Native American Mythology & Folklore Common Elements of Native American Mythology & Folklore
Religion Religion is closely related to the nature world. The land itself takes on a supernatural meaning, and natural objects are considered sacred. Ceremonial rituals are performed in order to promote prosperity, and they value the quest for spiritual power in the afterlife.
Rituals Very rarely was there a distinction between myth and ritual. Ceremonies were held in high importance and were embraced to provided power to deal with life’s difficulties.
Medicine Men These men were the deep thinkers of the more successful tribes. They set aside time for meditation and deep though, and they were in a special *social class separate from hungting and fishing. *considered high on the “totem” pole.
Creator or Master Spirit This deity is the all-knowing and all powerful creator of the world. He is usually represented by the sun and referred to as “The Father”.
Mother Earth Another supreme deity worshiped by many Native American tribes.
Trickster This deity can be good or bad depending on the tribe. Some tribes view this deity as evil while others see him as helpful. The trickster typically introduces the conflict in the myth.
Other gods Many tribes also believe in lesser deities such as rain gods, thunder gods, and wind gods.
Universe Many tribes believe that the universe has three parts. The underworld is a dangerous place, the middle world is where the humans dwell, and the sky world is where the powerful deities rule.
Vision Quest This was a long period of meditation, fasting, and physical challenges to purify the body and soul. This was usually the first ceremony of the Native American boy. (a rite of passage)
Sweat Lodge This ritual was also used to purify the body. Hot rocks were placed in blankets to form a sauna. Used in the Vision Quest and to purify the body for disease.
Afterlife Some tribes believe in reincarnation where people could be reborn as a person or an animal. Others believe that the spirit leaves for another world while others remain as ghosts.
The World Tree This tree links the three parts of the universe. Leaves: the sky world Heaven Trunk: the middle world Earth Roots: the underworld Hell