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Collaboration Within the department Across departments Top to bottom Saying “we need better communication” is not enough Moving on Collaboration As equally unsexy as workflow Equally important Types P2P across departments P2P within a department Lead/Supervisor with developer The key is good communication Easy to say, hard to do Saying “we need good communication” lacks the courage of clarity It should be an outcome, not a requested action I’ll talk about one thing we do to help create a collaborative climate
The Environment Design Guide Established Clear Goals Image heavy Full of specifics Establish clear goals that everyone agrees on Allows us to frame requests in concrete terminology Allows us to compromise on specifics We don’t need to argue about a rock, because we talk about the purpose it serves This doesn’t work 100% of the time, but it helps Created environment design guide Clear, concise, image heavy Contains specific layout & object placement guidelines Allows us to frame requests in terms of goals, player experience Allows us to dodge fuzzy language “it’s better for gameplay” Helps to avoid debates about feelings… “it doesn’t look good” “it doesn’t play well” I’m going to step through one guide We have other as well Collision guides, encounter guides
The Rules Some of our rules For artists & designers These are the high level rules of environment creation, specifically related to pathing & object placement
Effortless Movement The player can traverse the world with minimal thought. Our game is not about jumping puzzles or complex navigation, so the levels should be smooth and easy to navigate. This includes minimizing unclear path choices as well as situations with tricky collision. We test this by running around objects in the map. If you get stuck, then the collision needs work. Halo levels are always a great example of effortlessly navigable spaces, through the use of large clear obstructions and a lack of small objects to catch on, thus the image.
Clear Goals At a glance, upon entering the world, the player can always see a clear path to their goal. The goal should be visually significant enough that it communicates its importance to the player. This objective space is clearly the most important area in this region
Clear Cover At a glance, the player should be able to determine the type of protection they will receive from a specific piece of cover. This large concrete block clearly will protect the player from heavy ordinance
Abundant Safety No matter where the player is in the world, they should feel like they are within reach of a location of relative safety. The player should never die thinking that they had no control over their fate. This is represented in a simple unreal unit distance. If you can drop this sphere in the map and have it touch nothing, then you need another piece of cover of some sort. The player is never more than a few seconds from a place of cover
Interior LOS blockers At any given moment, threats can come from a manageable number of directions. This room is one in which the player can know every point of entry, but has no place where he can guard them all. Our interiors adhere to this. They all have entrances arranged such that you can’t watch every entrance from any single position. This forces the player to make a risky decision whenever they set up inside an interior
Support player tools Every tool choice that the player makes should have a valid usage in as much of the map as possible. There are specific guides for many mechanics here that I can’t go into
Limit LOS Snipers and long range weapons should be limited both by the mechanics and by the environment. Mechanics as a sole limiting factor as inadequate, as the limits become too obvious if the environment doesn't also support the range limitations. Many things obstruct the line of sight from this raised roof area
Protected Spawns There need to be areas of relative safety from the objective, for safe player spawning These points are protected from the main conflict area of the active objective
Meaningful Choices The environment should always present the player with meaningful choices. At a basic level, this means allowing them to choose between different unique cover options. At a more advanced level, this may mean giving multiple clear paths into a space with unique advantages and disadvantages. In this situation, the player can choose from multiple different entrances to the barn, each offering unique gameplay opportunities Basically if every path through a space is the same, then it needs to be fixed.
Travel Times Travel times should be balanced and equal for each team from spawn to objective. Specifically, it needs to be less than 30 seconds run time.
Max Z/Encounter Range The player should need to periodically look up and down, although not at such extreme angles that threats could be coming from far outside their view frustrum. We use this encounter ruler to validate heights for enemy placement. There are multiple heights for conflict, but all fall within the standard field of view of the player We can drop this asset into any encounter to validate enemy positions.
Landmarks Our environments should be easy to mentally model into a complete image of the map. This means using clear regions, nodes, paths, landmarks, and borders to enforce the idea of 'neighborhoods' within a map. This image shows a mental map of downtown Boston, from The Image of the City As a rule, someone should be able to describe every major space within a map with a simple one or two word description that will not describe another place in the map.
More paths out than in In MP objective spaces, the defender should have a stronger position than the attacker. To support this, objectives should have more paths out than in wherever possible. This image shows that attackers need to approach the space from low ground, and the defender can escape in any direction
No Bad Paths We should never lead the player down a path that they need to turn 180 degrees to exit, or that takes them on an unusually serpentine route to the other side. Although a small example, this represents an area that would be a bad choice for pathing You might also call something like this a path bucket or trap.
Infantry Safety Infantry should always have a safe area from vehicles with which to meaningfully effect objectives. Vehicles should be able to effect some objectives, but it is not a requirement. This objective can be capped by infantry and vehicles, however infantry has dedicated safe space
Break the Rules! That was a lot of rules Reference in times of strife Break them, but make sure it’s for a good reason