The Transfiguration: The Path to Glory


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Presentation transcript:

The Transfiguration: The Path to Glory Lesson 4.8 Matthew 6:13-7:13

Setting Feeding 4,000 and other miracles Matthew 6:1-12 Warning about Pharisees Caesarea Philippi (click Philippi for a 2 minute video)

Overview The Transfiguration of Jesus teaches us that the path to glory always leads through suffering. This is not for Jesus only, but for every one of his disciples and followers. We learn this lesson by viewing one character from this story in particular: Peter.

Who is the Son of Man? Setting: Caesarea Philippi (northern Israel). Jesus asked the disciples a very important question: “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” The disciples responded by listing the popular beliefs among the people. “Some say you are... “John the Baptist”: because he was killed unjustly, some believed (especially King Herod) that John had been raised to walk again as Jesus. “Elijah/Jeremiah/one of the prophets”: Jesus’ teachings sounded very similar to that of many of the prophets in the OT, so people assumed one of them had returned to minister in Israel again.

Who do YOU say I am? Jesus then asked who the disciples thought he was. Peter (the bold one) spoke up and said, “You are the Messiah, the Son of God!” Jesus blessed him because of this answer by saying “on this rock, I will build my Church.” Peter’s name in Greek is “petros” meaning “rock.” Jesus was saying he would be stable and strong in faith as long as he focused on Christ.

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Jesus’ Prediction Peter knew that Jesus was the Messiah, but he didn’t understand what it meant to be the Messiah. Jesus said “he MUST go to Jerusalem and suffer…and be killed…and be raised.” He didn’t say it would happen; he said it had to happen. Jesus’ suffering was inevitable and required. In order for God to show love in a world of suffering and sin, He had to enter into that suffering and sin. If he didn’t, he would’ve missed what it means to be human (Hebrews 4:16)

A Baptism World The path to glory must go through death in God’s world. This was not a new concept in Jewish thought; the world operates on the principle of baptism. Death leads to resurrection life; there is no shortcut. Examples: Creation- life rose from the waters Noah’s Flood- a new creation from floods Red Sea- Israel became a nation after walking through water Jesus’ Baptism- foreshadowed his death and resurrection

Peter’s Rebuke The disciples did not understand what Jesus had to do, so much so that Peter “rebuked” Jesus. This is the same word used when Jesus “rebuked” demons out of possessed men. But Jesus “rebuked” him back for behaving as an agent of Satan! Peter went from being a “rock” of the Church to a “stumbling block” tripping up Jesus. Jesus then taught them that those who lose their lives will receive the greatest reward in the Kingdom.

The Transfiguration

The Transfiguration Matthew 16 ends with a weird promise from Jesus: “There are some here who won’t die until they see the Son of Man coming into his kingdom.” What did he mean by “some?” How is it possible that these men wouldn’t die that far from now? The answer to these questions is in Matthew 17. There is a chapter break, but there is no break in thought. Key phrase: “After six days…”

The Transfiguration 6 days later, Jesus took 3 disciples (Peter, James, and John) with him up a mountain and there he was “transfigured.” Transfigure: to transform into something more beautiful or elevated. This was the fulfillment of his promise in Matthew 16. On this mountain, Jesus stepped outside of time and revealed himself as he looks in His Kingdom. Thus, the disciples never died; they just saw the future.

Peter’s Perspective Peter thought the time of Jesus’ rule and reign had come. He wanted to build houses for all of them to live in on that mountain. But then God spoke, terrifying the disciples, and when they recovered from this, everything had returned to normal. The point: Death had to come before Kingdom glory. Glory awaits for Christ’s followers, but there is suffering leading us there! Pray for boldness.