Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’S) By: Holly Mixon
Have you ever heard of a gmo? Maybe……. But wait, why should I care anyway?
What are gmo’s? What does GMO stand for? What does it mean? What organisms are genetically modified, and who modifies them? Why do we have GMO’S?
Benefits Why do some feel that we need genetically modified foods? Environmental benefits….. Human benefits……
Negative Effects Why do some feel that we need to get rid of genetically modified foods? Economic negative effects…….. Human negative effects……..
Conclusion People have many different opinions on GMO’S Despite one’s opinion, GMO’S still have many benefits and many negative effects Do you have an opinion? (That is a rhetorical question.)
bibliography University of California. “Benefits of GM Food.” Genetically Modified Foods. 10/23/14. htm Suny Levin Institute.