Open Source Access Manager™ ONAP Proposal Blaine McDonnell
Open Source Access Manager™ (OSAM) Agenda How did we get here? Open Spec Hardware Progress OSAM - Hardware Abstraction (aka VOLTHA) Where we are on OpenSource Software vAccess Target Architecture Open Source Access Manager™ for ONAP Open Source Access Manager™ Lifecycle
How did we get here? Agenda 2015 2016 2017 Guiding Principles: OCP/ONF Engagement 2016 Access Controller 2017 POC and Field Trials Guiding Principles: Open Hardware & Software Abstract and Harmonize Hardware interfaces and data Harmonize wireline (XGS, NGPON2, 25G-PON, and wireless Access (xRAN, xHaul, NGFW) under common vAccess Framework DevOps model for accelerated development and integration Leverage our Investment in ONF (Service Provider Driven) Full Life-cycle management – commercial support and maintenance channels Align ONF and ONAP initiatives
Open Spec Hardware Multi – Sourced Open Firmware & OS Addition Specs FPGA 25G-PON PON Open OSP Universal Cabinet Radio Over Ethernet
OSAM - Hardware Abstraction (aka VOLTHA) MicroService Suite for Many Peripherals Modular Adapters Adapter Whitebox OLT NGPON2 OLT 25G PON OLT MicroOLT FPGA OLT Messaging Adapter Cluster Coordination Persistence API Harmonization Extensible Core REST OpenFlow NETCONF Modular North Bound Common Abstraction framework shared by all Access Network Devices in OSAM-HA 2.0 Adapter Adapter Whitebox DPU DPU Healthy Eco-system built around Multi–Sourced & Commercially supported Components
Where we are on Open Source Software
vAccess Target Architecture OSS/BSS (Reduced) Tech Dev ONAP Integration VNF IO OLT ONAP Foundation ONF (2015-2017) OSAM Open Source Access Manager Central Compute ONAP Distributed Access Management & DevOps Tooling OSS/BSS Generally Edge Domain Controller & vAccess VNFs Community Collaboration N/Y REST & NETCONF vAccess Applications ONF vAccess Tenants Vendor EMS Vendor Agnostic APIs NETCONF OpenFlow Proprietary Controller OSAM Hardware Abstraction Disaggregated Device SW Hardware Adapters Grey Box Hardware OCP Adapter Driven Merchant Silicon w/Open SW White Box OCP Hardware xPON,, NGFW, xRAN, xHAUL…
Open Source Access Manager™ for ONAP ONAP Operations Manager (OOM) Portal Framework UI, ONAP CLI UI & DevOps Tooling Models & Services Models & Services Policies Dashboard OA&M (VID) Active & Available Inventory (AAI) Data Collection Analytics and Events (DCAE) Policy Framework Common Services Recipes, Rules & Policies Service Design & Creation (SDC) Orchestration (SO) AAF OOF Micro Services Bus / DMaaP Topic & Queues Logging Multi-Cloud Adaptation Cloud/VIM Driver SDN-C (L0-L3) YANG Models Directed Graphs APP-C (L4-L7) OSAM Others Catalog Domain Specific Controllers (DSC) Recipe/Eng Rules & Policy Distribution DSC … OSAM - Control Hypervisor, OS, Container Layer Network Function Layer ONAP Core Foundation xRAN OSAM - HA VNFs … xHaul UP CP OSAM Updates for ONAP OpenStack OLT DPU PNFs … CU/DU g/eNodeB vAccess Peripheral Applications Kubernetes Network Hardware Public Cloud Edge Cloud DC Cloud
Open Source Access Manager™ Lifecycle Technical Design and Architecture Open Source TST engagement through Epics and User Stories Supplier and carrier engagement Software development and contributions back to community Proof of Concepts Field Trial Release L-OSAM to ONAP and build ONAP-vAccess Supplier commercial integration, maintenance and support