Caste System & Hinduism World History
Vedic Age (1500- 500 BCE) Sacred literature of the Aryans are called the Vedas Passed down by elders orally Four collections of spells, prayers, and instructions for rituals Rig Veda most important
India’s Vedic Age (1500-500 B.C.E.) Creation of the Caste System Aryan society was divided into four groups that were based on occupation Groups became more rigid as they had more contact with non-Aryan people Caste determined where you could work, who you could marry, who you could eat with, etc… Each caste represented a different part of the creator god Brahma
India’s Vedic Age (1500-500 B.C.E.) The four major castes The Brahmins- the priest caste, believed to have emerged from Brahma's mouth The Kshatriyas- the warrior or ruling caste, believed to have emerged from Brahma's arms The Vaishyas- the merchants or artisan caste believed to have emerged from Brahma's thighs The Shudras- the unskilled laborers and servant caste, believed to have emerged from Brahma's feet
India’s Vedic Age (1500-500 B.C.E.) The “untouchables” or Dalits Those too impure and unclean to be within the caste system Called untouchables because it is believed they were not created by Brahma and are unclean “Untouchability” was made illegal in 1950 when India adopted its constitution, but the law is hard to enforce in rural India where most of the population is located
Beliefs & Practices of Hinduism Hindus believe in one, all-knowing Supreme Being called Brahman This being is both creator and reality
Beliefs & Practices of Hinduism Hindus believe in the divinity of the four Vedas The world’s most ancient scripture Hindus believe that the universe goes through endless cycles of creation and destruction
Beliefs & Practices of Hinduism Hindus believe in karma The law of cause and effect by which an individual creates his/her destiny through his/her actions Affects the caste you are born into, how wealthy you are, your health, etc.
Beliefs & Practices of Hinduism Hindus believe that the soul reincarnates The soul evolves through many births until all karma is resolved and the soul achieves moksha, or liberation from the cycle of rebirth No one is deprived of this destiny
Beliefs and Practices of Hinduism Hindus believe that no religion teaches the only way to salvation above all others All genuine paths are facets of God’s true light and should be treated with tolerance and respect
Gods of Hinduism Most forms of Hinduism are henotheistic religions They recognize a single deity or universal soul (Brahman), and view other gods and goddesses as manifestations of Brahman, and accept existence or possible existence of other gods Different Hindu communities may have their own deities (gods) whom they worship Different ways of approaching the ultimate goal
Three Principle Gods: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva Hindus recognize Brahma as the creator of the world and all its creatures He has four heads, each representing one of the four Vedas He is the least worshipped god in Hinduism today (only two temples devoted to him)
Three Principle Gods: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva Preserver of the universe Lord of protection, sustenance, and maintenance Has links to a very early sun god and is considered by his worshippers to be the greatest among the gods
Three Principle Gods: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva Destroyer and re-creator of the universe Necessary because without destruction there can be no recreation Source of both good and evil, where opposites meet