Europeana eu Alun Edwards & Ylva Berglund Prytz
Public contributors uploaded 1,488 submissions to project website in 4 months The project uploaded 729 submissions (about 3,500 digital objects) from 6 public participation days Public contributions to The Great War Archive 60% of the submissions March- June 2008 were directly received through our website Website: A Flickr group continues to collect, 3,325 images to date Costs per item: First World War Poetry Digital Archive cost £40.00 / item The Great War Archive cost £3.50 / item
E.g. at the Norwich submissions day, Tues April 8 th project staff, including a subject expert 3 local volunteers About 700 images / recordings were made From this the project catalogued and uploaded 169 digital objects (images and audio) The Great War Archive Approx 60 contributors brought in family keepsakes
Project Woruldhord or world-hoard 4,000 objects collected, mainly learning resources to teach early medieval English history & literature. Roughly 70% online contributions, with no submission days. Collection continues.
JISC rapid innovation projects: developing community content, e.g. Welsh Voices of the Great War Online, using RunCoCo software and guidelines 2,500 objects collected. Roughly 80% from submissions days or direct contact ( / post); very little from the public online. Welsh Voices of the Great War Online
E.g. at the Munich submissions day, Weds April 6 th UK, 3 DNB, 1 PR staff 8 local staff & volunteers About 4,400 images etc. Catalogued and uploaded 210 digital objects Erster Weltkrieg in Alltagsdokumenten Approx 100 contributors brought in family keepsakes
On July 14 the website had 460 contributors 27 countries 74% Germany 22% female, 72% male
1,041 submissions (1,112) 13,131 attached files Approved July 9 (July 14):
172 submissions (166) 2,312 attachments Awaiting approval 9 July (14 July)
Where are they from?
Attachments (9/7) Submissions
Average page views/day (May: 177) June: 2,163 July: 2,178 Average hits/day June: 25,662 July: 25,012 Page views: May (31 days?): 5,474 June (30 days): 64,892 July (11,5 days): 25,043
Popular pages (June 2011) 1. /de/contributions/search 2. /de 3. /de/browse 4. /en/contributions/search 5. /en 6. /de/contributor 7. /de/about 8. /en/browse 9. /de/admin/contributions 10. /de/contributions/1313/at tachments Other27,792 (47%)
Referring pages: How do they find us? wind/2011/06/beteiligt-euch physical_and_onli...
What are they using?
To sum up: Most submissions day (1) cataloguing done About 1,100 contributions, 13,000+ files About 40% online contributions About 2,500 visits to site/day Search/browse most popular
Any questions?