Exercise Intensity and Blood Sugar Reduction in prevalence of hyperglycemia (RR) This study shows the effect of various exercise programs on blood sugar levels. When test subjects, all diabetics and overweight, ate a standard meal and then tested various modes of exercise, here is what researchers found. Compared to no exercise, moderate exercise was best in lowering the prevalence of hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) during the 24-hour test period. Weight training was second best, and high intensity exercise lowered the prevalence of hyperglycemia by only 19%. While all exercise is beneficial, these results suggests that moderate intensity physical activities are best for lowering the prevalence of high blood sugar during a 24-hour period which simulates real life. Moderate intensity activities are also better tolerated by sedentary individuals and those first starting an exercise program. Weight training, if preferred, is also very effective. The two together, moderate aerobics with weight training, might be even more effective. Both exercise routines burned the same number of calories. Meals were standardized for all test days. Each person did each program three times to get averages. All exercise was done on a bicycle ergometer. Lowering periods of high blood sugar help prevent health damage due to high sugar levels including eye damage, kidney damage, heart and brain damage, and risk of cancer. Reference: Manders RJ, et al. Low intensity exercise reduces the prevalence of hyperglycemia in type two diabetes. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 2010 Feb;42(2):219-225. (Baseline) 40% reduction 50% reduction 19% reduction Medicine and Science In Sports and Exercise. 2010 Feb;42(2):219-225.