Janvier Kubwimana CARE Rwanda Application of Community Score Card in different settings of Women Empowerment “Experience of CARE Rwanda” Janvier Kubwimana CARE Rwanda
Overview: Women in Power and Decision making Rwanda leads the world in terms of women’s representation in parliament: 56% between 2008-2013 and from 2014 at 64% (Rwanda statistical year book, 2014) 30% minimum quote for women’s representation in decision making organs District Councils-38% Judiciary-40% Female Governors-40% Female Ministers-40%
At the community level: How does the picture look like? Prepared/ equipped to meaningfully occupy?
What is the CSC? The CSC is a participatory governance tool that brings together community members, service providers, and local government to identify service utilization and provision challenges, and to mutually generate solutions, and work in partnership to implement and track the effectiveness of those solutions in an ongoing process of improvement. Underlying Rights Based Principles Participation and inclusion of voice Accountability and transparency Equity Shared responsibility
Theory of change-Governance work If Women are empowered through VSLA Improved & increased quality of services & Rights If- Women are confident to raise voice in local government planning & decision making process Then If-Meaningful participation of Women (action taking) in social accountability
Why CSC? CARE Rwanda’s Approaches to enhance women’s participation in decision making processes Women’s poverty and vulnerability stem from (among others) accountability challenges and issues related to collective action and problem-solving around socio-cultural norms issues. Meaningful participation of women @ grassroots level Women Emp. at agency level HH & family support Social support
Main Stages Follow up on the agreed action plan Monitoring of implementation of the action plans Meetings with decision makers Follow up on the agreed action plan Scoring by service providers/Local authorities CSC with service providers/Local leaders Problem identification and scoring exercises undertaken by citizens CSC with the community Gather info on services/rights that citizens are entitled to Preparation/input tracking
Main outcomes Actions from increased awareness: Increased trust between LA and communities Greater awareness about GBV rights and services Improvements in service delivery Increased confidence and influence
Changing attitudes and behaviours Outcomes, cont. Changing attitudes and behaviours Perceived reduction of GBV Broader impact on services
Learning from the scorecard experience The CSC is not a rigid one-size-fits-all solution to improving developmental outcomes. Rather, it needs to be applied as a flexible tool that can and should be adapted to the distinct contextual and operational environment in which it is implemented and based on the objectives and changes it intends to produce. The specific objective of a project will shape the design and implementation approach of a CSC initiative. Entry points and their mechanisms are key when implementing a CSC. Decisions on these need to be considered carefully against the project objectives and the broader context. The operational conditions of a CSC are critical and will affect programming implications. The background and approach of implementing partners will help with filtering and processing the project objectives, adapting the process even when these decisions are not deliberate. Scalability-sustainability- Gisagara district successfully adopted CARE’s CSC as an innovative model to engage citizens in giving feedback on the state of corruption and how it affects service delivery.
National tool for Citizen engagement Way forward National tool for Citizen engagement CARE, GMO, PFTH CSC