1 - Christ’s Love Is All I Need


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Presentation transcript:

1 - Christ’s Love Is All I Need 1. Though dark and dreary be life's way And burdens hard to bear; There's One whose love will never fail, My heart shall never despair. My hope is staid in Him today And He will safely lead; To that sweet home beyond the sea, Christ's love is all I need. Words & Music: George W. Sides © 2009 The Paperless Hymnal®

1 - Christ’s Love Is All I Need © 2009 The Paperless Hymnal®

c - Christ’s Love Is All I Need Christ's love is all I need, each day, I know I know Christ's precious love is all I need, He'll lead me safely on life's way, I know, I know Christ's precious, precious love is all I need. © 2009 The Paperless Hymnal®

c - Christ’s Love Is All I Need © 2009 The Paperless Hymnal®

2 - Christ’s Love Is All I Need 2. Though trials press on every side And many snares there be; I look in simple faith to Him, Who calmed the stormy sea. He is the Shepherd kind and true, His sheep He'll ever feed; This cheers me on and makes me strong, Christ's love is all I need. Words & Music: George W. Sides © 2009 The Paperless Hymnal®

2 - Christ’s Love Is All I Need © 2009 The Paperless Hymnal®

c - Christ’s Love Is All I Need Christ's love is all I need, each day, I know I know Christ's precious love is all I need, He'll lead me safely on life's way, I know, I know Christ's precious, precious love is all I need. © 2009 The Paperless Hymnal®

c - Christ’s Love Is All I Need © 2009 The Paperless Hymnal®

3 - Christ’s Love Is All I Need 3. And when I hear the boatman's call, Come cross the chilly tide; I shall not fear to launch my bark, For Christ is at my side. He bore the sting of death for me, Has met my every need; And so I sing the sweet refrain, Christ's love is all I need. Words & Music: George W. Sides © 2009 The Paperless Hymnal®

3 - Christ’s Love Is All I Need © 2009 The Paperless Hymnal®

c - Christ’s Love Is All I Need Christ's love is all I need, each day, I know I know Christ's precious love is all I need, He'll lead me safely on life's way, I know, I know Christ's precious, precious love is all I need. © 2009 The Paperless Hymnal®

c - Christ’s Love Is All I Need © 2009 The Paperless Hymnal®