Unit 6: The Cold War AH.HI.G26 Notes
Content Statement 26 The Cold War and conflicts in Korea and Vietnam influenced domestic and international politics.
38th Parallel Following World War II the U.S. and the Soviet Union divided the Japanese controlled area of Korea at the 38th Parallel North Korea would be communist South Korea would be democratic
Korean War (1950-1953) North Korea invades South Korea in 1950 Truman’s original objectives were to contain communism and push the North Koreans back past the 38th parallel Stages of War: 1st Stage - N. Korea pushes S. Korea to southern tip of country 2nd Stage – General Douglas MacArthur invades North Korea despite warnings from China 3rd Stage – China enters war forcing the U.S. to make a decision (declare war on China? MacArthur supports it but Truman does not) 4th Stage - Stalemate
Bay of Pigs (1961) Fidel Castro led a successful communist revolution in Cuba during the 1950s The Bay of Pigs was sponsored by the CIA training Cuban exiles to start a revolution to overthrow Castro 1,400 Cuban exiles were captured or killed in an unsuccessful attempt leaving the U.S. looking foolish
Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) The Soviet Union moved missiles in Cuba just 90 miles from the U.S. Missiles were found by U.S. spy planes The U.S. blockades Cuba in an effort to remove the missiles Closest conflict to a full scale war between the U.S. and Soviet Union
Space Race (1955-1969) The Soviet Union launched Sputnik the first satellite in space in 1957 As a result the U.S. launched the New Frontier and spent more money on science education The Soviets sent the first man so space while the United States was the first to orbit the earth (John Glenn) Space race ended in 1969 when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon.
Vietnam Geography - hilly, thick forest, jungle, and deltas. Controlled by Japan prior to World War II Split following World War II (North – communist, South – democratic)
The Enemy NVA – North Vietnamese Army/Vietcong – Communist supporters living in South Vietnam Original objective of U.S. military was to train South Vietnamese army in case of attack Difficult to distinguish civilians from Vietcong
Ho Chi Minh Trail a vast network of jungle trails connecting North and South Vietnam VC used tunnel networks to hide and transport supplies guerilla warfare – could attack and flee unseen
War of Attrition hoped to outlast the enemy Conducted “Search and Destroy” Missions civilians suffered greatly during these S and D missions
Tet Offensive Vietnamese New Year (ceasefire) attacks in over 100 cities VC lost the offensive, but moral for US and S. Vietnam was weakened
Anti-War Movement organized marches in Wash. DC protested napalm and agent orange burnt draft cards
Hawks vs. Doves Hawks – supported U.S. involvement in Vietnam War Supported containment Criticized Johnson’s limited war Doves – Vietnam was not our business It was a civil war Said Johnson was sacrificing lives for an undeclared war
End of War Vietnamization – build up of South Vietnamese Army Made South Vietnamese do more fighting to withdraw U.S. troops Reduce the deaths of American troops