ME2110: Creative Decisions and Design Final Report and Presentation Review Session The George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30332
Agenda The Next Two Weeks Final Report Overview Final Presentation Overview Judging Overview
This Week Final Competition is Friday!!! Show up at 4:45pm in MaRC atrium Judging begins at 5pm Competition begins at 6:15pm Hopefully, done by 9:15pm Invite your friends and family!!
Next Week Final Report and Presentation due in studio Peer Evaluation Forms
Final Report Requirements Maximum of 10 pages of text Include Table of Contents Include Bill of Materials Follow style guidelines and formatting
Final Report Outline Cover Page Abstract Table of Contents Introduction Design Overview Design Presentation Methods and Results Closing Figures and Tables
Abstract Summary of what is presented in the report Include relevant numerical results Final Competition results Judging Results Include “takeaway” point
Introduction Problem Definition Engineering Challenges What is the objective of this project? What are the most important rules? Engineering Challenges NOT the same as the rules or constraints NOT the same as the tasks End with “roadmap” sentence/sentences
Design Overview Begin with the complete machine What points are you going to score? What are your subsystems? What is the general operation? Full system figures Give main dimensions of the machine Indicate what is the front of the machine Show subsystems
Design Presentation Divide discussions by subsystem Subsystem description Give more detail of each subsystem Use “zoomed” figures of each subsystem
Discussing Designs Cite the Figure List the design components Check for consistency of names Use descriptive functional names
Methods and Results Need to include and discuss Specification sheet Function Tree Morph Chart House of Quality Management and Planning Tools Two alternative concepts Concept Evaluation (using evaluation matrices)
Discussing Design Tools Cite the tool. State how the tool has been used to address the assigned task. Concisely describe the tool (one sentence maximum). Present details by calling out and speaking to three cells / entries. State how the information in the tool will be used in the next steps of this design process.
Methods and Results (cont.) Present two alternative designs Complete Designs. Not just the subsystems. Less detail than chosen design Each description should “stand on its own” Concept Evaluation Use evaluation matrices (1st-3rd level presented in class) Do not use the numbers as sole reason for choice
Results Present Numerical Results Analysis of Results Judging Competition Analysis of Results Discuss in terms of the design process What assumptions were correct?… incorrect? What items were weighted too heavily?… too lightly? What would you change and/or improve on your design?
Conclusion Outlines what was just presented in the report Include relevant numerical results Final Competition Judging What is the “takeaway” point?
Final Presentation Requirements Less the 10 minutes One speaker Content is similar to final report Follow guidelines in Lectures from Dr. Donnell
Suggested Outline Title Slide Agenda Problem Definition Chosen Design (complete system) Chosen Design subsystems 2-3 main design tools (the most important to YOUR design process) Two Alternative concepts Highest order evaluation matrix you used Results and Analysis
Judging State how many points you expect to obtain per round State what your machine is going to do, and what objectives it will complete Show which subsystems obtain which points Demonstrate a subsystem Be ready to explain A) What’s clever, B) What’s unreliable, C) Why you stuck with this design, D) How much did it cost
Reminders Clean, Sweep and Vacuum the lab thoroughly this week. Find any missing parts of your kit Have fun on Friday! Any questions?