Cellular Respiration: Harvesting Chemical Energy BioA-Ch9-106 Cellular Respiration: Harvesting Chemical Energy 生物及解剖學科 藍心婕 18705
9.0 Overview: Life Is Work Living cells require transfusions of energy from outside sources to perform their many tasks Some animals, such as the giraffe, obtain energy by eating plants, and some animals feed on other organisms that eat plants
Energy flows into an ecosystem as sunlight and leaves as heat
Muscle cells carrying out Breathing O2 CO2 Lungs CO2 O2 Bloodstream Figure 6.2 The connection between breathing and cellular respiration. Muscle cells carrying out Cellular Respiration Glucose + O2 CO2 + H2O + ATP
Catabolic pathways and production of ATP 9.1: Catabolic pathways異化作用yield energy by oxidizing organic fuels Catabolic pathways and production of ATP The breakdown of organic molecules is exergonic釋能的. Catabolic process: Fermentation發酵作用(anaerobic respiration): a partial degradation of sugars that occurs without oxygen. Cellular respiration呼吸作用(aerobic respiration): consumes oxygen and organic molecules such as glucose to yields ATP C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + H2O + energy (ATP + heat) Free energy (ΔG)= - 686 kcal /mol
To keep working cells must regenerate ATP ATP transfers phosphate groups to various substrates, priming them to do work.
B. Redox氧化還原反應reactions: reduction and oxidation Catabolic pathways yield energy due to the transfer of electrons The principle of redox Redox reactions: transfer electrons from one reactant to another by oxidation and reduction. Oxidation氧化: substance loses electrons, or is oxidized. Reduction還原: substance gains electrons, or is reduced. oxidation oxidation Na + Cl Na+ + Cl- Xe- + Y X + Ye- reduction reduction Some redox reactions do not completely exchange electrons but change the degree of electron sharing in covalent bonds
becomes oxidized becomes reduced Reactants Products Methane (reducing agent) Oxygen (oxidizing Carbon dioxide Water becomes oxidized becomes reduced becomes oxidized becomes reduced
Oxidation of organic fuel molecules during cellular respiration During cellular respiration, glucose is oxidized and oxygen is reduced Stepwise energy harvest via NAD+ and the electron transport chain Cellular respiration oxidizes glucose in a series of steps Electrons from organic compounds are usually first transferred to NAD+, than passes the electrons to the electron transport chain電子傳遞鏈. NAD+: a coenzyme輔酶; NADH: the reduced form of NAD+ NAD+ 2 e− + 2 H+ 2[H] (from food) Nicotinamide (oxidized form) Reduction of NAD+ 2 e− + H+ NADH (reduced form) Oxidation of NADH H+ Dehydrogenase
If electron transfer is not stepwise, a large release of energy occurs as in the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen to form water. Electron transport chain: passes electrons in a series of steps and uses the energy from the electron transfer to form ATP. H2 + ½ O2 2 H 2 H+ 2 e− H2O Controlled release of energy Electron transport chain ATP Explosive release Cellular respiration Uncontrolled reaction (a) (b) Free energy, G
The Stages of Cellular Respiration: A Preview Respiration has three metabolic stages: glycolysis醣解作用, citric acid cycle 檸檬酸循環 and oxidative phosphorylation氧化磷酸化 Glycolysis (Glyco = sweet, sugar; lysis = to split): breaks down glucose into two molecules of pyruvate丙酮酸 Electrons via NADH GLYCOLYSIS Glucose Pyruvate CYTOSOL MITOCHONDRION ATP Substrate-level
Citric acid cycle: completes the breakdown of glucose Oxidative phosphorylation: driven by the electron transport chain and generates ATP. Electrons via NADH and FADH2 ATP CYTOSOL MITOCHONDRION Substrate-level Oxidative GLYCOLYSIS PYRUVATE OXIDATION CITRIC ACID CYCLE OXIDATIVE PHOSPHORYLATION (Electron transport and chemiosmosis) Acetyl CoA Glucose Pyruvate
