How to create an Interest Accrual Request using My AmeriCorps Online Account Compiled from Montana and Washington Campus Compacts
What is Interest Accrual & Am I eligible? As an AmeriCorps alum, you are eligible to have the National Service Trust pay all or a portion of the interest that accumulated on your qualified student loan(s) during your term of service. To be eligible to have accrued interest paid: The loan must have been placed in forbearance for the service period, (while you were still serving!!) AND You must have successfully completed a term of service and received an Education Award. See the How to Request a Loan Forbearance PowerPoint to learn how to request that your loan be placed in forbearance.
Visit the AmeriCorps Homepage: Click MyAmeriCorps: Login
Log into your account. (Have your loan information handy.) You will need your loan account information to complete the request. (Loan company, type of loan, and account number.) *See Create MyAmeriCorps Account PowerPoint if you need assistance setting up an account.
Once you are logged in you want to select Create Interest Accrual Request.
Select your Term of Service:
Select (Search for Institutions):
Select the state where your loan holder is located, if you do not know, select Search: Select state and then search
If your Loan Holder is not listed, select not found:
If you do not know this information, check with your financial aid office. They also have your loan type and number available. You must fill this information out! Enter your Loan Holders Information here: (Loan Type and Loan Number must be filled out!)
You must Certify and Submit your request:
You can track the progress of your request from your home page: select My Education Award: On your My Education Award page, you will be able to see all the activity you have done with your account, and if the institution accepted or denied your request. The National Service Trust is not the authorizing figure when it comes to loan accrual approval. Ultimately, your loan institution is the approving authority. Check your loan paperwork ( fine print ) to see if you are eligible.
If you need further assistance: The National Service Trust: My AmeriCorps Hotline: