Chapter 9 National Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Manual Emergency Response Chapter 9 National Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Manual Focus Slide Only
Emergency Response This module will help you: Know how to implement and execute an emergency response plan Identify how unintended spills and fires can harm humans and the environment Understand how to clean up spills to reduce environmental impact Know how to dispose of contaminated items Be familiar with emergency response equipment Unfortunately, accidents happen. Some small and fairly manageable and others big or hazardous that require expert assistance. This presentation will help you know how to implement and execute an emergency response plan. You need to be able to identify how unintended pesticide releases, like fire and spills, can harm humans and the environment. In dealing with emergencies, you must know how to clean up and dispose of contaminated items to reduce environmental impact. And, you should be familiar with emergency response equipment.
Emergency Response Be prepared You have responsibilities to protect employees, your community and the environment Be prepared. The more prepared you are to handle an emergency, the faster you can react and reduce impacts on human and animal health and reduce impacts to the environment.
What is a typical emergency? Overturned vehicle Ruptured hose Explosion or fire in storage area Why plan for an emergency response? What is a typical emergency when working with pesticides? If a vehicle or spray rig overturned, pesticide injuries, fires or spills can occur. A ruptured hose can cause a pesticide spill that results in an exposure incident or environmental contamination. An explosion or fire in a pesticide storage area can result in toxic fumes. Why is it important to plan for an emergency response? Being well-prepared to respond to an emergency can prevent harm to humans and the environment. How you respond makes all the difference. Protects employees, community, environment How you respond, makes all the difference!
Develop a Plan Designate an emergency coordinator Maintain a list of emergency response agencies Person, agencies to be notified Local emergency planning committee Police and fire units Paramedics and hospitals Chemical manufacturers Containment and hazardous waste cleanup Attorney Designate an emergency coordinator for the emergency response plan. Your plan should include a list of agencies to be notified, including the person to contact. Have phone numbers for the local emergency planning committee, police and fire units, and the local paramedics and hospitals. List the chemical manufacturer’s contact information for the pesticides used. Include agencies that are responsible for pesticide containment and hazardous waste cleanup. Don’t forget to protect yourself and your assets. Contact an attorney if there is an emergency involving pesticides.
Information to be included in an emergency notification call Name of reporting person: ________________________________ Date and location of incident: Description of incident: Name of chemical: _______________ Quantity of chemical: _____________ Classification: ___________________ Extent of injuries: ________________ Potential effects on environment and community: _________________ Information to be included in an emergency notification call Emergency response forms should be available. Report information about the incident on these forms and keep them with the phone number list. Keep them with the phone number list
Map Your Facility! Map should include: layout of storage areas or buildings, and bulk storage tanks access roads, fences main shutoffs for utilities location of fire alarms, extinguishers, and protective clothing Send updated copies to emergency response agencies whenever changes are made! Storage Facility Fence N PPE Main utility shutoff Road Access A map of the pesticide storage facility and bulk storage tanks is essential to assist emergency responders and employees. Include the layout of the storage areas, access roads and fences, main shutoffs for utilities, and the location of fire alarms, extinguishers and personal protective equipment. Make sure emergency response agencies have a current copy available in the event an incident occurs.
Provide an Area Map Too! Map to Acme Provide the emergency response agencies with an area map that directs them to the pesticide storage facility without delay. Fire, police, paramedics can’t waste time trying to find your facility!
Keep an Inventory! Product names, volumes, and locations Keep copies of labels, MSDS, protective equipment Keep a set of documents away from storage area Emergency equipment: tools for diking, trenching, pumping, vacuuming containment and cleanup materials fire extinguishers, personal protective equipment Keep a pesticide storage facility inventory of the pesticide products with the trade names, volumes and locations. Also keep copies of labels and MSDS’s and your personal protective equipment available, but don’t house them in storage area. Keep emergency equipment handy anytime you’re working with pesticides, like tools for building dikes and digging trenches, containment and cleanup supplies, as well as fire extinguishers and PPE.
