Paths to Literacy: Introducing an Online Hub Presented by Charlotte Cushman
Welcome and Introductions Charlotte Cushman, M.L.S., M.Ed. Project Manager Training and Educational Resources Program Perkins School for the Blind Watertown, MA This presentation is also available as a webinar on the Perkins website: You can earn 1.5 ACVREP credits for watching it and taking a short multiple choice test.
In memory of Jim Durkel, whose vision, dedication, and creativity helped to make this website possible.
Todays Objectives Explore the literacy website hosted by Perkins School for the Blind and Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired Become familiar with the range of content available on the site Identify ways in which the site can be of assistance to individuals working in the field of blindness Learn how to get Continuing Education Credits
for students who are blind or visually impaired This website is designed to be an interactive resource for educators and family members of children who are blind or visually impaired, including those with additional disabilities.
Project Background Joint venture between Perkins School for the Blind and Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired Discussions started in 2010 Wanted to capture resources that were disappearing from the web Interest in using more social media and interactive tools Initial site development sponsored by a grant from the Verizon Foundation
Whats on the home page?
Site Overview Content areas 12 content areas with an overview and instructional strategies, as well as specialized topics Types of content Strategies Resources Research Technology Interactive features Forum Comments Sharing content using social media tools Posting new content
Content Areas The site is divided into 12 content areas: General Literacy Learning Media Assessment Emergent Literacy Multiple Disabilities Braille Struggling Readers Print Writing Dual Media English Language Learners Auditory Strategies Math Literacy
General Literacy What is Literacy? Instructional Strategies for Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired Overview of Assistive Technology Strategies Resources Technology Research Forum
Learning Media Assessment Learning Media Assessment Educational Module LMA Forms Sample LMAs Deciding Between Print and Braille Special Considerations in the LMA if the Child Has a Hearing Loss Strategies Resources Research Forum
Emergent Literacy Helping Young Children to Develop Emergent Literacy Skills Early Literacy and Students with Multiple Disabilities Developing Routines Story Boxes Tactile Experience Books Strategies Resources Technology Research Forum
Multiple Disabilities Instructional Strategies for Students with Multiple Disabilities Curriculum and Assessment Story Boxes and Story Boards Types of Books and Modifications Language Experience Books Object Books Predictable Books Accessible Books Power Point E-Books Modifying books Adapted Adapted Literacy Strategies Resources Technology Research Forum
Braille Pre-Braille Instructional Strategies for Teaching Braille Tactile Graphics Production of Braille Brailler Repair Strategies Resources Technology Research Forum
Struggling Readers Instructional Strategies for Struggling Readers Indicators for Possible Learning Disabilities Determining the Impact of the Particular Eye Condition Wilson Reading System for Struggling Readers Case Study of Braille Student Using the Wilson Reading System Strategies Resources Technology Research Forum
Print Instructional Strategies for Students with Low Vision Magnification Strategies Resources Technology Research Forum
Writing Instructional Strategies for Writing Emergent Writing Writing Process Oral Strategies Writing for Students with Multiple Disabilities or Deafblindness Tools for Writing Braille Tools for Handwriting and Print Spelling Strategies Resources Technology Research Forum
Dual Media Overview of Dual Media Instructional Strategies for Dual Media Learners Strategies Resources Technology Research Forum
English Language Learners Overview of Literacy for English Language Learners Instructional Strategies for English Language Learners Strategies Resources Technology Research Forum
Auditory Strategies Instructional Strategies for Auditory Readers Developing Listening Skills Assessment and the Importance of Hearing Teaching the Use of a Reader Play with Sound! Strategies Resources Technology Research Forum
Math Literacy Overview of Mathematical Literacy Instructional Strategies for Mathematical Literacy Strategies Resources Technology Research Forum
Strategies The strategies in each section are intended to be activities or practical ideas that can be used with students. These can be searched through the individual content areas (for example Writing – Strategies or as a whole, displaying all strategies).
Resources As with strategies, you can find resources in each of the content areas, as well as in a list showing all of the different areas.
Technology These posts include tips and news related to technology in various content areas.
Research View research by content area (as shown in left sidebar) or view all research.
Blogs We currently have 10 regular bloggers, covering a range of topics, from technology to ideas for preschoolers, from parenting young children to braille
Accessibility Features Choose the view that you prefer, selecting the color and size of the font, as well as the color of the background. For people using a screen reader or screen magnifier, we have included a link to "Main Menu" in the tabs across the top, so that you will be able to find the information quickly and efficiently.
Whats New? New posts of strategies, technology, resources, and research display on the home page from each of the content areas.
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Upcoming Events See what is happening in the world of literacy and post new events.
Registering with the site Anyone can browse the site or post comments, but in order to post content or participate in a forum, you must be a registered user. You will automatically be subscribed to our blogs once you register.
Forum As readers pose questions to a forum in any content area, the new questions and responses will be posted in this block on the home page. Participate in discussions related to any of the content areas.
Subscriptions Users can subscribe to receive automatic notifications whenever new posts are made for content areas they select.
Posting Content In addition to an overview, each of the different content areas includes the following sections: Strategies (Stay tuned to learn how you can get credit for this!) Resources Research Technology You can also post upcoming events and comments, and participate in the forum.
Getting Credit for Submitting a Strategy Two credits may be awarded for the successful submission of a strategy or activity to Paths to Literacy We encourage you to submit ideas that you have developed or materials that you have modified for literacy activities for students who are blind or visually impaired, including those with additional disabilities.
How to earn credits Step-by-Step Instructions are available with screenshots and detailed guidelines of how to post.
Rubric for Earning Credit Criteria Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exemplary Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of content and applicability to professional practice Post does not demonstrate knowledge and understanding of content and applicability to professional practice (e.g. not clearly related to literacy and students who are blind or visually impaired) Post demonstrates some evidence of knowledge and understanding of content and applicability to professional practice Post demonstrates clear evidence of knowledge and understanding of content and applicability to professional practice Demonstrates creative solutions or ideas through original activities, materials, or comments Post does not demonstrate creative solutions or ideas through original activities, materials, or comments (e.g. duplicates existing content) Post demonstrates some creative solutions or ideas through original activities, materials, or comments Post demonstrates clear creative solutions or ideas through original activities, materials, or comments Completes all fields of the template and successfully upload to site Not all fields are completed or uploaded to the site All fields are completed and uploaded All fields are completed and uploaded, with optional fields as well (URL and/or video)
Posting a comment You dont need to be a registered user to post comments, although you do have to fill out the accessible Captcha.
Featured Media Featured videos and audio files or podcasts are embedded in the various Content Areas
Featured Questions This block shows a different popular or significant question in various content areas. We invite you to respond and participate in the discussions!
Site map At the bottom of each page is a link to the site map, which shows the contents of the full site.
Searching the site Search for information across the whole site by using the search bar Search within a content area for Resources, Research, Strategies, Technology
How can the site be used? Resource Online arena for discussions Keeping up with current research Vehicle for earning Continuing Education Credits
How can you contact us? is the address for the site. We welcome your ideas and comments!