Hamartia and Hubris
Noun A fatal flaw leading to the downfall of a tragic hero or heroine. Hamartia Definition Example Noun A fatal flaw leading to the downfall of a tragic hero or heroine. In Greek mythology, the hamartia of Oedipus was that he did not know his own origins, causing him to kill his father and ending up marrying his own mother.
Hubris Definitions Example Noun Excessive pride or self- confidence (In Greek tragedy) Excessive pride toward or defiance of the gods, leading to nemesis (the inescapable agent of something's of someone's downfall) In "Paradise Lost" by John Milton, Satan is a character that suffers hubris. He loses hi position through giving in to his excessive pride. His hubris is what made him try to take control of Heaven.
Multiple Choice
What type of literature are hamartia and hubris typically associated with? Comedy Nonfiction Tragedy Allegory Tragedy
In "Hamlet" by William Shakespeare, what is a hamartia for Hamlet? His Royalty His mother's rushed remarraige His indecisiveness His father's death His indecisiveness
Which of these are major parts of a hubris? Generosity or kindness Stupidity or curiosity Obsessive or stubborn Pride or self-confidence Pride or self-confidence
Hamartia or Hubris
Hamartia Hamartia or Hubris Achilles, a legendary hero of Greek mythology, was a nearly invulnerable warrior with one widely known flaw: the heel that his mother held him by when she dipped him into the Styx River to make him strong. Achilles' most notable feat, during the Trojan War, was the slaying of the Trojan hero Hector outside the gates of Troy, but he was killed near the end of the Trojan War by Paris, who shot him in the heel with an arrow. Was Achilles' heel an example of a hamartia or a hubris? Hamartia Hamartia or Hubris
Hamartia or Hubris Hubris Victor in "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley is a character whose down fall is caused by his arrogance and pride. He strives to become an unparalleled scientist and creates a "monster" which ultimately becomes the cause of his disaster. Was Victor's arrogance and pride an example of a hamartia or a hubris? Hamartia or Hubris Hubris