Hunan Asesu ac Asesu Cyfoed


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Presentation transcript:

Hunan Asesu ac Asesu Cyfoed Y 4 prif elfen sydd angen eu cysidro wrth Asesu ar Gyfer Dysgu (AarGD) Y Dysgwr yn chwarae rhan weithredol Rhannu Amcanion Dysgu a Meini Prawf Llwyddiant Cwestiynu effeithiol Adborth effeithiol Hunan Asesu ac Asesu Cyfoed

Gwyliwch y clip fideo canlynol: Sut y mae John Hattie yn esbonio’r gwahaniaeth rhwng Amcanion Dysgu a Meini Prawf Llwyddiant?

Watch the following video clip: How does John Hattie explain the difference between Learning Objectives and Success Criteria?

Sut y mae canolbwyntio ar ddatblygu sgiliau er mwyn sicrhau dilyniant? “The context of the learning objective is simply the activity…decontextulised learning objectives make the generation of ...[a] success criteria a relatively simple task.” Clarke (2005) Beth yw ‘decontextualised learning’ (’neilltuo o’i gyd-destun’)?

How to focus on skills development to ensure progression? “The context of the learning objective is simply the activity…decontextulised learning objectives make the generation of ...[a] success criteria a relatively simple task.” Clarke (2005) What is meant by decontextualised learning?

(Assessment Reform Group, 1999, in Thomas and Lewis 2016, p.17) “[T]he use of assessment to help pupils learn is one of the weakest aspects of practice in calssrooms across the UK.” (Assessment Reform Group, 1999, in Thomas and Lewis 2016, p.17) Why in your opinion? Pam yn eich barn chi?

“One of the main issues around assessment for learning is that it has been dominated by gimmicks rather than focusing on helping teachers fully understand its principles.” (Boyle and Charles, 2010, in Thomas and Lewis 2016, p.17) What is meant by ‘gimmicks’? Pam ‘gimmicks’?

“However if done properly, ‘Assessment for learning is assessment which extend children’s learning because it enhances teaching’.” (Nutbrown, 2006, in Thomas and Lewis 2016, p.17)

Cysidrwch y sefyllfa ganlynol: Mae athro yn gofyn i blant labelu eu gwaith gan ddefnyddio’r system ‘goleuadau traffic’. Yna mae’r athro yn gofyn i’r plant roi ‘bawd i fyny/bawd i lawr’ er mwyn dangos pa liw maent wedi ei ddefnyddio. Yn dilyn hyn mae’r athro yn paru y ‘gwyrdd’ gyda’r ‘oren’ er mwyn canolbwyntio ar y ‘coch’. Ydi’r athro wedi osgoi defnyddio ‘gimmicks’ er mwyn sicrhau fod yr Asesu ar Gyfer Dysgu (AarGD) yn datblygu’r plant? Sut?

Consider the following scenario: A teacher has asked the pupils to use ‘traffic light icons’ to label their green, amber or red according to whether they think they have good, partial or little understanding. Pupils are then asked to use the ‘thumbs up/thumbs down’ to indicate whether they have noted green, amber or red. The teacher then pair up the green and amber to deal with problems between them, whilst the red pupils can be helped as a group. Has the practitioner avoided using ‘gimmicks’ to ensure AfL extend children’s learning?

Did the ‘green’ pupils benefit from the teacher’s intervention? Vygotsky Piaget

A wnaeth y disgyblion ‘gwyrdd’ elwa o ymyrraeth yr athro? Vygotsky Piaget

Are the questions used effective? Shirley Clarke – Self/peer/teacher feedback. Watch the following video clip: Are the questions used effective? Do you think the self/peer/teacher feedback is effective? Why?

Ydi’r cwestiynau a ddefnyddiwyd yn effeithiol? Shirley Clarke – Self/peer/teacher feedback. Gwyliwch y clip fideo canlynol: Ydi’r cwestiynau a ddefnyddiwyd yn effeithiol? Ydi’r adborth gan yr athro/cyfoedion yn effeithiol? Pam? A roddwyd cyfle iddynt adfyfyrio’n bersonol?

