Origin of Charon Charon is the son of Nyx and Erebus. His parents were siblings. He was the brother of Thanatos and Hypnos. Nyx is the Greek goddess of the night. Erebus is the Greek god of darkness.
Charon's Power and special ability He has superhuman strength, long life and resistance to energy. He also may have skills in shape shifting and magic.
Story of Charon Charon is the ferryman of the dead. He gathered the souls of the dead from the upper world and lead them down the shores of Styx and Acheron. Charon transferred them across the waters to Hades, who was the leader of the underworld. If they haven’t received good burial or unable to pay the fee, the souls were left to wander the earthly side of Acheron while haunting the world as ghosts. In Greek culture, Charon was described as a ugly man with a beard and a crooked nose, wearing a tunic. Now they describe him as a skeleton-type creature with a black overtop and a ferry.
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