Science Lab Safety
Overview & Outcomes Welcome to your Lab Safety Course! While in science class you will conduct different experiments. Experiments and other activities are done in a lab setting. When you are in a lab setting there are special rules, equipment, attire, and procedures that you will need follow. This module will help you to understand these requirements so that you and your classmates will be safe in the lab!
Activities This module contains videos, presentations, and documents to help you learn lab safety. You will use these tools to create a lab safety motto, T chart, and draw a picture in order to demonstrate what you have learned. You will also take a short quiz to check for understanding. If at any time you are confused or need help please ask your teacher for help.
Responsibilities of Student Scientists As student scientists you will will work in labs. Labs give you the opportunity to work on hands on projects. In order to do that we need to use different tools and substances. Often times these tools and substances can be dangerous if misused. This means that labs need to have special expectations in order to ensure everyone's safety. In this section, you will learn how to be part of a safe science lab. It is very important to remember that we must work together to create a safe classroom. This means being responsible for yourself and those around you.
Lab Etiquette Start by watching the video on the next slide. This video will give you a quick overview of proper lab etiquette. As you watch the video think about how you can create a safe lab classroom. Be sure to pay attention to what you should do and what you shouldn't do in the lab.
ASSIGNMENT #1!!! - 2 points On your notes worksheet, take just a few minutes to create a T chart with "Lab Dos" on one side and "Lab Don'ts on the other. When finished, compare your list to the teacher’s copy.
ASSIGNMENT #2!!! - 2 points After watching the video and comparing your chart, please create a lab safety motto. A motto is a short statement that summarizes what you believe. Think about a statement that could be written on a banner and hung up in your classroom. Write your motto on the notes worksheet. Please review the rubric on the next slide before starting.
Lab Motto Rubric
Personal Protective Equipment While working in lab it is important to protect yourself from potentially harmful substances. One way we do that is by wearing personal protective equipment. Each lab is different and may require extra gear to keep you safe. If your teacher instructs you to wear any personal protective equipment make sure you keep it on until the lab is over. In this section, you will learn how and when to use different pieces of personal protective equipment.
Lab Attire Personal Protective Equipment is only one part of appropriate lab attire. You must also come into lab with properly dressed. Watch the video to the right and then be ready to give a student a science makeover.
ASSIGNMENT #3!!! - 4 points On your notes worksheet, list the 4 PPE items discussed in the video. Then, draw a picture of a lab prepared student. Please review the rubric on the next slide before starting. NOT prepared for lab!!!
PPE Rubric
Chemical, Fire, & Glass Safety While working in the lab you will be using various chemicals. It is important to know how to handle these chemicals. If they are not used properly chemicals may be very dangerous. The link below will instruct you on how to handle chemicals and what to do if there is an accident. One possible accident is a fire. In this unlikely event you need to know where the appropriate safety equipment is and how to use it. Please go to the Prezi HERE to learn more (be sure to watch the video on safety equipment!).
Spill & Broken Glass Clean Up More common accidents in the lab include spills and breaks. These minor mistakes are going to happen. By handling the accidents appropriately you can ensure that they do not lead to bigger messes or worse, an injury. Watch the movenote HERE to learn more.
ASSIGNMENT #4!!! - 3 points On your notes worksheet, demonstrate what you have learned by writing 3 rules for fire, glass, and chemical safety.
ASSIGNMENT #4!!! - 4 points Now that you know what safety equipment is in your classroom, it’s time to find it. On the back of your notes worksheet, draw a diagram of the classroom. Include the items listed on your worksheet in their proper location AND a short description of their use. Please review the rubric on the next slide before starting.
Safety Diagram Rubric
Practice Safety Quiz! - 5 points for completion The next 11 slides will contain questions to help prepare you for the lab safety quiz on FRIDAY, AUGUST 28th! Write your answers in the left side margin on your notes worksheet, then check your answers with the teacher when finished.
Whose A B C D
Whose A B C D
Question 11 In the cartoon to the right, list at least 3 things that make the lab station UNsafe.