A.I.S.E. Cleaning and Hygiene Forum Susanne Zänker 30 November 2016 Welcome to all. Balanced representation in the audience (COM, ECHA, Council, Academia, NGO, value-chain partners, IND) Thank you for participating in this revised format. Willingness from A.I.S.E. to engage and continue dialogue with all. Information Day was successful (recognition of the past). Now time to move to a more dynamic approach, and discuss issues at a political level. This is the purpose of this event. Contrary to the saying, Brussels is NOT a bubble. Decisions taken here have a direct impact in the EU.
Based in Brussels, the International Associations for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products has been the voice of the industry to EU Regulators for over 60 years. Membership consists of 30 national associations across Europe and nine European market-leading companies. Through this extensive network, A.I.S.E. represents over 900 companies supplying household and professional cleaning products and services across Europe. A.I.S.E has a long history in leading voluntary industry initiatives that focus on sustainable design, manufacturing and consumption, products safety and safe use of products by consumers and professional customers.
A.I.S.E.’S MISSION: We enable our industry to succeed by promoting and shaping a favourable operating framework. We do this by serving our members in: Developing ad representing our industry perspective with one voice to European policy makers; Creating and driving industry initiatives Engaging with value-chain partners and other key stakeholders; Leveraging the expertise and diversity of the network of national associations and companies * A.I.S.E. has undertaken a thorough exercise in order to redefine itself. Our mission is to be the authoritative voice of the industry:
INDUSTRY’S VISION “ A prosperous cleaning and hygiene industry which is a role model for serving society in an innovative and sustainable way.” * The industry is a dynamic and responsible one. Product Safety, Sustainable Development and Cleanliness & Hygiene are top priorities, as demonstrated by its vision:
Ensuring Cleanliness and Hygiene at Home and in Society The industry provides important socio-economic benefits to society, sometimes overlooked (in the home and in society). Can we imagine what it would mean to live without detergents and maintenance products? Our products are used by the 500 million EU citizens EVERY day, most likely SEVERAL times per day. Cleaning in the 21st century means the industry must continuously adapt to end-users demands for greater convenience, sustainability, and price considerations. Today’s event will serve in part in presenting the results of the industry’s Socio-Economic Analysis published this year (and subsesquent industry political manifesto).
This study demonstrates that our industry is providing strong societal and economic benefits to society. Speakers in the First Session will provide an insight into the industry. It’s trends, its future opportunities for growth, it’s role as an “enabler” for other industry to exist, and grow themselves, but also what is the appropriate balance between hygiene and sustainability
Contribution vs Cost We value our contribution to society, including the costs of legislation if they appropriately guarantee the safety of workers, consumers and the environment. We recognise the clear benefits provided by EU chemicals legislation. We will hear from speakers of the EU institutions, in Session II, about the upcoming priorities on the EU Agenda. but we will also contribute by highlighting some of the fundamental barriers to economic growth and competitiveness for our sector.
REFIT – making EU law lighter, simpler and less costly European Commission’s fitness check on chemical legislation The regulatory framework and its implementation and enforcement at member state level are fundamental. This is the purpose of the panel discussion which will take place in Session III. LICENCE TO OPERATE, BUSINESS CERTAINTY, SIMPLIFICATION, SOCIETY PROTECTION…These are not only buzz words but core principles for industry. We hope the panel discussion will represent the opportunity to discuss a way forward, which can be supported by all stakeholders.
Circular Economy Finally, and because we are committed to sustainability, the last presentation of the day will present an overview of what the industry has done over the past 12 months in terms of sustainability and innovation. A full agenda, certainly, but we hope today’s exchange will prove useful in contributing to the ongoing reflections as regards Fitness Check of EU chemicals legislation, for the benefit of industry, the environment, and society at large. Thank you