Outline your Actions Plan step-by-step procedures according to each possible emergency: fire, spill or leak, transport accident, etc. Designate responsible personnel beforehand Write down everything that happens! Share the outline with local responders WA Ecology Your emergency plans need to be specific and include step-by-step instructions for each different type of emergency that can occur. Prior to any incident, appoint the person responsible to handle the emergency. When an emergency does occur, the responsible person needs to write down everything that happens and then share the information with the local emergency responders.
Pesticide Fires How to Avoid a Pesticide Fire Assess the flammability and storage hazards of pesticide products Look on the label for “Do not use or store near heat or open flame” Fires usually involve oils or petroleum solvents WA Ecology It’s important to understand that pesticide fires can occur, but there are considerations that can help avoid pesticide fires. When pesticide products are purchased, find out about their flammability and storage hazards prior to storage. Products that are flammable have label statements that read “Do not use or store near heat or open flame”. Products that contain oils and petroleum solvents generally have flammability hazards.
Pesticide Fires Potential Problems Pesticides may give off highly toxic vapors or smoke that may harm firefighters, nearby residents, animals, or plants Residues may be present in debris and soil Runoff from the fire site may be highly toxic If a pesticide fire occurs, there are obvious potential hazards. Highly toxic fumes may be given off during a pesticide fire. These vapors or smoke can harm firefighters, people, animals or plants. After the fire, there may be pesticide residues in the debris and soil. The water used to quench the fire can result in toxic runoff away from the site. For this reason, don’t spray large volumes of water on a pesticide fire – let it burn.
Take Precautions to Reduce Fire Hazards! Put storage facility far from people, animals Always keep storage locked! Clearly post warning signs How can the hazards from a pesticide fire be reduced? The storage facility should be placed away from people and animals. Keep the storage facility locked and posted with warning signs. Warning signs alert first responders about what’s inside. First responders must know what they’re being exposed to in order to protect themselves and others.
Take Precautions to Reduce Fire Hazards! Store combustibles away from heat sources Do not store containers in sunlight, especially glass! Install fire alarms Keep foam-type fire extinguishers approved for chemical fires available Store combustible materials away from heat sources. Don’t let sunlight beat down on glass containers. Make sure fire alarms are installed, maintained and working properly. Use foam-type fire extinguishers for chemical fires.
Take Precautions to Reduce Fire Hazards! Notify the fire department of the location and contents of the storage facility Develop an emergency plan and train workers to execute it Keep an inventory of all pesticides in storage Take precautions to reduce fire hazards. Provide the fire department with the location and facility maps and the pesticide inventory. Develop an emergency plan, designate a coordinator, and train employees to handle an emergency. Keep an inventory of the pesticide products in the storage area.
If there is a chemical fire: Evacuate the area! Call 911, and tell what chemicals are involved Keep people away; establish a perimeter and protect downwind Have MSDS notebook ready! If there is a chemical fire, evacuate the area. Call 911 and report what chemicals are in the fire. Establish a perimeter and keep people out of the area. Have the MSDS’s available for all of the chemicals in the storage area.
If the fire is small... Contain with fog, foam, or dry powder If only water is available: use as fine spray or fog, don’t over-wet Caution: water jets can break bags, glass may spread contamination Contain the water and spilled chemicals There are emergency procedures that can be implemented for small fires. Contain the fire with fog, foam or dry powder. If there’s only water available, use a fine spray or fog, not a strong stream that can break bags and glass spreading contamination. If water is used, contain the water and spilled chemicals. Don’t allow runoff.
If the fire is large... Consider withdrawing and letting it burn -- using water may lead to widespread contamination Build dikes to contain water if necessary If it’s a large fire, consider letting the fire burn since using water can spread contamination. If necessary, build dikes to contain water.
After the fire... Clean or dispose of all clothing Everyone involved should shower Do not clean up or salvage until area has cooled After a pesticide fire, clean or dispose of all clothing. Anyone involved in the fire should shower thoroughly. Leave the fire site for clean-up until after it’s cooled.
