Kelsi Linville, MA. Two-year SOF-alternatives grant funded by DMHA Two-fold goal of program: Prevent inpatient hospitalizations Provide non-traditional.


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Presentation transcript:

Kelsi Linville, MA

Two-year SOF-alternatives grant funded by DMHA Two-fold goal of program: Prevent inpatient hospitalizations Provide non-traditional supports to promote independent living and an enhanced quality of life

HTS has two full-time and one part-time Certified Recovery Specialists (CRSs) employed in Hendricks county HTS has one full-time CRS employed in Putnam county More details to come in Session 2

Housing Community Resources Social Activities Health Employment

Loans for consumers (particularly those who have lost their entitlements) to pay rent deposits, the initial months rent, utility hook-up fees, and other necessities associated with accessing independent housing Crisis funding for medications and emergency situations

Transportation for treatment Transportation for community-based activities consistent with the individualized Game Plan

1. 95% of individuals who are ready for community placement will be visited in the SOF or other hospital by a Recovery Coach for introductions, housing needs assessment, and initial Game Plan development.

2. Reduce the number of SOF and/or psychiatric inpatient readmissions by 20% compared to FY Establish baseline for initial hospital admissions.

4. Financial assistance from the Home to Stay Fund will be available to 100% of qualified applicants. 5. The non-crisis Home to Stay Fund repayment rate will be 75%.

6. 75% of consumers served will achieve involvement with Cummins Supported Employment services % of persons served through the program will obtain employment.

8. In each county, promote consumer- managed social network and regular, structured, consumer-operated activities.

9. Distribute written Home to Stay program model materials to all state providers and announce consultation and technical assistance availability. 10. Conduct one training event for statewide audiences on the Home to Stay model.

11. Respond to 100% of phone or consultation requests within two business days. 12. Respond to 100% of on-site consultation requests within three weeks of request.

Percent reduction in psychiatric hospitalization as compared to 12 month period of prior to starting the program for persons served by the ITCD program: July 2012 through September 2012: 26.5% reduction (Target 2%) July 2012 through December 2012: 15.4% reduction (Target 10%) July 2012 through March 2013: 25.2% reduction (Target 15%) July 2012 through June 2013: 19.6% reduction (Target 20%)

Percent reduction in psychiatric emergency contacts for persons served by the ITCD program: July 2012 through September 2012: 35.1% reduction (Target 2%) July 2012 through December 2012: 9.7% reduction (Target 5%) July 2012 through March 2013: 35.4% reduction (Target 8%) July 2012 through June 2013: 38.9% reduction (Target 10%)

Percent increase in retention in treatment for persons served by the ITCD program: July through September FY 2012: 104 out of 108 retained = 96.2% July through September FY 2013: 145 out of 147 retained = 98.6% July through December FY 2012: 105 out of 110 retained = 95.4% July through December FY 2013: 155 out of 159 retained = 97.4% July through March FY2012: 107 out of 115 retained = 93% July through March FY2013: 186 out of 194 retained = 95.8% July through June FY2012: 114 out of 118 retained = 96.6% July through June FY2013: 202 out of 208 retained = 97.1%

Service mix Role identification Scheduling with multiple providers Procedures surrounding loan fund Determining eligibility Developing internal processes for repayment tracking Follow up of non-repayment

Importance of role definition among service providers early and often Necessity of clear communication Power of peer recovery services