9/18/2018 Department of Software Engineering and IT Engineering Software Quality Assurance Rice Cooker Project Professor Claude Y Laporte, Eng., Ph.D. November- December 2009
Components of Software Quality Assurance Quality Culture Standards Models Code of Ethics Suppliers Quality Factors Cost of Quality Reviews, Audits, Inspections QUALITY PLAN Measure and defect Tools Verification & Validation Configuration Management Process, Activities, Tasks Staff SQA Management 9/18/2018
Project Description Project will be performed in teams of 4 students. The team will manage and execute a small development project and apply different software quality assurance practices. Project is executed in 3 Phases: Estimate and allocate the effort required to perform the project Execute the tasks Collect the effort of each team member Document the lessons learned from the project The lessons learned and recommendations will be presented to the class. 9/18/2018
Phase 1- Estimate Effort Prepare an estimate of the effort (in staff-hours) and allocate tasks to team members to: Document the needs and expectations of the Customer using the Software Requirement Specification (SRS) template. Perform a review of the SRS and correct the defects of the SRS. Install and set up a Version Control tool (e.g. CVS, SVN) All version of all deliverables will be stored in the repository of the version control tool Install and setup a defect tracking tool (e.g. Bugzilla) Develop and update a traceability matrix (i.e. between the specifications, design, code, tests) Design the product required by the customer 9/18/2018
Phase 1- Estimate Effort Prepare an estimate of the effort (in staff-hours) and allocate tasks to team members to: Code the product required by the customer Review the code and correct the defects Develop the set of tests Execute the tests of the code and correct the defects Collect the effort (measured in staff-hour) of each team member, on a spreadsheet, and compute the Cost of Quality of the following task categories: Initial Development of Work Products (D) (e.g. write SRS, document the design, develop the code) Prevention Activities (P) (e.g. installation of tools) Evaluation of work products (E) (e.g. develop the set of tests and perform reviews) Product Rework (R) (e.g. effort required to make corrections to documents, i.e. rework) 11. Document lessons learned and recommendations. 9/18/2018
Phase 2 - Execute Tasks and Collect Effort Phase 2 - Execute the tasks of the project and collect the effort of each team member Document the needs and expectations of the Customer using a Software Requirement Specification (SRS) template See the ‘Requirement Analysis Deployment Package’ Perform a review of the SRS and correct the defects of the SRS. Update the effort spreadsheet Install and set up a Version Control tool (e.g. CVS, SVN) All version of all deliverables will be stored in the repository of the tool Store SRS in Version Control repository Update the effort spreadsheet and store in repository Install and setup a defect tracking tool (e.g. Bugzilla) Develop and update a traceability matrix Store traceability matrix in repository When defects are found, they are logged in the Issue tracking tool 9/18/2018
Phase 2 - Execute Tasks and Collect Effort Phase 2 - Execute the tasks of the project 5. Design the product required by the customer See the ‘Architecture and Detailed Design Deployment Package’ Update traceability matrix Store design in repository Update the effort spreadsheet and store in repository 6. Code the product required by the customer See the ‘Construction and Unit Testing Deployment Package’ Store code in repository 7. Review the code by performing an inspection and correct the defects Log issues in Issue tracking tool Store corrected code in repository When defects are found, they are logged in the Issue tracking tool 9/18/2018
Phase 2 - Execute Tasks and Collect Effort Phase 2 - Execute the tasks of the project 8. Develop the set of tests See the ‘Software Testing Deployment Package’ Update traceability matrix Store set of tests in repository (test cases) Update the effort spreadsheet and store in repository 9. Execute the tests of the code and correct the defects Log issues in Issue Tracking Tool Store in repository (updated code and test cases) 10. Collect the effort (measured in staff-hour) of each team member, on a spreadsheet, and compute the Cost of Quality task categories (see below). When defects are found, they are logged in the Issue tracking tool 9/18/2018
Perform a Lessons Learned Review: Phase 3 – Learning Phase Perform a Lessons Learned Review: Analyze the actual effort versus estimated effort Explain the differences between actual and estimated Discuss the data from the Cost of Quality measurements Discuss what has been learned What could be done the same way the next time? What should not be done the next time? What could be done differently or improved? Develop recommendations to improve the team project and the quality assurance course Prepare a 6-slide presentation (template on web site) Write a 1,000-word report: lessons learned and recommendations (template on web site) Update the effort spreadsheet Store in repository Report, effort spreadsheet, presentation. When defects are found, they are logged in the Issue tracking tool 9/18/2018
Deliverables Spreadsheet of the Estimation of the effort and the allocation of tasks to team members Traceability matrix spreadsheet Software Requirement specification (SRS) Design of Product Walk-through forms completed: Walk-through form and Walk-through Issues logged in issue tracking tool Code of product Inspection form completed and Issue log forms Issues stored in issue tracking tool Test cases Traceability matrix spreadsheet (completed) Spreadsheet of Total effort Lessons learned report Note: Documents are sent to teaching assistant via e-mail before 22:00 hours the day of deadline given in class. A penalty of 10% per day will be applied for late delivery. 9/18/2018
Project Plan Role Name Name of team member Tasks Deliverable Estimated Effort (hours) Actual Effort Team Leader Estimate… Review… …. Y Z 9/18/2018
Tasks categories with regards to Cost of Quality Codes for charging time to project activities: D Initial Development of Work Products P Prevention Activities R Product Rework E Evaluation Adapted from: Houston, D., Cost of Software Quality: Selling Software Process Improvement to Managers, in Fundamental Concepts for the Software Quality Engineer, Edited by Daughtrey, T., ASQ Quality press, 2002 9/18/2018
Tasks Categories D P R E A01 Project Management Planning A02 Requirements Development A03 Product Concept Development A04 Requirements Analysis A05 Functional Concept Development A06 Define Architecture A07 Test Plan Development A23 SCM Builds A24 Other SCM Functions A25 Requirements & Change Management A26 Establish Development Environment (e.g. tools) D Initial Development of Work Products P Prevention Activities R Product Rework E Evaluation 9/18/2018
Tasks Categories recorded in the Spreadsheet 2.5 D 9/18/2018
Team Members 9/18/2018