Internet Programming
Course Overview Course Name : INTERNET PROGRAMMING Course Code : 11EM3O1 L-T-P structure : 3-0-2 Course Credits : 4 Course Coordinator : Dr.M.KAMESWARA RAO Course Instructors : Dr.M.KAMESWARA RAO, Dr.D.B.K.KAMESH, Dr.K.V.D.SAGAR, Mrs.P.S.G.ARUNA SRI, Mrs.SHAHANA BANO, Dr.K.RAVINDRANADTH, Mr.V.VIJAY KUMAR
Course Objective The Objective of the course is to enable the students to acquire foundations of the technologies like HTML, CSS, Servlets and Java Server Pages for design and development of interactive dynamic web pages.
Course Outcomes CO No: CO SO BTL CO1 Create web pages using HTML, CSS and Javascript. k 3 CO2 Apply object oriented programming features in Java to solve computing problems. a,k 2 CO3 Create dynamic web pages using Java Servlets and JDBC. CO4 Create dynamic web pages using Java Server pages and MYSQL database. CO5 Create simple web based applications using HTML, CSS, JSP and MYSQL. K
COURSE OUTCOME INDICATORS (COI): CO No. COI-1 COI-2 COI-3 CO1 Create a set of interlinked web pages using basic HTML tags related to text, Image, hyperlink, list ,iframe, table and form related elements. Apply inline/ internal/ external CSS to change the look and feel (style) of web pages. Apply the basic concepts related to objects and event handling in DHTML to a web page. CO2 Apply the basic object oriented programming features like Encapsulation, Inheritance and polymorphism in java to solve various computing problems. Apply the concepts related to packages, exception handling and multithreading in java to solve computing problems. Apply the concepts related to I/O streams and applets in java to solve computing problems. CO3 Understand the need of Servlets, Servlet architecture, life cycle methods and basic programming constructs. Create dynamic web pages and process form data using HttpServlets Create servlet scripts that establish connection with a database to read /send data using JDBC. CO4 Create JSP scripts using basic scripting elements and directive elements. Create JSP scripts to process data sent via HTML forms Create JSP scripts to send /receive data to/from MYSQL database. CO5 Design and develop a web based application using HTML, CSS, JSP and MYSQL.
Syllabus HTML, DHTML, Cascading Style sheets, XML. A closure look at Methods and classes, Inheritance, Packages, and Exception handling. Multithreaded programming, I/O, Applets and other topics, the Applet class, Event handling. Servlets and java server pages, data access through the web. Architecture for database access, the My SQL database system, database access with JDBC and MySQL
Text Books
Text Books
Equal weightage for all the lecture sessions (5 %) Evaluation Component Weightage/Marks Date Duration (Hours) CO I CO II CO III CO IV CO V COI Number 1 2 3 BTL Test 1 Weightage (%) 7.5 1.5 7.5 Max Marks (30) 10 Test 2 1 0 Test 3 LTC 30 Attendance Weightage (5%) Equal weightage for all the lecture sessions (5 %) Lab Experiment 5% Semester End Project Weightage (%) 10 10% Max Marks () Semester End Lab Weightage (%) 5 Semester End Exam Weightage (45 %) Max Marks (60) Question Number
Course Handout
History of Web The World Wide Web ("WWW" or simply the "Web") is a global information medium which users can read and write via computers connected to the Internet. Tim Berners-Lee HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) HyperText Markup Language(HTML), the first Web browser (named WorldWideWeb, which was also a Web editor), the first web server (
Client- Server Architecture
Web Technologies
Browser Vs Server
List of Browsers WorldWideWeb, February 26, 1991 Mosaic, April 22, 1993 Netscape Navigator and Netscape Communicator, October 13, 1994 Internet Explorer, August 16, 1995 Opera, 1996, see History of the Opera web browser Mozilla Navigator, June 5, 2002[19] Safari, January 7, 2003 Mozilla Firefox, November 9, 2004 Google Chrome, September 2, 2008 Etc…
Hypertext Markup Language Hypertext- Hypertext is text which contains links to other texts. Markup language- a notation used to annotate a document's content to give information regarding the structure of the text or instructions for how it is to be displayed.
HTML HTML is a language for describing web pages. HTML is a markup language A markup language is a set of tags The tags describe document content HTML documents contain HTML tags and plain text HTML documents are also called web pages
HTML Versions
HTML Structure
HTML Tags HTML markup tags are usually called HTML tags. HTML tags are keywords (tag names) surrounded by angle brackets like <html> HTML tags normally come in pairs like <p> and </p> The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag The end tag is written like the start tag, with a slash before the tag name Start and end tags are also called opening tags and closing tags Example : <tagname>content</tagname>
HTML Tags HTML is a language of mark-up “tags” in angle brackets: <> <html> … </html> (Required!) Basic tag to identify portion of file that contains HTML <html> is an opening tag </html> is a closing tag (note the direction of the slash!) text between the opening and closing tag is called the “element” <head> … </head> (Required!) placed at the top of document immediately after the <html> tag tags information about the document, e.g. author, style, etc. contains the required document <title>...</title> tag
HTML – Required Tags <title> … </title> (Required!) included as an element inside the <head>…</head> section element of this tag is the title displayed in title bar of the browser may also be used as title of page when page is bookmarked should be meaningful and uniquely identify the page <body> … </body> (Required!) included as the second element inside the <html>…</html> tags. follows the <head>…</head> portion of the document contains the information to be displayed in the browser window any attributes set on this tag will apply to the entire page
HTML Elements In HTML, most elements are written with a start tag (e.g. <p>) and an end tag (e.g. </p>), with the content in between: Example : <p>This is a paragraph.</p>
HTML Editors An HTML editor is a computer program for creating web pages HTML can be edited by using a professional HTML editor like: Adobe Dreamweaver Microsoft Expression Web CoffeeCup HTML Editor text editor like Notepad etc…
How to Create and View an HTML document? DEMO