Two mechanisms of ATP generation Cells use the energy released by “falling” electrons to pump H+ ions across a membrane The energy of the gradient is harnessed to make ATP by the process of chemiosmosis High H+ concentration ATP synthase uses gradient energy to make ATP Membrane Electron transport chain ATP synthase Energy from Low H+ concentration Figure 6.7A
substrate-level phosphorylation 受質階層磷酸化 Both glycolysis and the citric acid cycle can generate ATP by substrate-level phosphorylation 受質階層磷酸化 Enzyme Substrate Product ATP ADP P
Energy Investment Phase 9.2: Glycolysis harvests energy by oxidizing glucose to pyruvate Energy Investment Phase Glycolysis: splitting of sugar, breaks down glucose into pyruvate, occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell. Glycolysis consists of two major phases: energy investment phase 耗能階段; energy payoff phase 產能階段 Glucose 2 ATP used 2 ADP + 2 P Energy Payoff Phase 4 ADP + 4 P 4 ATP formed 2 NAD+ + 4 e− + 4 H+ 2 NADH + 2 H+ 2 Pyruvate + 2 H2O Net Glucose 2 Pyruvate + 2 H2O 4 ATP formed − 2 ATP used 2 ATP 2 2 NAD+ + 4 e− + 4 H+ 2 NADH + 2 H+
1 2 Glucose Fructose ATP 6-phosphate ADP Figure 9.9a GLYCOLYSIS: Energy Investment Phase Glucose 6-phosphate ATP ADP Hexokinase Phosphogluco- isomerase Fructose 1 2 Figure 9.9 A closer look at glycolysis. Figure 9.9 A closer look at glycolysis.
5 4 3 Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) ATP Fructose 6-phosphate Figure 9.9b GLYCOLYSIS: Energy Investment Phase 3 4 5 Fructose 6-phosphate ATP ADP Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) 1,6-bisphosphate Dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) Phospho- fructokinase Aldolase Isomerase Figure 9.9 A closer look at glycolysis.
4 5 6 7 GLYCOLYSIS: Energy Payoff Phase Glyceraldehyde Figure 9.9c GLYCOLYSIS: Energy Payoff Phase 4 Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) Dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) Aldolase Isomerase 5 6 7 Triose phosphate dehydrogenase 2 NAD+ 2 H+ NADH 2 2 ADP 1,3-Bisphospho- glycerate 3-Phospho- Phospho- glycerokinase ATP Figure 9.9 A closer look at glycolysis.
8 9 10 GLYCOLYSIS: Energy Payoff Phase 3-Phospho- glycerate 2-Phospho- Figure 9.9d 8 9 10 Phospho- glyceromutase 3-Phospho- glycerate 2-Phospho- 2 Enolase Phosphoenol- pyruvate (PEP) Pyruvate kinase ATP ADP H2O GLYCOLYSIS: Energy Payoff Phase Figure 9.9 A closer look at glycolysis.
Transport protein NAD+ H+ NADH + 9.3: The citric acid cycle completes the energy-yielding oxidation of organic molecules Before the citric acid cycle can begin, pyruvate must be converted to acetyl Coenzyme A (acetyl CoA), which links glycolysis to the citric acid cycle This step is carried out by a multienzyme complex that catalyses three reactions CYTOSOL Pyruvate Transport protein MITOCHONDRION Acetyl CoA NAD+ H+ NADH + CO2 Coenzyme A 1 2 3
An overview of the citric acid cycle PYRUVATE OXIDATION Pyruvate (from glycolysis, 2 molecules per glucose) NADH NAD+ CO2 CoA + H+ CITRIC ACID CYCLE FADH2 FAD ATP ADP + P i 3 H+ 3 2 Acetyl CoA An overview of the citric acid cycle The citric acid cycle, also called the Krebs cycle, completes the break down of pyruvate to CO2 The cycle oxidizes organic fuel derived from pyruvate, generating 1 ATP, 3 NADH, and 1 FADH2 per turn
CITRIC ACID CYCLE Acetyl CoA Oxaloacetate Citrate -Ketoglutarate H2O + H+ Oxaloacetate CoA-SH Citrate -Ketoglutarate NAD+ CO2 NADH Succinyl CoA ATP ADP GTP GDP Succinate FAD FADH2 Fumarate Malate CITRIC ACID CYCLE P i Isocitrate 1 2 5 6 4 3 7 8
The citric acid cycle has eight steps, each catalyzed by a specific enzyme The acetyl group of acetyl CoA joins the cycle by combining with oxaloacetate(OAA), forming citrate The next seven steps decompose the citrate back to oxaloacetate, making the process a cycle The NADH and FADH2 produced by the cycle relay electrons extracted from food to the electron transport chain
1 2 H2O Acetyl CoA Oxaloacetate Citrate Isocitrate CoA-SH Figure 9.12a Figure 9.12 A closer look at the citric acid cycle.