Task : Reflect on the lesson plan and consider the following: 1. Does the trainee understand the difference between Learning Objectives and Success Criteria? 2. Has the trainee differentiated the Success Criteria and used child friendly language? 3. Are the AfL strategies effective in that they allow children’s learning to be constantly reviewed? 4. Do they extend the children’s learning and enhance the teaching. Why?

Tasg : Edrychwch dros y cynllun gwers: 1. Ydi’r hyfforddai yn deall y gwahaniaeth rhwng Amcanion Dysgu a Meini Prawf Llwyddiant (MPLl)? 2. Ydi’r hyfforddai wedi gwahaniaethu y MPLl ac wedi defnyddio iaith sy’n briodol i blentyn? 3. Ydi’r strategaethau AarGD yn caniatáu i ddysgu’r plant gael ei adolygu’n gyson ? 4. Ydi’r strategaethau AarGD yn ehangu dysgu’r plant ac yn cyfoethogi’r addysgu? Pam?

Task : Use ‘post its’ to provide supporting advice/constructive feedback.

Tasg : Rhowch adborth adeiladol. Defnyddiwch labeli gludiog ‘post its’.

Weekly review of teaching and progress tracker Carefully read the expectations for each section. Evaluate the example that you have been given. You have 10 minutes to complete this task.

Gwerthusiad wythnosol o’r addysgu a thraciwr cynnydd Beth yw’r gofynion ar gyfer pob adran? Gwerthuswch yr esiampl o fewn 10 munud.

Ydi’r sgiliau yn addas/heriol/wedi eu gwahaniaethu? Adfyfyriwch ar yr enghraifft sy’n datblygu TGCh, Llythrennedd a Rhifedd yn drawsgwricwlaidd. Uwcholeuwch ac anodwch y canlynol (mae gennych 15 munud i gwblhau’r dasg): Ydi’r AD/MPLl yn adlewyrchu’r sgiliau TGCh, Llythrennedd a Rhifedd mae’r hyfforddai yn canolbwyntio arnynt? Ydi’r sgiliau yn addas/heriol/wedi eu gwahaniaethu? Ydi’r strategaethau AarGD yn caniatàu i’r hyfforddai asesu’r sgiliau TGCh, Llythrennedd a Rhifedd yn effeithiol? A yw’r sgiliau yn cael eu tracio o fewn camau’r wers yn glir? Observe maths mastery lesson and American lesson

Are the skills suitable/challenging/differentiated? Annotate and use a highlighter to highlight the following on the cross curricular lesson plan that is focusing on developing pupil’s ICT, Literacy and Numeracy skills : You have 15 minutes to complete the task Do the LO/SC reflect the ICT, Literacy and Numeracy skill(s) the trainee is focusing on? Are the skills suitable/challenging/differentiated? Do the AfL strategies assess the pupils’ ICT, Literacy and Numeracy skill(s) effectively? Are the ICT, Literacy and Numeracy skills clearly tracked within the lesson? Observe maths mastery lesson and American lesson

Jersey or Red Holstein cow?

Beth yw’r berthynas? Sut y mae sicrhau dilyniant mewn sgiliau? Drwy gychwyn â’r hyn y gall plentyn ei wneud! Beth yw’r berthynas?

What is their relationship? How to ensure progress in skills? Begin with what children can actually do! What is their relationship?

The Monkey Business Illusion Illusion 27

Clarke, S. (2014) Outstanding Formative Assessment: Culture and Practice. London: Hodder Education   Dweck, C (2012) Mindset : Changing the Way You Think to Fulfil Your Potential. London: Little Brown Book Group. Glazzard, J. and Stokoe, J. (2011) Achieving Outstanding on your Teaching Placement. London: SAGE Grigg, R. (2014) Becoming an Outstanding Primary School Teacher. London: Taylor & Francis Ltd. Hattie, J. (2013) Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximising Impact on Learning. London: Taylor & Francis Ltd. Robinson, C., Bingle, B. and Howard C.(2015) Your Primary School-Based Experience : A Guide to Outstanding Placements. Northwich: Critical Publishing Ltd. Thomas, A. and Lewis, A. (2016) An Introduction to the Foundation Phase. Bloomsbury Wyse, D. and Rogers, S (2016) A Guide to Early Years and Primary Teaching. London: SAGE