MINUTE TO WIN IT Brain challenges Kate Schiavi & Tracy Thomas Louisville Free Public Library
INTRODUCTION Benefits of play and games What is a Minute to Win it Challenge? Resources Planning for the program Science-related challenges 3…2…1 – You have a minute to win it!
challenge! Stack them Up! Stack 7 Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups on your forehead and keep them there until the minute is up.
Challenge! Defying Gravity Tap 3 balloons to keep them off the ground for a minute.
Benefits of play and games We Play Here! Bringing the power of play into Children’s libraries. Children take play seriously Natural part of childhood Barriers to play Play deprivation can be serious!
Play is a factor in child development! Encourages imagination Emotional control Social competency Personal resiliency Continuing curiosity Increases sensory perception and skill Can help with math and reading skills
Challenge! Bean on a Straw Suck 10 beans onto the end of your straw, one at a time, and drop them in the cup at the opposite end of the table.
Challenge! Cotton Bowl Scoop 10 cotton balls surrounding the bowl into the bowl with a long spoon while blindfolded.
What is minute to win it? TV series Games for home, school, parties, online…why not libraries? The anatomy of a Challenge Lively competition TV series – 2010, 2011 hosted by celebrity chef Guy Fieri Game show that put teams through a series of up to 10 challenges to win $1 million Each challenge increased in difficulty as money amounts for each challenged increased People started trying these challenges at home, school, parties, etc. It seemed like a great fit for a library program. We first tried it out with teens, but found that younger children were willing to complete as well. Challenges last for one minute. The instructions are simple. The supplies often involve common household items. Promote problem-solving, dexterity, teamwork, and focus = brain power! The challenges involve lively competition. The challenges are fun and participants love to watch others as much as competing themselves.
resources Minute to Win It website: http://www.nbc.com/minute-to-win-it/ Pinterest boards YouTube Minute to Win It kit Click on games for a complete listing of games & instructions Videos (these all have ads) Search for board on Pinterest – lots to offer! YouTube: videos of challenges Kit: if you have multiple branches in yours system, consider creating a kit that can travel to all the branches with the supplies and instructions (show example of kit)
Planning for the program Length of program Look at your space Age appropriateness Format Length – The games only take a minute, but there will be some set up time so build that in. Space - some challenges involve a lot of space. There might be running, jumping, etc. so take that into account Age - don’t pick anything too complicated for the younger ones (keep in mind developmental appropriateness). Most school-age – teen patrons will be interested in this, but make sure the challenges fit the audience. Format – With larger groups, it is best to set up all the challenges in stations and let them rotate through the stations on their own (use the scorecard below) For smaller groups, you might choose to do one challenge at a time, letting everyone participate at the same time. Make sure you include at the beginning of the program and explanation on how to do each challenge
Planning for the program Supplies Theme Prizes Try the challenges Supplies - Pay attention to the supplies needed for the challenge. Most of the supplies can be found around the home or purchased rather cheaply (check out the dollar store!) Messy challenges are fun, but might not be appropriate for your setting. Consider outside challenges if the weather is nice. Theme - Do you want to pick games that fit with a particular theme? Examples: science Prizes – Do you want to offer prizes? Offer a Minute to Win It tournament with a champion? Think about scale? How big? How small? Try the challenge - This will help you determine if they are too hard, too easy, don’t work, etc.
Challenge! Floatacious In a big bowl of water, balance 5 empty soda cans on top of a plastic plate. The cans must stay stacked for at least 3 seconds.
Challenge! Separation Anxiety Separate 50 pieces of candy into five separate containers in a set color order.
Challenge! CD Dominoes Stand 20 empty CD cases on a table in a horseshoe formation. Set them off using a domino effect so that the final case falls off the table.
Challenge! Nose Dive Transfer 10 cotton balls, one at a time, from one bowl to another using only your nose, covered in Vaseline.
Challenge! A Bit Dicey Balance six dice on a popsicle held in your mouth and balance them there until the minute is up.
Challenge! Bobblehead With a pedometer attached to your forehead, move your head around and try to record 125 steps in one minute.
Let the games begin!
Let the games begin!
Let the games begin!
Let the games begin!