Race, Ethnic Groups, and Racism
The Meaning of Race Race – a group of people who are distinguished from other groups by their origin in a particular part of the world.
The Meaning of Race Biological Characteristics – an inherited, rather than learned characteristic.
The Meaning of Race Ethnic Group – people who have a shared historical and cultural background that leads them to identify with each other.
Racism The belief that some racial groups are inherently inferior to others
Racism Marginalization – making people of other races feel excluded and unimportant. Problematization – imputing racial problems to those of other races than to one’s own race. Containment – efforts to deny the existence of racism.
The Rights of Citizenship The Right to Vote 15th Amendment – all male Americans over age 21 have the right to vote. Disfranchise – to deprive the right to vote
The Rights of Citizenship The Rule of Law “Restrictive covenants” in housing Brown v. Board of Education (1954) Can not have separate public schools for black and white children – Supreme Court
The Rights of Citizenship Equality before the Law 1 in 3 black males, 1 in 6 Hispanic males, and 1 in 17 white males will spend time in prison over their lifetime.
Employment and Race A group may have unequal access to employment in four ways: 1. The group may have a higher rate of unemployment 2. A greater proportion of the group may be underemployed
Employment and Race 3. Members of the group may be clustered at the lower levels of occupational categories. 4. A disproportionate number of the group may become disillusioned and drop out of the labor market.
Employment and Race In 2008, the black unemployment rate was more than twice that of whites. American Indians have the highest unemployment rate of any group – about 46% in 2004.
Income and Wealth In 2010, black household income was 58.7% and Hispanic household income was 69.1% of the non-Hispanic white household income. Asian-Pacific Islanders have a higher median household income than that of any other group.
The Right to Dignity as a Human Being Stealth Racism--hidden or subtle acts of prejudice and discrimination that may be apparent only to the victim. DWB--Driving While Black The Myth of Success around the Corner The Myth of Inferiority
Social Structural Factors Institutional Racism – policies and practices of social institutions that tend to perpetuate racial discrimination. Mass Media Education Segregated schools, IQ-testing, ability grouping of children, differential treatment of children based on racial or ethnic identity.
Social Structural Factors The Economy Exploitation of minority labor, exclusion of minorities from full participation in the economy, and exploitation of minority consumers. Government
Majority Perspectives Prejudice – a rigid, emotional attitude that legitimates discriminatory behavior toward people in a group.
Prejudice Sources of prejudice Personality needs Usefulness of prejudice for certain groups Certain attributes possessed by the minority group. Prejudice facilitates fallacious thinking
Majority Perspectives 40% of whites, but only 11% of African Americans believe the nation has achieved racial equality. Asian Americans are seen as the “model minority.”
Minority Perspectives In the face of disparaging attitudes and ideologies, minorities can get trapped in a vicious cycle. By experiencing disparagement, deprivation, and powerlessness, members of a minority group may develop attitudes of alienation and cynicism about society.
Minority Perspectives Some of these attitudes may lead minorities to accept their low position rather than struggle against it. In turn, remaining deprived and powerless confirms their perspective.