Ancient Greek Woman, Religion & Games CHW3M
Marriage Lives of woman were sheltered under control of male relatives Greek woman usually married around 15 to a man that was 30-35 chosen by the brides father. Before the wedding the girls toys were sacrificed to Goddess Artemis, symbolizing the end of childhood.
The Role of Woman Woman played an important role in the home. Jobs included managing finances food housework spinning weaving caring for children. There was very little for them outside the home. Woman were only permitted to go to the market and attend woman only events. Husbands and wives also lived in different parts of the home.
Divorce Wives were expected to be fully devoted to their husbands. If a husband suspected a wife of being unfaithful he could divorce her and keep the dowry and children. Spartan Woman Spartan women were more liberated own property compete in athletic events encouraged to develop intellect married at a later age
Greek Religion Greek Gods Religion in Ancient Greece was polytheistic with many Gods and spirits which represent different aspects of life or nature. People would worship the Gods they found most useful. Many of their beliefs were childlike and came without moral instruction or their influence. Greek Gods Greek God were from one very large extended family and lived on Mt. Olympus. Their behaviours and emotions were very human. (Think Soap Opera)
Interacting with the Gods Each temple was built for a specific god and was meant to make them feel comfortable when they visited Earth. Prayer and worship were a very important part of Greek religion. Families would begin the day with prayer, and who they prayed to depend on what they were doing that day. If one did not pray in the right way or make the wrong sacrifice the Gods could be offended and reject their prayers.
The Afterlife Asphodel Fields Tartarus Elysian Fields After death the soul would travel to Hades by boat on the Styx river. The soul would eventually be meet by three judges. Who would decide the finally resting place. Asphodel Fields A boring place where most would drift around aimlessly Tartarus Eternally punishment, pain and misery for the wicked. Elysian Fields Eternally paradise for the few that lead good and blameless lives
The Ancient Greeks held many festivals in order to please the God’s so the would grant the people’s wishes, like a good harvest or victory at war. Ceremonies included plays, music, dancing and athletic competitions. Most of the games were for local competitors but some attracted participants from all over ancient world. The Olympic Games The Olympic games were a five day festival held every four years for Greece, held for Zeus. Wars would even be put on hold so people could attend the event.
Events Included pentathlon (discus, javelin, running, jumping and wrestling) running events horse and chariot races wrestling and boxing Winners received a laurel wreath. But the real prize lay in the glory in competing and victory. Athletes were treating like heroes upon the return home.