The Great Achilles
Achilles is known mostly for being the great Greek warrior of the Trojan War.
There is however more to tell of this great mythical figure.
Achilles was born the son of King Peleus of the Myrmidons of Thessaly and the sea nymph Thetis.
To make her son immortal, Thetis dipped Achilles into the River Styx as a child. Though some say he was dipped in a holy fire.
With this, Achilles did indeed become immortal with one exception
...his heel by which his mother held him during the dipping.
Achilles made the decision to be a great warrior when he was young.
He made the choice live a quiet life without fame and fortune and die old?
Or have all the fame and fortune you could want and die young Or have all the fame and fortune you could want and die young. Witch would you choose?
Achilles was one of the greatest warriors he slayed thousand man armies by himself.
Although King Agamemnon was afraid to use this force because Achilles didn’t fight for anyone but himself
Agamemnon is afraid Achilles will be the fall of Troy.
From there, Achilles went on to defeat many foes and fight heroically until finally Paris, with help from Apollo, shot Achilles with a poison arrow in the one place where he was vulnerable...his heel.
This of course is where we get the expression Achilles Heel basically meaning your weakness. No matter how great you may be, you'll always have a weakness, your Achilles Heel.