 1600oC Tamura, JNM, 2005 Surface morphology of the CVD Tungsten: 110 shots with a peak temperatures of 1600 C. Small pores are observed at the coating surface (b) after hydrogen beam irradiation.
Summary and Conclusions DEBRIS ION Self-DAMAGE: C-, Au-, and Pt Debris ions cause large damage within the first 2-um. Large damage assists in “RE-SOUTION” of helium bubbles: - Facilitates efficient He-recycling. A high helium He-Recycling coefficient may be attainable. Needs experimental verification ? CARBON: Implantation of C into W is significant: Localized C/ W > 1 in a few days Effects on mechanical performance of W-armor needs investigation. Effect of Carbon on P-, D-, and T retention has not been addressed. May be critical for W-armor reliability. ROUGHENING •Mechanism of armor failure as it relates to roughening will be experimentally determined and theoretically modeled. • Role of hydrogen implantation on surface cracking needs consideration.