The Crucible Act Four
What reasons do Parris and Hale give for : a) postponing the hangings, b) and what are their real motives?
Parris’ reasons REASON GIVEN Fears riots and wants to wait until at least one person has confessed - one admission would justify the hangings. REAL REASON Self interest - Abigail and Mercy Lewis have run away so it makes him look guilty.
Hale’s reasons REASON GIVEN Fears civil unrest. REAL REASON He realises what has happened and feels guilty for the role he played in the early events of the play.
What reasons to Danforth, Parris and Hale have for wanting John to sign the confession?
Danforth He wants a respected person to confess before anyone finds out that Abigail and Mercy have gone. He is worried that people will turn against the trials.
Parris He has been threatened - he fears for his personal safety and thinks that John’s confession will influence others to confess.
Hale Guilt - he will feel responsible if Proctor dies
To sign or not to sign? What pressures does John face in his struggle to decide whether or not to sign the confession?
For signing To save his life. He is already a sinner, so what difference does another lie make? He will be there for his wife and children. John seems himself as a fraud, a sinner, who does not deserve to be hanged like a saint like the others, who are good and innocent. Only those who have never lied can die for the truth.
Against signing Rebecca and Giles have not confessed, so how can he? If Giles died such a heroic death, how can he possibly confess just to save his life? By making a false confession he would be lying and committing a sin. Elizabeth would not lie. Cont.
Against signing cont. 5) His confession would be displayed on the church door for all to see so everyone would see his shame. He would not be able to face his friends and neighbours. 6) Rebecca’s reaction - she is astonished that he is planning to confess. 7) His confession will be used to incriminate others. 8) He will lose his ‘name’ - his sense of identity and personal integrity.
Your opinion What do you think? Was Proctor right to accept death rather than make a false confession? You are going to write a short essay giving your opinion.
Essay Plan You should make clear at the start of your essay what your opinion is. Write one or two paragraphs outlining why you think this and giving reasons, based on the text, for why you feel this way. Now briefly outline the opposite point of view to the one that you believe, giving a few reasons. Sum up your opinion in your conclusion.