Atmosphere/ Hydrosphere Graded Review Stations: This should take you 4-5 minutes per station
Properties of Air: Read all instructions first! View the videos on the following slides 2. Fill in the chart 3. Pick one of the properties of air and explain how you can show it in a lab environment.
Station 1 Meter Stick:
Station 2 Beaker and Water: https://vimeo Station 2 Beaker and Water: and
Station 3 Research:
Station 4 Fan:
Station 5 Balloon & Flask:
Station 6 Temerature:
Heat transfer Read all of the directions first Click on the link and examine the 3 forms of heat transfer science/sce304/heat-transfer-conduction-convection-radiation What are the 3 forms of heat transfer? Draw them in your sheet and describe how heat is transferred. 2. Examine the image below. Explain how it shows each of the forms of heat transfer.
Atmosphere Complete the chart Label the layers of the atmosphere
Hydrosphere Click on the link and complete the activity Id=087777c8-4ff0-45d2-878f-e7cd90f7ee19 Complete the diagram on your worksheet 2. What form of heat energy drives the water cycle? 3. What is the ultimate source of energy in the atmosphere?
Fronts Read all instructions first Fronts Read all instructions first! (You may need to do a little google searching) Watch the video and answer your questions ts/ Define “Air Mass” What is a front Complete the chart with the type of front, symbol, and weather
Climate Factors (You may need to dig a bit) Create the diagram below on your paper. What does LOWERN stand for? What are two climate factors that affect Maryland’s weather?
Vocabulary Go to the class website Click on “Vocabulary” Click on “Hydrosphere and Atmosphere” Click on the link on the right that says “Vocabulary Practice” Record any terms that you get incorrect the FIRST time.
Remake Station Redo any work for me that you might want to redo. Check the class website for assignments that you might need to complete. When finished, go to the vocabulary section on class website and practice vocabulary some more or visit one of the other sites for study assistance