Control - Contain - Clean up Pesticide Spills Protect yourself and others first (PPE), and administer first aid Different spill = different hazards Then respond to the spill, which may be very small to very large WA Ecology Okay, now let’s talk about spills. When handling spills – make sure you’re appropriately protected with PPE before you enter a zone of exposure. If anyone’s injured, administer first aid immediately. Then remember the three C’s for spills, Control, Contain and Clean up the spill. Some pesticide spills may be small and others quite large. Applicators must know how to respond to a pesticide spill. The 3 c’s are a good reminder. The 3 C’s Control - Contain - Clean up
Control the Spill Always wear PPE! FIRST stop the leak or spill - CONTROL Upright equipment so it no longer spills Put smaller containers into larger containers Try to plug larger leaks -- get help! Control the spill. Stop the leak. For example, if a container is turned over, right the container so that it no longer spills. If you have a container that’s leaking, put it into a larger container. If that’s not possible, try to plug the leak. Make certain to wear personal protective equipment when managing a pesticide spill.
Control the Spill Have a cell phone handy! Alert police if spill is on a highway Alert other state agencies if pesticides are involved Have the label and MSDS available for responders While the spill is being controlled, call the police if the spill is on the highway. If the spill can impact water, call the appropriate state agency. Make sure you contact a state agency to report a spill, so they can either answer questions of the public, or assist with the spill if needed. Labels and MSDS’s provide critical information to emergency responders.
For Large Spills... Send someone to get help DON’T leave the site unattended! If it’s a large spill, send for help. Don’t leave the site unattended. Prevent people from entering the contaminated area.
For Major Spills, CALL… State/local emergency management office CHEMTREC for emergency response info and technical assistance 1-800-424-9300 (emergency only) Emergency number on the label When a large pesticide spill occurs or a small spill that poses risks to human or the environment, or even if the spill is low risk but visible to the public, call the county emergency management office. For emergency response information and technical assistance, call CHEMTREC. 1-800-424-9300. Pesticide labels also list an emergency number that can be called.
Control the Spill Rope off the area and keep people out! Create perimeter > 30 feet away Avoid contact with drift, fumes Do not use flares if spilled material is flammable! Evacuate people from downwind areas 30 feet Prevent pesticide exposures by roping off the contaminated area and keeping people out. Create a 30-foot perimeter around the area. Avoid contact with pesticide drift or fumes from the spilled pesticide. If the material is flammable, don’t use flares. Consider downwind areas and evacuate people from those areas since they could be exposed.
Contain the Spill Do everything possible to prevent its spread WA Ecology Do everything possible to prevent its spread Build a dike or dam The spill MUST NOT get into any body of water (including sewers and drains)!!! WA Ecology Once the spill is controlled, contain the spill. Build a dam or dike around the spill with materials from the spill kit to prevent the spread of pesticide out of the spill area. For large spills, this can be quite the undertaking. The top photo shows containment in a river just down stream of a spill to prevent any further downstream contamination. Spilled pesticides should never enter water, including sewers and drains.
Contain the Spill If a water body is contaminated, contact the appropriate state agencies immediately! Notify local emergency planning coordinator DO NOT DELAY-- downstream users must be notified quickly! If the spilled pesticide enters water, immediately contact the appropriate agency. Notify the local emergency planning coordinator. Immediate action is required since it may be necessary to notify downstream users.
Contain the Spill Spread absorbent materials over entire spill; absorbent flakes, fine sand, vermiculite, clay, pet litter Avoid using sawdust on strong oxidizers Pillows, tubes, or pads: offer easy method, but must be disposed of properly May be able to apply at labeled or lower rate, no waste generated For spills on a non porous surface like a containment pad or storage room floor, spread absorbent materials over the spilled pesticide. Absorbent flakes, fine sand, vermiculite, clay and pet litter absorb pesticides well. Don’t use sawdust if the pesticide is a strong oxidizer. Absorbent pillows, tubes or pads are convenient to use, but must be disposed of properly. If at all possible use an absorbent that can be diluted and applied to a labeled site to prevent disposal problems. Thinking ahead and having a well supplied pesticide spill kit can save you a lot of headaches when an accident occurs.
