Introduction to Genetics and Biotechnology Honors Genetics Ms. Gaynor
Myths About Genetics
What is Genetics? the study of how genes act to produce the characteristics of a living organism. This course will be divided into 3 areas of study: classical genetics how traits are inherited molecular genetics how DNA encodes traits genomics how all an organism's genes function and interact.
What will we study in Honors Genetics class? DNA and its function! We’ll mostly talk about eukaryotic cells (like yours) but we will also talk about prokaryotic (bacterial) molecular genetics. Topics will include DNA (gene) interactions Chromosomal inheritance Cancer Biotechnology Mutations GMO’s, stem cells and cloning
Central Dogma of Biology Where does it all START? Central Dogma of Biology TRAIT
Did you know? Scientist named Mendel 1st started studying genetics in 1800’s. BUT…DNA’s structure was discovered in 1953. Study of heredity called GENETICS evolved QUICKLY from the days of Gregor Mendel to DNA in LESS THAN 100 YRS! Discovery of the DOUBLE HELIX launched era of Molecular Genetics & Biotechnology
What came next in 1980’s? BIOTECHNOLOGY use of living organisms or their products to modify human health and the human environment. I LOVE GENETICS!
How do we use Biotechnology? Biotechnology helps us: Manipulating (change) DNA Allows us to replicate (clone) cells/ whole animals Turn genes “on” and “off” Biotechnology is continually expanding…. I’m called Copy Cat. What’s Your Name?
Why is Biotechnology (Genetic Engineering) Important? Biotechnology has been used for Paternal/Maternal testing and Gene therapy Forensic science/Criminology Medicines and therapies Gene Mapping Evolutionary relationships GMO’s Increased insect & viral resistance nutritional enhancement (new traits)
Biotechnology has 4 Applications in Major Industrial Areas health care (medical) Ex: hormone (insulin) production, genetic testing, gene therapy and cloning crop production and agriculture Ex: GMO foods, beer/milk products non food (industrial) uses of crops and other products Ex: Biodegradable plastics and biofuels Environmental uses Ex: bioconversion of waste using genetically altered bacteria in cleanup of oil spills
Genomics, Proteomics, and Bioinformatics are New and Expanding Fields studies genome (DNA) sequences Proteomics (DNA mRNA protein) studies protein (amino acid) sequences that lead to traits and characteristics All life has a common origin, and genes with similar functions in different organisms are similar in structure and DNA sequence.
Human Genome Project *Completed April 2003 3 billion base pairs long ~13 yrs to complete ~$3 billion dollars
How do scientists study Genetics? Use MODEL ORGANISMS An organism whose genetic material has been altered by genetic engineering techniques Model organisms for genetic study meet certain criteria: easy to grow short life cycle produce many offspring relatively inexpensive easy to manipulate/mutate “KNOCK OUT” or “TURN OFF” genes then look for consequences
What are some common MODEL organisms? E. Coli bacteria Yeast Nematode (round) worms called C. Elegans Fruit Fly called Drosophila melanogaster Common Mouse
Why not use HUMANS? Too big ~40,000 genes on 46 chromosomes 100 trillion cells (excluding RBC’s) 5-6 feet tall ~40,000 genes on 46 chromosomes 6 FEET of DNA Lifespan is long (40-75 years on average) New generation ~every 25 years Hard to mutate! Wait…it’s not ethical either! HUMANS ARE NOT AN EXPERIMENTAL ORGANISM
E. Coli bacteria (prokaryote) Commonly found in human digestive system 4288 genes on 1 chromosome Rapid growth Simple food needs VERY easy to manipulate its DNA Use their plasmids
Yeast (unicellular, eukaryote) Very small and easy to find 4000 line up to make 1 inch! Reproduces easily 6000 genes on 6 chromosomes 31% are equivalent to human genes Its ENTIRE genome of DNA was completely sequenced in 1996.
C. Elegans (Round worm) (multicellular, eukaryote) Very small 1 mm long! Hermaphrodites (male & female parts) Life span: 2-3 weeks New offspring EVERY 3 days 19,099 genes Many equivalent to human genes Taught us about: Cell suicide (apoptosis) and cell health, animal development
Fruit Fly called Drosophila melanogaster (multicellular, eukaryote) Small 4 mm long! Life span: 2-3 months New offspring EVERY 10 days 13,600 genes Many equivalent to human genes Its ENTIRE genome of DNA was completely sequenced in 2000. Lots of mutations to study!
Zebrafish (eukarytic, vertebrate) Vertebrate (like mice) Closer to humans than fruit flies or worms These fish lay 100’s of translucent eggs OUTSIDE the female’s body Can see developmental mutations easily!
Common Mouse (multicellular, eukaryote) CLOSEST relative to human among the “MODELS” Vertebrates & mammals like humans Life span: 2 years New offspring EVERY 9 weeks ~40,000 genes (same as humans) ~99% are equivalent to human genes
Common Mouse (multicellular, eukaryote) CLOSEST relative to human among the “MODELS” Vertebrates & mammals like humans Life span: 2 years New offspring EVERY 9 weeks ~40,000 genes (same as humans) ~99% are equivalent to human genes
Human Disease Genes ALSO Found in Model Organisms Flies, worms, and yeast share genes with humans for DISEASE, such as: Cardiac Disease Deafness Pancreatic Cancer Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Skin Cancer Wilson’s Disease Colon Cancer Leukemia Cystic Fibrosis
We Live in the Age of Genetics Genetics is the core of biology. Helps to understand the functions and malfunctions of a biological system. Next up…the study of different cell types!