Mission Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve (MANERR) Rae Mooney Department of Marine Science
MANERR *delineated in black UT Marine Science Institute
Objectives Delineate Mission and Aransas Watersheds Analyze Land Use/Land Cover Data Analyze Precipitation and Streamflow Data Effects of Storm Events on Estuary
Mission and Aransas Watershed NHDPlus (with the help of Tyler Jantzen) Watershed exports into Copano Bay Mouth of Mission River Mouth of Aransas River
Precipitation Annual (in/yr) Graph of monthly Precipitation and Streamflow data *soon to come
Texas Coast Weather Very unpredictable 1991-41cm 1992-81cm 50-year average 30 cm Dunton, K. H., B. Hardegree, and Terry Whitledge. 2001. Responses of estuarine marsh vegetation to interannual variations in precipitation. Estuaries 24:851-861.
Land Use/Land Cover
LULC Most: Row crops Pasture/Hay Grasslands Orchards/Vineyards Forests Fertilizer
Watershed Exports and Storm Events Calculate Runoff * to be completed Compare Runoff and Precipitation data Storm Events and LULC Possible increase N in estuary
Next year at UTMSI… Surface water samples Analyze water chemistry Focus on Storm Events Non-point source pollution
Questions?? Thanks!