Containing Dust, WP, and Granule Spills Lightly mist with water to contain Cover with plastic to contain Spilled dust, wettable powder and granular formulations can be lightly misted to contain it, or you can cover it with plastic.
Clean Up the Spill Add absorbent material, sweep it up, and put into a lined drum Use 30% bleach or hydrated lime to neutralize the area Use a coarse broom to work it into the area Finally, the spill must be cleaned up. Give the absorbent material time to soak of the spill, then sweep it up and place it in a container for later use or for disposal. Once the material is collected, decontaminate the area. Mix up a solution of 30% bleach or hydrated lime and work it into the contaminated area with a coarse broom. Then again, put absorbent material over the area where the bleach or lime has been applied, sweep it up and put it into a lined drum for disposal later.
+ Clean Up the Spill Wear protective equipment! LIME Wear protective equipment! Do not use lime and bleach together! Repeat as necessary! + Always wear protective equipment when cleaning up pesticide spills. When decontaminating the spill area, do not use bleach and lime together. It may be necessary to repeat the application of the bleach or lime to thoroughly decontaminate the area.
If soil is contaminated: Remove top 2-3 inches of soil Dispose of as hazardous waste if you can’t dilute it with clean soil and apply to a labeled site Cover with 2 inches of lime, then fresh topsoil Activated charcoal may be effective for minor spills If soil is contaminated during a pesticide spill, remove the top 2 to 3 inches of soil. It can be mixed with clean soil and applied at or below a labeled rate to a labeled site. If contaminated soil can’t be legally applied, dispose of it appropriately. To recondition the soil, layer 2 inches of lime over the area, then add fresh topsoil over the lime. Activated charcoal can also be effectively used to decontaminate an area where a minor spill has occurred.
Clean Contaminated Equipment Wear protective equipment Use 30% bleach in water or alkaline detergent Do not mix bleach and detergent! Contaminated equipment is another concern. It can be cleaned with 30% bleach or an alkaline detergent. Wear personal protective equipment during the decontamination process. Never mix bleach and detergent!
Clean-up Discard brooms, shoes, cloth hats Don’t save disposables and highly-contaminated clothing Wash yourself thoroughly with soap and water After the pesticide spill’s been cleaned up, discard brooms and any clothing or materials that may have been contaminated. Disposable personal protective equipment or any PPE that’s been highly contaminated should be disposed of as household hazardous waste. Wash, wash, wash thoroughly with soap and water to remove possible pesticide contamination that may have occurred during the clean-up process.
Write Everything Down! It’s for your own legal protection When a spill occurs, record all of the clean-up procedures that were used. This is for your legal protection.
Write Everything Down! Keep records of activities during the emergency and conversations with regulatory authorities, emergency personnel, and general public Keep records of all activities that were conducted during the emergency, including conversations with regulatory authorities, emergency personnel and the public. Good documentation is critical. Your records show clearly how emergency response progressed and how you acted in the best way possible to protect people and the environment. Good documentation is critical
Capture any damage, as well as the cleanup process Take photographs! Capture any damage, as well as the cleanup process Photographs are a good way to capture information about the spill and the cleanup procedure.
Prevent Spills First Inspect and maintain vehicles and equipment Understand your spray system thoroughly Be a safe driver! Spill prevention is the key to dealing with spills. Conduct regular inspections of vehicles and equipment to make certain that they’re fully operational and not leaking. A thorough understanding of the spray system can help avoid spills. Drive safely when transporting pesticides.
Keep a Spill Kit Nearby! whenever you are handling pesticides, including in storage areas and transport vehicles Always keep a spill kit accessible when using pesticides. Have a spill kit near the pesticide storage area and in vehicles that transport pesticides.
A Spill Kit Should Include: emergency phone numbers personal protective equipment absorbent materials: pillows, containment tubes, clay, sawdust, pet litter, activated charcoal, vermiculite shovel, broom, dustpan, sweeping compound fire extinguisher rated for many chemical fires large, sturdy plastic drum A spill kit should contain emergency phone numbers and personal protective equipment in addition to absorbent materials such as pet litter, tubes, or pillows. It should also have a shovel, broom and dustpan and a fire extinguisher that’s rated for many types of fires. A large, plastic drum should be available to contain the spilled materials prior use or disposal.