3 4 Isocitrate -Ketoglutarate Succinyl CoA CO2 NAD+ NADH + H+ Figure 9.12b 3 4 -Ketoglutarate CO2 NAD+ NADH + H+ CoA-SH Isocitrate Succinyl CoA Figure 9.12 A closer look at the citric acid cycle.
6 5 FADH2 FAD GTP GDP ADP ATP P Fumarate Succinate Succinyl CoA CoA-SH Figure 9.12c Succinyl CoA 6 5 Fumarate FADH2 FAD Succinate GTP GDP ADP ATP P i CoA-SH Figure 9.12 A closer look at the citric acid cycle.
8 7 NADH H2O + H+ NAD+ Oxaloacetate Malate Fumarate Figure 9.12d Figure 9.12 A closer look at the citric acid cycle.
CITRIC ACID CYCLE Acetyl CoA Oxaloacetate Citrate -Ketoglutarate H2O + H+ Oxaloacetate CoA-SH Citrate -Ketoglutarate NAD+ CO2 NADH Succinyl CoA ATP ADP GTP GDP Succinate FAD FADH2 Fumarate Malate CITRIC ACID CYCLE P i Isocitrate 1 2 5 6 4 3 7 8
1953年英國醫博士 Sir Hans Krebs 發表了一篇“the citric acid cycle”簡稱TCA cycle ( 檸檬酸周期循環 )榮獲諾貝爾獎,於次年受聘為牛津大學生化系主任,並受英國皇室冊封為爵士 以表彰其對人類生化研究上之偉大貢獻。 Professor Sir Hans Krebs FRS, 1900-1981, biochemist, Nobel laureate
青蒿素(Artemisinin) 阿維菌素(Avermectins) 大村智 屠呦呦
東京工業大學教授大隅良典 (Yoshinori Ohsumi) 細胞自噬作用(Autophagy)
GLYCOLYSIS CITRIC ACID CYCLE PYRUVATE OXIDATION ATP OXIDATIVE PHOSPHORYL- ATION 9.4: During oxidative phosphorylation, chemiosmosis couples electron transport to ATP synthesis NADH and FADH2: donate electrons to the electron transport chain, which powers ATP synthesis via oxidative phosphorylation The Pathway of Electron Transport The carriers alternate reduced and oxidized states as they accept and donate electrons Electrons drop in free energy as they go down the chain and are finally passed to O2, forming H2O Multiproteins including cytochromes (each with an iron atom)
Chemiosmosis: The Energy-Coupling Mechanism 能量偶合機制 The electron transport chain generates no ATP directly Electron transfer causes protein complexes to pump H+ from the mitochondrial matrix to the intermembrane space H+ then moves back across the membrane, passing through the protein complex, ATP synthase ATP synthase uses the exergonic flow of H+ to drive phosphorylation of ATP
ATP Synthase 3-D Structure Top View Side View
The H+ gradient is referred to as a proton-motive force 質子驅動力, emphasizing its capacity to do work Protein complex of electron carriers (carrying electrons from food) ATP synthase Electron transport chain Chemiosmosis Oxidative phosphorylation 2 H+ + ½ O2 H2O ADP + P i H+ Cyt c Q I II III IV FAD FADH2 NADH NAD+ 1 2
An Accounting of ATP Production by Cellular Respiration During cellular respiration, most energy flows in this sequence: glucose → NADH → electron transport chain → proton-motive force → ATP About 34% of the energy in a glucose molecule is transferred to ATP during cellular respiration, making about 32 ATP There are several reasons why the number of ATP is not known exactly
Electron shuttles span membrane CYTOSOL MITOCHONDRION 2 NADH or Figure 9.16 Electron shuttles span membrane CYTOSOL MITOCHONDRION 2 NADH or 2 FADH2 2 NADH 2 NADH 6 NADH 2 FADH2 GLYCOLYSIS PYRUVATE OXIDATION 2 Acetyl CoA OXIDATIVE PHOSPHORYLATION (Electron transport and chemiosmosis) CITRIC ACID CYCLE Glucose 2 Pyruvate + 2 ATP + 2 ATP + about 26 or 28 ATP Figure 9.16 ATP yield per molecule of glucose at each stage of cellular respiration About 30 or 32 ATP Maximum per glucose:
