Characteristics of Settlement Subtitle
English Colonization: Chesapeake Colonies Add your first bullet point here Add your second bullet point here Add your third bullet point here
Types of Colonies Joint Stock – colonies granted to private companies in the hopes of creating profits from colonization Proprietary – land granted to individuals for the purpose of creating colonies; the individuals had the right then to grant land to whomever they chose Royal – colonies headed by the English crown/government itself
Was the first English colony in the New World Virginia Was the first English colony in the New World Was a joint stock colony granted to the Virginia Company of London The first settlement was Jamestown, and was established on the James River in 1607
Disadvantages of Jamestown Climate & Environment Marsh land Hot summers/Cold Winters Profit VA Company of London needs immediate $$$ Sexist Starving Time
Source of Money!!!!! John Rolfe brings the cash crop (1613) Indentured Servitude 5-7 years then free What is it?
Rise of Plantations Headright system Who prospers? 1624- VA turns into a royal colony
1649 Religious Act of Toleration ALL Christians; ONLY Christians Maryland Religious Toleration 1649 Religious Act of Toleration ALL Christians; ONLY Christians Tobacco
New England Colonies
Higher life expectancy (70 years) Better environment Differences to VA/MD Religious freedom Middle class families Better morale Higher life expectancy (70 years) Better environment
First Settlers (Separatists) Pilgrims: complete separation from the church of England 1619: granted right to head to the VA territory Blown off coast; 1620 made it to Cape Cod Mayflower Compact: government based on democratic, majority rule Indians (Squanto) helped teach the settlers how to farm and fish Example to the rest of the world Puritans: create a new way to follow the Church of England Joint Stock charter from Massachusetts Bay Company Self-governing because of error in charter
Massachusetts Bay Company John Winthrop- governor for 19 years Lawyer Devout religious follower “city upon a hill” Bicameral legislation All male members could participate Colonies were not tolerate of other religions Colonies did not work well together
Rhode Island (“Waste Can of the Colonies” Roger Williams- exiled from Massachusetts Bay Colonies God is found within each person; NOT inside the Church Total separation of church and state Native Americans should be seen as friends Religious toleration Separation of church and state
Other New England Colonies Connecticut Fundamental Orders of Connecticut: representing government for all land owning white males (not just church members) Maine and New Hampshire Would be owned by Massachusetts
Middle & Southern Colonies
1661: Charles II regains the control of England The Beginning English Restoration Monarch would be overthrown and replaced with a Puritan leader (Oliver Cromwell) 1661: Charles II regains the control of England Decided to go colonize the New World
The Carolinas North Carolina Freedmen from VA and several settlers from New England Small, self-sufficient farms were set up Autonomous rule; democratic government South Carolina Charleston was the most important city of the South Originally intended to be a supply hub for the Caribbean Cash crops Indigo and rice helped England profit Factor economy developed (BAD)
New York Originally owned by the Dutch; never made much of a profit James II took the lands from the Dutch Freedom of religion and freedom of language “No taxation without representation” 1683- representative assembly New Jersey created from New York Colony
Middle Colonies Pennsylvania William Penn & the Quakers Equality of men and women Nonviolence (no military) Religious authority was found in a man’s soul NOT the church Named “Penn’s Woods” Goals Religious freedom Marketing to bring more settlers to the colony Compensate Native Americans for taking their land Government Representative assembly Freedom of worship Unlimited immigration
Georgia 1732: GA created because of overcrowding in jails Created as a buffer colony Get rid of debtors and criminals from England Only colony to receive money from the King Led by James Oglethorpe Banned slavery Drinking rum Debt imprisonment