Summary Develop an emergency response plan; thoroughly train all employees in its details Some pesticides are highly flammable-- respond to fires appropriately Respond to pesticide spills with the 3 C’s: Control, Contain, and Clean up spills Prevention is the best solution Keep spill kits handy! In summary, it’s important to develop an emergency response plan and thoroughly train all employees on how to respond to an emergency. Remember that some products are highly flammable. When a pesticide spill occurs, follow the three C’s response plan, control, contain and clean up the spill. Preventing an emergency is the best solution. Always keep a spill kit handy when working with pesticides.
Q1. When responding to an emergency, the notification call should include what information? 1. Name and callback number of the person reporting the incident 2. Precise location of the incident 3. The exact name, quantity, and classification 4. The extent of any injuries Question 1. When responding to an emergency, the notification call should include what information? 1. Name and callback number of the person reporting the incident 2. Precise location of the incident 3. The exact name, quantity, and classification 4. The extent of any injuries A. 1 only 1 and 2 only C. 1, 2, and 3 only D. 1, 2, 3, and 4 Answer – D – all of the listed information should be reported. A. 1 only B. 1 and 2 only C. 1, 2, and 3 only D. 1, 2, 3, and 4
A. Highly toxic vapors downwind of fire Q2. Concerns from pesticide fires include all of the following except one option. Which option is not a concern with fires? A. Highly toxic vapors downwind of fire B. Contaminated runoff from the fire site C. Back-siphoning into a water supply D. Pesticide residues in the debris or soil after a fire Question 2. Concerns from pesticide fires include all of the following except one option. Which options are a concern with fires? A. Highly toxic vapors downwind of fire B. Contaminated runoff from the fire site C. Back-siphoning into a water supply D. Pesticide residues in the debris or soil after a fire Answer – C –Back-siphoning is a concern when filling a spray tank without using an airgap or check valve. Vapors, contaminated runoff and soil residues are concerns during and after a fire.
Q3. Which of the following should be the first action in response to a pesticide spill? A. Dispose of contaminated absorbent material B. Spread absorbent material over the spill C. Decontaminate the area where the spill occurred D. Stop the leak or spill Question 3. Which of the following should be the first action in response to a pesticide spill? A. Dispose of contaminated absorbent material B. Spread absorbent material over the spill C. Decontaminate the area where the spill occurred D. Stop the leak or spill Answer – D – Control first, then contain and clean up.
Acknowledgements Washington State University Urban IPM and Pesticide Safety Education Program authored this presentation Illustrations were provided by University of Missouri-Lincoln, Virginia Tech., Washington Dept. of Agriculture, Washington State University This presentation was authored by Carrie Foss, Carol Ramsay, Becky Hines, and Brett Johnson, Washington State University’s Urban IPM and Pesticide Safety Education program. CAST provided the funding to support the development of the presentation material. The illustrations in this presentation were provided by the University of Missouri-Lincoln, Virginia Tech, the Washington Department of Agriculture and Washington State University.
Acknowledgements Presentation was reviewed by Beth Long, University of Tennessee; Ed Crow, Maryland Dept. of Agriculture; Jeanne Kasai, US EPA; and Susan Whitney King, University of Delaware Narration was provided by Carol Ramsay, Washington State University Urban IPM and Pesticide Safety Education Presentations were reviewed by Beth Long, University of Tennessee, Ed Crow, Maryland Department of Agriculture, Jeanne Kasai, the US EPA and Susan Whitney King, University of Delaware. Narration was provided by Carol Ramsay, Washington State University Urban IPM and Pesticide Safety Education.
Support for this project was made possible through EPA Office of Pesticide Program cooperative agreements with the Council for Agricultural, Science and Technology, and the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture Research Foundation. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views and policies of the EPA.