Cellular respiration relies on oxygen to produce ATP 9.5 Fermentation and anaerobic respiration enables some cells to produce ATP without the use of oxygen Cellular respiration relies on oxygen to produce ATP In the absence of oxygen cells can still produce ATP through fermentation Glycolysis can produce ATP with or without oxygen, in aerobic or anaerobic conditions, and couples with fermentation to produce ATP glucose glycolysis no O2 O2 pyruvate reduced to ethanol or lactate oxidized to acetyl CoA & & NAD+is recycled as NADH is oxidize oxidation continues in Krebs cycle
Types of Fermentation Fermentation consists of glycolysis plus reactions that regenerate NAD+, which can be reused by glyocolysis Alcohol 酒精fermentation: pyruvate is converted to ethanol in two steps, one of which releases CO2. Lactic acid 乳酸fermentation: pyruvate is reduced directly to NADH to form lactate as a waste product 2 ADP + 2 P i 2 ATP Glucose NAD+ NADH + 2 H+ 2 Pyruvate CO2 2 Ethanol (a) Alcohol fermentation 2 Acetaldehyde 2 Lactate Lactic acid fermentation GLYCOLYSIS Pyruvate (b)
Fermentation and Cellular Respiration Compared Both fermentation and cellular respiration use glycolysis to oxidize glucose and other organic fuels to pyruvate Fermentation and cellular respiration differ in their final electron acceptor Cellular respiration produces more ATP Pyruvate is a key juncture in catabolism Glucose Glycolysis CYTOSOL Pyruvate No O2 present: Fermentation O2 present: Aerobic cellular respiration Ethanol, lactate, or other products MITOCHONDRION Acetyl CoA CITRIC ACID CYCLE The Evolutionary Significance of Glycolysis Glycolysis occurs in nearly all organisms, probably evolved in ancient prokaryotes before there was oxygen in the atmosphere
The Versatility of Catabolism多功能的異化作用 9.6 Glycolysis and the citric acid cycle connect to many other metabolic pathways The Versatility of Catabolism多功能的異化作用 Catabolic pathways funnel electrons from many kinds of organic molecules into cellular respiration The catabolism of various molecules from food Biosynthesis (Anabolic Pathways同化作用) The body uses small molecules to build other substances These small molecules may come directly from food or through glycolysis or the citric acid cycle Proteins Carbohydrates Fats Amino acids Sugars Glycerol Fatty acids GLYCOLYSIS Glucose Glyceraldehyde 3- P NH3 Pyruvate Acetyl CoA CITRIC ACID CYCLE OXIDATIVE PHOSPHORYLATION
ATP needed to drive biosynthesis Cells, tissues, organisms Biosynthesis of macromolecules from intermediates in cellular respiration ATP needed to drive biosynthesis GLUCOSE SYNTHESIS Citric acid cycle Acetyl CoA pyruvate G3P Glucose Amino groups Amino acids Fatty acids Glycerol Sugars Proteins Fats Polyscaccharides Cells, tissues, organisms Figure 6.17
Regulation 調節of Cellular Respiration via Feedback回饋Mechanisms
The control of cellular respiration: phosphofructokinase is allosteric enzyme, citrate and ATP are allosteric inhibitors抑制物of phosphofructokinase, ADP and AMP are allosteric activators活化物 for phosphofructokinase Glucose AMP Stimulates GLYCOLYSIS Fructose 6-phosphate Phosphofructokinase Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate Inhibits Citrate Pyruvate Acetyl CoA ATP CITRIC ACID CYCLE Oxidative phosphorylation
You should now be able to: Explain in general terms how redox reactions are involved in energy exchanges. Name the three stages of cellular respiration; for each, state the region of the eukaryotic cell where it occurs and the products that result In general terms, explain the role of the electron transport chain in cellular respiration Explain where and how the respiratory electron transport chain creates a proton gradient Distinguish between fermentation and anaerobic respiration Distinguish between obligate and facultative anaerobes